The Beginning of Bank NISP's Journey in Banking World NV Nederlandsch Indische Spaar En Deposito Bank,Bank OCBC NISP (previously known as Bank NISP) or further mentioned as “Bank” is the fourth oldest bank in Indonesia. Etablished on April 4, 1941 in Bandung under the name of. NV Nederlandsch Indische Spaar En Deposito Bank.
Karmaka Surjaudaja commenced to manage Bank as Director of Operational in 1963.
Despite the Indonesia’s tempestuous economic condition at that time, the Bank has managed to grow and was able to overcome several crisis such as ‘sanering’ in 1965.
Since its establishment, the Bank has been upholding prudence principle and focusing on serving the Small and Medium Enterprises (SME). In 1967, the Bank raised their status of operation from saving bank into commercial bank.
Karmaka Surjaudaja was appointed as the President Director in 1971-1997 for his achievement in developing Bank NISP in the middle of the country's crisis in 1965.
The success of Karmaka Surjaudaja was inspired by his wife, Lelarati Lukman, who has faithfully supported in managing the Bank. She served as a Commissioner from 1982 to 2011.
The raising status was supported by the success of the company to keep growing amid the unprecedented economic and political conditions. In line with that achievement, the Bank has raised its status to a foreign exchange bank.
In 1997, OCBC Bank – Singapore selected Bank NISP to become a local partner in the establishment of Bank OCBC NISP (later renamed as OCBC Indonesia).
OCBC Bank – Singapore raised its shares through acquisitions and tender offer to become majority shareholder since 2005.
As part of its long-term strategies and to increase the brand as well as the support of the controlling shareholder, Bank NISP adopted a new name of “Bank OCBC NISP”, followed by cultural reinforcement and basic policy implementation within the organization.
The Bank entered a key milestone after OCBC Bank Singapore consolidated their business strategy in Indonesia by merging its subsidiaries, Bank OCBC Indonesia into Bank OCBC NISP.
Known as “ONe PIC”, has served as a guideline for all employees’ daily behaviour and work. ONe PIC is the abbreviation for Bank OCBC NISP One, Professionalism, Integrity and Customer Focus.
Since 2005, OCBC Overseas Investments Pte. Ltd. has become the majority shareholder, with ownership at the end of 2019 of 85.1%. Recognized for its financial strength and stability, as the controlling shareholder, OCBC Bank always provides full support to Bank OCBC for its commercial banking services.
President Commisioner
Independent Commissioner
Independent Commissioner
Independent Commissioner
President Director
Member (Independent Party)
Member (Independent Party)
Member (Independent Party)
Member (Independent Party)
Member (Independent Party)
Corporate Secretary
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Event Marketing, Hongkong
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Top Business – MSI Group
Presiden Komisaris
Warga Negara Indonesia, 56 tahun
Domisili: Jakarta, Indonesia
Presiden Komisaris Bank OCBC NISP sejak 16 Desember 2008.
1987–1989: Executive Trainee Daiwa Bank (sekarang Resona Bank) New York, London dan Tokyo.
1989-1997: Direktur Bank NISP
1997–2000: Komisaris Bank OCBC Indonesia.
1997–2008: Presiden Direktur Bank NISP.
2005–sekarang: Non-executive and Non-independent Director OCBC Bank Singapura
Saat ini menjabat berbagai posisi senior di asosiasi bisnis, universitas dan badan sosial pendidikan.
Mengikuti Program di berbagai universitas terkemuka, SESPIBI XVI (Sekolah Staff Pimpinan Bank Indonesia), dan program beasiswa bidang International Relations di International University of Japan, Jepang. Memperoleh gelar MBA di bidang Perbankan dari Golden Gate University, USA (1987) dan Bachelor di bidang Perbankan dan Keuangan dari San Francisco State University, USA (1985).
Best CEO Award 2004 – Majalah SWA.
Best CEO Award 2006 – Majalah Business Review.
Most Prominent banker Award 2006 – Majalah Investor.
Outstanding Entrepreneur Awards 2008 – Asia Pasific Entrepreneurship.
Penunjukan pertama kali: 2008.
Penunjukan kembali: 2011, 2014 dan 2017.