For Now, and Beyond to drive Indonesia’s Economic, Social, and Environment Development

OCBC Dedication

Aligned with Bank OCBC's vision “to become a trusted partner to enrich quality of life”, OCBC's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives are designed to bring communities and employees together to create significant, sustainable, and positive impacts for Indonesia's development

Kindness is Contagious

OCBC believes that kindness has the power to create a more positive environment

Every small contribution can influence those around us and make life significantly more meaningful

The more people involved in acts of kindness, the greater the benefit it can bring to society

Partnering with stakeholders by prioritizing the principle of equality.

Creating added value in every community empowerment program to create independence for beneficiaries.

Providing sustainable and long-term impact for stakeholders.

Playing an active role by involving employees to participate directly in social activities.

Education Pillar – Supports the empowerment of public's knowledge and skills to foster financial independence, contributing to economic growth

Health and Environment Pillar - Aims to improve the quality of life in social, health, and environmental aspects

Humanitarian Pillar – Addresses the needs of those in need through OCBC employee volunteerism and donations

Education Pillar

  • OCBC commits to continuously inspire and empower communities to achieve financial freedom and contribute to Indonesia’s economic growth and life of quality.
  • OCBC invites students, entrepreneurs, and other local communities to become more #FinanciallyFIT and empowered through Financial Education Board Game, OCBC Preneurship, Semua Bisa #FinanciallyFit, and Financial Fitness Class programs. Furthermore, OCBC also provide scholarships to support students in need.

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Health & Environment Pillar

  • OCBC believes that even the smallest acts can have a significant impact on our planet.
  • Through the Eva & Ramli program, OCBC invites all employees to take an active role in protecting the environment.
  • Eva & Ramli continue to drive environmental awareness campaigns through upcycling plastic waste, paper, and used OCBC’s uniforms, with the aim of reducing waste as well as planting trees in several areas in Indonesia.

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Humanitarian Pillar

  • OCBC assists communities in need by fulfilling basic necessities.
  • CSR activities are also supported by OCBC Volunteers, where employees provide education to the community and make donations through the Dompet Tanda Kasih programs.

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Program CSR Terkini


Announcement, Daily Update

Wujudkan Rencana Masa Depan dengan Life Goals di ONe Mobile


Investment, Education, Announcement
