SME Interest & Fees

Detailed information on interest and transaction fees for OCBC NISP SME products

  • Simpanan & Investasi
  • Pinjaman
  • Treasury
  • Services


    Business Smart

    Business Signature

    Giro Umum



    Deposito Berjangka

    Deposito Devisa Hasil Ekspor

Fee Jumlah Unit
 Administration fee  Rp 30,000.-  per month
 Fall below fee  Free  per month
 Non-OCBC NISP ATM balance inquiry fee Rp 4,500.-   per inquiry
 Non-OCBC NISP ATM withdrawal fee Rp 8,000.-   per withdrawal
 Interbank transfer fee Rp 6,500.-   per online transfer
Rp 2,000.-   per LLG (Internet/Mobile/Velocity)
Rp 2,900.-   per LLG (Over the counter)
Rp 25,000.-   per RTGS (Internet/Mobile/Velocity < 14:00 WIB)
Rp 30,000.-   per RTGS (Over the counter)
 Remittance fee Rp 100,000.-   per TT
 Chequebook order fee Rp 275,000.-   per book
 Card replacement fee Rp 20,000.-   per replacement
 Stamp duty fee Rp 10,000.-   per stamp
 Account closure fee Rp 100,000.-   
Fee Jumlah Unit
 Administration fee  Free  per month
 Fall below fee  Rp 100,000.-  per month
 Non-OCBC NISP ATM balance inquiry fee Rp 4,500.-   per inquiry
 Non-OCBC NISP ATM withdrawal fee Rp 8,000.-   per withdrawal
 Interbank transfer fee Rp 6,500.-   per online transfer
Rp 1,000.-   per LLG (Internet/Mobile/Velocity)
Rp 2,900.-   per LLG (Over the counter)
Rp 22,500.-   per RTGS (Internet/Mobile/Velocity < 14:00 WIB)
Rp 30,000.-   per RTGS (Over the counter)
 Remittance fee Rp 75,000.-  per TT
 Chequebook order fee Rp 275,000.-   per book
 Card replacement fee Rp 20,000.-   per replacement
 Stamp duty fee Rp 10,000.-   per stamp
 Account closure fee Rp 100,000.-   
Fee Jumlah Unit
 Administration fee  Rp 50,000.-  per month
 Fall below fee  Free  per month
 Non-OCBC NISP ATM balance inquiry fee Rp 4,500.-   per inquiry
 Non-OCBC NISP ATM withdrawal fee Rp 8,000.-   per withdrawal
 Interbank transfer fee
Rp 6,500.-   per online transfer
Rp 2,000.-   per LLG (Internet/Mobile/Velocity)
Rp 2,900.-   per LLG (Over the counter)
Rp 25,000.-   per RTGS (Internet/Mobile/Velocity < 14:00 WIB)
Rp 30,000.-   per RTGS (Over the counter)
 Remittance fee equiv. Rp 50.000,- (telex) + provisi 0,125% (min. USD 10, max. USD 150)
 per TT
 Chequebook order fee Rp 275,000.-   per book
 Card replacement fee Rp 20,000.-   per replacement
 Stamp duty fee Rp 10,000.-   per stamp
 Account closure fee Rp 25,000.-   
Fee Amount Unit
 Administration fee  Rp 20,000.-  per month
 Fall below fee  Free  per month
 Non-OCBC NISP ATM balance inquiry fee Rp 4,500.-   per inquiry
 Non-OCBC NISP ATM withdrawal fee Rp 8,000.-   per withdrawal
 Interbank transfer fee Rp 6,500.-   per online transfer
Rp 2,000.-   per LLG (Internet/Mobile/Velocity)
Rp 2,900.-   per LLG (Over the counter)
Rp 25,000.-   per RTGS (Internet/Mobile/Velocity < 14:00 WIB)
Rp 30,000.-   per RTGS (Over the counter)
 Remittance fee Rp 100,000.-   per TT
 Chequebook order fee Rp 275,000.-   per book
 Card replacement fee Rp 20,000.-  per replacement
 Stamp duty fee Rp 10,000.-;  per stamp
 Account closure fee Rp 100,000.-  
Fee Jumlah Unit
Interest Rate* 2.75% p.a.
Income Tax Fee 20% from gross interest
Penalty fee 1% of placed amount

*) Interest rates can change at any time

Fee Jumlah Unit
Interest Rate* 2.75% p.a.
Income tax fee 7.5%
for 1 month placement
for 3 months placement
for 6 & 12 months placement
Penalty fee 1% of placed amount

*) Interest rates can change at any time


Fee Jumlah Unit
Interest Rate* 0.25% p.a.
Income tax fee 10%
for 1 month placement
for 3 months placement
for 6 months placement
for 12 months placement
Penalty fee 1% of placed amount

*) Interest rates can change at any time

    Pinjaman SME

    Loan Application Fees

Loan Application Fees
Provision Fee 1% of loan principal or according to applicable Bank’s policy
Admin Fee 0,1% of loan principal or according to applicable Bank’s policy
Stamp Duty Fee Rp10.000,- per dokumen
Pledge of Collateral Agreement Fee Subject to credit limit and collateral value
Appraisal Fee Rp750.000 - Rp1.250.000,-

    FX & FX Derivative

    FX Today

    Tomorrow dan Spot

    FX Forward

    Swap dan Option

    FX Option Call Spread

    Interest Rate Derivative

    Cross Currency Swap

    Interest Rate Swap

    Structured Product

    Dual Currency Returns

    Forward Link Deposit

    Principal Protected Deposit

    Debt Securities

    Obligasi Pemerintah

    Obligasi Korporasi

FX Today
There is no additional cost besides exchange rate

FX Non-Today
There is no additional cost besides exchange rate, however, for MD requirements, refer to FX faciltiies provided
FX Today
There is no additional cost besides exchange rate

FX Non-Today
There is no additional cost besides exchange rate, however, for MD requirements, refer to FX faciltiies provided
There is no interest or fee charged to customer
There is no interest or fee charged to customer
  1. The customer will be charged a premium fee at the time of the transaction, where the amount of the fee will be determined by market price
  2. Customers will incur additional premium fees when customers are required to do dynamic hedging
There is no fees or additional cost charged to customer, outside of transaction
There is no fees or additional cost charged to customer, outside of transaction
The rate of return paid is fixed in accordance with the agreement in the transaction contract and is paid when due

  1. There is no fee charged to the Customer for placement on this product.

  2. Costs due to Early Termination if it occurs. Basically, DCR disbursement before maturity is not allowed. If DCR disbursement before maturity upon Customer's request cannot be avoided, the Customer is obliged to provide compensation to the Bank for any losses, costs, bills and or expenses that may occur as a result of the accelerated disbursement, including funding costs and losses or costs incurred as as a result of termination and remaking of related trading positions in full and will pay administrative fees and other claims that may be charged to the Bank (all hereinafter referred to as "Termination Fees Before Time")
The rate of return paid is fixed in accordance with the agreement in the transaction contract and is paid when due

  1. There is no placement fee for this product.

  2. Costs due to Early Termination if it occurs. Basically, FLD disbursement before maturity is not allowed. If FLD disbursement before maturity upon Customer's request cannot be avoided, the Customer is obliged to provide compensation to the Bank for any losses, costs, bills and or expenses that may occur as a result of the accelerated disbursement, including funding costs and losses or costs incurred as as a result of termination and remaking of related trading positions in full and will pay administrative fees and other claims that may be charged to the Bank (all hereinafter referred to as "Termination Fees Before Time")

From PPD Placement, customer will receive minimum interest and additional return/bonus, where the minimum interest is an interest that will be received by customer and additional return/bonus is total payout which will be added with minimum interest if spot rate touched the agreed lower/upper limit during the observation period (American Style) or at date and time of Determination (European Style)

  1. There is no placement fee for this product.
  2. Costs due to Early Termination if it occurs. Basically, PPD OT disbursement before maturity is not allowed. If PPD OT disbursement before maturity upon Customer's request cannot be avoided, the Customer is obliged to provide compensation to the Bank for any losses, costs, bills and or expenses that may occur as a result of the accelerated disbursement, including funding costs and losses or costs incurred as as a result of termination and remaking of related trading positions in full and will pay administrative fees and other claims that may be charged to the Bank (all hereinafter referred to as "Termination Fees Before Time")
For Bonds ORI and SR*
  • Transaction Fee (Sale/Purchase): IDR 25.000/per transaction + VAT 10%
  • Safekeeping fee: 0.05% p.a on monthly basis + VAT 10%

For IDR Bonds aside from ORI and SR*
There is no fee charged to customer for the first 2 year after the purchase of the bonds. On the 3rd year onward after the transaction, customer will be charged:
  • Transaction Fee (Sale/Purchase): IDR 25.000/per transaction + VAT 10%
  • Safekeeping fee: 0.05% p.a on monthly basis + VAT 10%

Bonds in USD currency*:

There is no fee charged to customer for the first 2 year after the purchase of the bonds. On the 3rd year onward after the transaction, customer will be charged:
  • Transaction Fee (Sale/Purchase): USD 45/per transaction + VAT 10%
  • Safekeeping fee: 0.055% p.a on monthly basis + VAT 10%

* The fees above apply at this time and are subject to change at any time by notification of this change by Bank OCBC NISP to investors through means deemed good by Bank OCBC NISP in accordance with the laws and applicable regulations

There is no fee charged to customer for the first 2 year after the purchase of the bonds

For the 3rd year and next, customer will be charged with:
  1. Corporate Bonds in IDR
    Safekeeping fee: 0,05% per annum + PPN 10%
    Transaction fee (sell/buy): Rp 50.000/ transaction +PPN 10%
  2. Corporate Bonds in USD
    Safekeeping fee: 0,055% per annum + PPN 10%
    Transaction fee (sell/buy): USD45/ transaction +PPN 10%

* The fees above apply at this time and are subject to change at any time by notification of this change by Bank OCBC NISP to investors through means deemed good by Bank OCBC NISP in accordance with the laws and applicable regulations

    Cash Management


    Bulk Payment

    Layanan Pembayaran Pajak - MPN G2

    Virtual Account

    Cash Pick Up & Delivery Service

    Trade Finance

    Letter of Credit (LC)/Surat Kredit Berdokumen Dalam Negeri (SKBDN)

    Inward Documentary Collection/Inkaso Masuk

    Advise LC/SKBDN

    Outward Documentary Collection/Inkaso Keluar


Jumlah Unit
 Telex fee
 Rp 50.000,-
 Rp 75.000,-  Business Signature Current Account
 Rp 100.000,-  Business Smart/ Multicurrency Current Account
 Full Amount USD 25
EUR 20
AUD 30
GBP 20
HKD 300
SGD 25
CNH 200
CAD 25
CHF 15
NZD 45
JPY 5.000 (Fund Transfer < JPY 40 Mio
JPY 5.000 (Fund Transfer > JPY 40 Mio) (up to transfer amount JPY 40 Mio) + 0,05% of remaining transfer amount (0,05% x (fund transfer – JPY 40 Mio))
 Provision fee  0.125%  min. USD 10 max. USD 150
Jumlah Unit
 via branch
 IDR 3.500,-
 USD 0.35
 SGD 0.45
 per transaction
 via OCBC Business  IDR 2.500,-
 USD 0.25
 SGD 0.35
 per transaction
Free of charge

Virtual Account

Jumlah Unit
Service fee 
IDR2,500,- per transaction/ IDR1,000,000 per month
VA Set-up fee IDR2,500,000,-
Jumlah Unit
 Biaya Trip 
 vary by distance & vendor availability
 Cash Processing  Rp 20,-  per bill 
Item Tarif (Valas/Rupiah)
 Issuance fee
 0,25% p.q from document value, min. eq. USD 50/IDR 700.000
 Drafting without issuance  IDR 500.000
 Amendment fee (increase amount/extension of validity)  0.25% p.q. from increased value/time, min. eq. USD 50/IDR 700.000
 Other amendment fee USD  50/IDR 700.000
 Acceptance fee for usance  0.50 % p.q min. eq. USD 50/IDR 700.000
 Discrepancy fee  USD 75/IDR 1.000.000
 Reimbursement fee  USD 75/IDR 1.000.000
 SWIFT for issuance  USD 30/IDR 420.000
 SWIFT for others  USD 20/IDR 280.000
 AWB endorsement  IDR 250.000
Item Fee (Forex/Rupiah)
 Documentary collection handling commission  0.125% from document value, min. eq. USD 50/IDR 700.000
 Protest Fee  USD 500/IDR 7.000.000 plus notary fee
 SWIFT fee  USD 20/IDR 280.000
Item Fee (Forex/Rupiah)
 Keep with us  USD 25 / IDR 350.000
 Taken by beneficiary  USD 100 / IDR 1.250.000
 Advice through  USD 100 / IDR 1.250.000
Item Tarif (Valas/Rupiah)
Documentary collection handling commision 0,125% from document value, min. eq. USD 50/IDR 700.000
Protest fee USD 500/IDR 7.000.000 plus notary fee

USD 20/IDR 280.000

International courier fee USD 35

Local courier fee

IDR 150.000
Item Fee (Forex/Rupiah)

Issuance fee

0.50% p.q. from guaranteed value, min. IDR 1.000.000/USD 75

Drafting without issuance

IDR 500.000

Non-standard format (include translation/bilingual)

IDR 700.000

Amendment fee (increase amount/extension of validity

0.50% p.q. from increased value/time, min. IDR 1.000.000/USD 75

Other amendment fee

IDR 1.000.000/USD 75

Claim settlement fee

IDR 1.000.000/USD 75