Government Sukuk IDR & USD

alternative government-owned investment products with fixed returns


Investment guaranteed by the Government Securities Act with 100% return at maturity

Regular Coupon Payment

Regular coupon payments with a fixed coupon rate until maturity

Affordable Investment

Government Sukuk investments can be made starting from IDR 1 million


    Terms & Conditions Rekening Dana Lender


Requirements for Account Opening

  1. Individuals
    • ID Card/Passport(WNI)
    • Passport and KITAS/KIMS/KITAP (WNA)
    • NPWP
    • Fill in account opening form and other supporting documents
  2. Corporate
    • Submit the certificate of establishment and its amendments, SIUP, TDP, NPWP, organizational structure, identity of the management (KTP /Passport and KIMS / KITAS authorized officials)
    • Fill in account opening form and other supporting documents

Terms & Conditions Rekening Dana Lender

Terms & Conditions Rekening Dana Lender
Terms & Conditions Rekening Dana Lender

Terms & Conditions Rekening Dana Lender


  • E-Statement sent via Email to customer
  • Access in OCBC mobile to view account balance and its movement

Other Information

  • The Customer is free to make deposits and/or transfer funds to RDN
  • The Bank may only transfer funds from RDN if there are instructions from the customer to the Fintech company.
  • Accounts cannot be automatically closed and account closing can only be processed based on the customer's instructions through the Fintech company
  • Customers are not given saving account passbook/cheques book/current account book/letter authorization and debit cards

Tanya OCBC

Written agreement between the Bank and other parties that contains the rights and obligations of each party in accordance with Sharia Principles.

The principles of Islamic law in banking activities are based on fatwas issued by institutions that have the authority to determine fatwas in the field of sharia.

The distribution of profit of Bank Syariah to the Deposit Customers is based on the agreed ratio every month. Revenue sharing depends on the amount and duration of deposits and bank income for the period. The amount of profit sharing is calculated based on bank revenue so that the customer must obtain profit sharing and not lose the principal savings.

The board is tasked with giving advice and advice to the Directors and overseeing the activities of the Sharia Business Unit to be in accordance with Sharia Principles.

Transaction of fund investment from the owner of the fund (shahibul mal) to the fund manager (mudharib) to carry out certain business activities in accordance with Sharia Principles, with the distribution of results of business between the two parties based on a mutually agreed ratio.

Funds or goods deposit transaction from the owner to the depositor of funds with an obligation for the depositing party to return the funds or goods deposited at any time or in accordance with the agreement.

Buying and selling transactions of goods at the acquisition price plus the margin agreed upon by the parties, where the seller informs the buyer in advance of the acquisition price.

Agreement of representation between one party to another. Wakalah is usually applied for making Letter of Credit, for purchasing goods abroad (L/C Import) or forwarding requests

Collaboration between two or more parties having funds and/or goods to carry out certain businesses in accordance with Sharia Principles by sharing the results of operations in accordance with the amount of capital ownership of each party or based on a mutually agreed ratio.

Collaboration between two or more owners of funds and/or goods to carry out certain businesses in accordance with Sharia Principles with the distribution of operating results in accordance with the amount of capital ownership of each party or based on a mutually agreed ratio, then one party gradually buys the other party's capital ownership, so that at the end of the cooperation period one party has the entire capital (100%).

The amount of profit agreed between the Bank and the Customer for financing transactions with a sale and purchase agreement (murabahah). Financing margins are fixed (fixed) unchanged throughout the term of the financing.

Share of profit sharing between the Bank and the Customer of funding and financing transactions with profit sharing agreements (mudharabah and musyarakah).

Lease transactions of goods and/or services between the owner of the object for lease, including ownership of the right to use the object for rent and the lessee to get compensation for the leased object.

Borrowing transactions without compensation for the obligations of borrowing party to repay the loan principal in one lump sum or installments within a certain period.

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