OCBC Debit Online

Debit card for safe and easy online transactions

Exclusive Online Transactions

Transaction in any e-commerce, include entertainment subscription (Netflix/Spotify/etc), to easy to connect your Card with Alipay / Weixin Pay during your holiday in China

Adjustable Limit

Set transaction limit up to IDR50 million per day

Secure Transaction

Transaction Verification via OTP (One Time Password) will be sent to your mobile phone

Other benefits


Minimize Potential Risk

An initial limit that has been determined by the bank, IDR 3 Million for e-commerce transactions and IDR500 Thousand for periodic transactions


Special Card Number

Safer because Online Debit Card Number is different from physical Debit Card Number


Easy Block/Unblock Card

Use the OCBC mobile app to block cards and unblock easily

    Terms & Conditions

    Limit Transaksi

    E-guidebook TRAVELCUAN 101


Online Debit Card
Online Debit Card

Online Debit Card

Regular subscription transaction Up to IDR50 Mio/day/card
E-commerce transaction Up to IDR50 Mio/day/card
  • Limit gabungan antara transaksi langganan berkala dan belanja e-commerce hingga Rp50 Juta/hari/kartu.
  • Limit dapat diatur di OCBC mobile.

E-guidebook Travelcuan 101







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Debit card for safe and easy online transactions

Popular Questions About Kartu Debit Online

Online Debit Card can be used for online transaction on e-commerce platform, Food Delivery / Ride Hailing Application (Gojek/Grab), or entertainment application (Netflix/Spotify), to payment transaction using Alipay / Weixin Pay for Credit Card payment during your holiday in China.

Physical Debit Card can only be used for offline transaction in physical stores and merchants through EDC and POS machine by dip in and input PIN or tap. Online Debit Card can only be used for online transaction in e-commerce platform.

Various benefits that you can enjoy with Online Debit Card such as:

  1. Set the limit as you like. Manage your daily transaction limit through OCBC mobile up to IDR 50 million
  2. Secured transactions with OTP (One Time Password) verification
  3. Flexible, you can own up to 5 Online Debit Cards for different needs
  4. Easy, hassle-free, no transaction fee and no need to top up

Online Debit Card can be used for online transaction in any e-commerce and e-wallet platforms such as Tokopedia, Gojek & Grab or subscription-based streaming service such as Netflix and Spotify or payment in China through Alipay and Weixin Pay as a payment alternative to credit cards.

OCBC Online Debit Card is secured, supported with:

  1. OTP (One Time Password) verification to registered phone number.
  2. Unique debit card number which is differentiated from physical debit card
  3. Dedicated transaction limit for each online debit card, separated from physical debit card

Follow these steps to create OCBC Online Debit Card

  1. Open your OCBC mobile
  2. Go to "Settings" menu
  3. Choose "Card Management"
  4. Choose "Online Debit Card"
  5. Tap on button "Create Online Debit Card"
  6. Fill in information and choose your "Source of Fund"
  7. In the transaction summary, click "Confirm"
  8. Tick on the Terms and Conditions page and click "Continue"
  9. Input your 6-digit transaction PIN
  10. Online Debit Card successfully created

OCBC Online Debit Card can be used after 5 minutes up to 1x24 hours after creation.

You can have up to 5 Online Debit Cards, no fee for the first 3 cards and the next 2 cards will cost IDR 50,000.

OCBC Online Debit Cards are valid up to 2 years before expired and can be renewed.

Ensure your Online Debit Card's transaction limit. By default with no changes, limit of scheduled transaction set to IDR 500,000/day and limit of e-commerce shopping transaction set to IDR 5,000,000/day. Change your limit by:

  1. Open your OCBC mobile
  2. Go to "Settings"
  3. Choose "Card Management"
  4. Choose "Online Debit Card"
  5. Pick your Online Debit Card
  6. Choose "Transaction Limits"
  7. Change the limit by drag or input the number for each type of transaction in "Scheduled Transactions" and "e-Commerce Transactions"
  8. Input your 6-digit transaction PIN
  9. Card limit successfully updated

Ensure to input your valid Online Debit Card number, expiry date, CVV, OTP and enough balance in your Source of Fund account for Online Debit Card.

OCBC Online Debit card can be used as an alternate credit card.

Follow these steps to link your OCBC Online Debit Card in Alipay:

  1. Open your Alipay, click "Me" and choose "Bank Cards"
  2. Click "+" at the top right corner
  3. Input your OCBC Online Debit Card
  4. Read "Service Agreement" and tick "Agree to Terms and Add"
  5. Input the verification code and card is ready to be used

Follow these steps to link your OCBC Online Debit Card in Weixin Pay:

  1. Open your WeChat, click "Me" and go to "Services" then "Wallet" and pick "Cards"
  2. Click "+" to add new card
  3. Input your WeChat payment password to verify your identity
  4. Input your OCBC Online Debit Card and phone number
  5. Read "Service Agreement" and tick "Agree and Link"
  6. Input the verification code and card is ready to be used.

All transactions with OCBC Online Debit Card will debit IDR account. Any transactions with foreign currencies will be converted to IDR.

Reach TANYA OCBC to ask more questions by calling phone number 1500999 or email to tanya@ocbc.id.

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