Bank OCBC NISP Highlights the Importance of Women's Representation in Business and Economy through CurrenShe Campaign

3 Nov 2022

  • As part of #TAYTB Women Warriors, CurrenShe campaign aims to encourage women to take part of the nation's economy.
  • The campaign uses banknote that is an economic symbol as the medium to utilize Augmented Reality (AR) technology.
  • ‘Perempuan Kuat Ekonomi Bangsa Hebat’ Art Installation is open for public viewing at Sarinah Thamrin Mall on 3-24 November 2022.

Jakarta, 3 November 2022 – In commemoration of the 76th National Money Day or Hari Oeang Republik Indonesia (HORI), Bank OCBC NISP launched CurrenShe, a campaign movement that encourages women to take more prominent role in contributing to the nation’s economy. This movement is part of the Bank’s commitment in empowering women.

According to the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises, the contribution of MSMEs to the State's National Income reaches 61.1% in 2021 and most of them (64.5% or 37 million) are managed by women. Furthermore, a survey from Bank Indonesia conveyed that the proportion of women in strategic corporate positions continues to increase, and there is a projected additional USD 28 trillion world GDP if gender equality is implemented. Thus, the role of womenpreneurs in supporting the nation's economy is very significant.

Parwati Surjaudaja, President Director of Bank OCBC NISP said “Supporting women is smart and correct to advance our economy. We hope our CurrenShe initiatives can be a reminder on how great and powerful women have also contributed to build Indonesia.“

“We encourage women to pursue their dreams as well as aspiration, and to not be hesitated to become leaders in the economic sector. We believe that having men and women together will compliment and give greater impact. This will support the country's acceleration in realizing Indonesia Emas 2045. However, support from all relevant stakeholders is needed to achieve this inclusiveness," added Parwati Surjaudaja.

In supporting the realization of Indonesia Emas 2045, Bank OCBC NISP also takes role in increasing the financial literacy and inclusion through the #TAYTB Women Warriors program - a financial solution for women entrepreneurs that combines individual and business needs that is supported by beyond banking services.

Through this program, the bank continues disbursing loans amounting to IDR3.0 trillion or has increased by 38.2% YoY as of 30 September 2022. This program has a total of 1,248 women entrepreneurs, in other words has increased by 22.5% YoY. As a company, Bank OCBC NISP continues encouraging women to grow - this is reflected in the composition of the Bank's employees, in which 54% are women. Not only that, the management structure of Bank OCBC NISP is also characterized by the presence of women; 25% of the Board of Commissioners and 44% of Board of Directors are women.

About #TAYTB Women Warriors
#TAYTB Women Warriors program is financial solution for women entrepreneurs that combining the individuals and businesses needs supported with beyond banking services. The program provides comprehensive solutions, including Manage solutions - banking services to manage personal and business finances anywhere and anytime, free online transfer fees, BI Fast, SKN and RTGS. Grow – a business credit solution to develop a business, where customers can get special interest and free admin fees for women, and a Live solution – which a beyond banking support in the form of continuous learning and the business community at To find out more about the program, visit #TAYTB Women Warriors.

About CurrenShe Campaign
CurrenShe encourages the importance of women's representation in the business and the economy sectors by using banknote an economic symbol as the medium to utilize Augmented Reality (AR) technology. Public can get to know Indonesian women heroes who have played a major role in the struggle for independence and equality since colonial times. They can participate in this campaign by visiting, and scanning the nominal banknotes of Rp100,000, Rp50,000, Rp20,000, Rp10,000, Rp5,000, and/or Rp2,000. After that, images and audio will appear telling the hidden stories of different women heroes behind each nominal. The heroes consisted of Laksamana Malahayati from Aceh (Rp2,000 nominal), Nyi Ageng Serang from DI Yogyakarta (Rp5,000 nominal), Andi Depu from Tinambung, West Sulawesi (Rp10,000 nominal), Maria Walanda Maramis from Sulawesi (Rp20,000 nominal), Hj Rangkayo Rasuna Said from West Sumatra (Rp50,000 nominal), and Opu Daeng Risadju from Tanah Luwu, South Sulawesi (Rp100,000).

‘Perempuan Kuat Ekonomi Bangsa Hebat’ Art Installation is open for public viewing at Sarinah Thamrin Mall on 3-24 November 2022.
More information about the CurrenShe campaign can be accessed at

Overview of Bank OCBC NISP
Bank OCBC NISP was established in Bandung in 1941 under the name Nederlandsch Indische Spaar en Deposito Bank. As of September 30, 2022, Bank OCBC NISP serves customers through 197 office networks in 54 cities in Indonesia. Furthermore, customers could conduct transaction through the Bank's 490 ATM, more than 98,000 ATM networks in Indonesia, and connected to more than 600 OCBC Group ATM networks in Singapore and Malaysia. Bank OCBC NISP also serves customers through various digital channels, including mobile banking and internet banking – both for individuals and corporations. Bank OCBC NISP is one of the banks with the highest credit ratings in Indonesia, namely idAAA (stable) from PEFINDO and AAA(idn)/stable from PT Fitch Ratings Indonesia. Bank OCBC NISP also received Bank of The Year award from The Banker, London for 4 consecutive years, The Best Bank for SMEs In Indonesia award from Asian Banking & Finance for 9 consecutive years, from Alpha Southeast Asia for 5 consecutive years, from GBAF Publication in Global Banking and Finance for 3 consecutive years and Asiamoney for 3 consecutive years.

Brand & Communication Division, Bank OCBC NISP

Brand & Communication Division
OCBC NISP Tower, Jl Prof Dr Satrio Kav 25, Jakarta 12940
Tel: 021- 25533888; Fax: 021-57944000
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Aleta Hanafi
Division Head,
Mobile: 62-8119860068
Chandra Novita
Mobile: 62-8111071069

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