Invoice Financing

Financing for trade transactions, based on invoices

Trade Purchase Financing (TPF)

Trade Financing for Buyers/Importers

Trade Receivable Financing (TRF)

Financing Seller/Exporters’s receivables

Trade Advisory

Ensure the suitable trade solution for each business needs

Other Advantages


Various Options

Financing facility for various transaction


Efficient and Convenient

Utilize invoice as underlying to finance transaction


Smooth Cash flow

Help managing cash flow

    Detail Information

As a beyond banking service, Bank’s partner would help the customers' businesses to switch from offline to online sales activities.

We will introduce the cooperation partners to set up your online business:

  • Develop a system for online sales
  • Sales management to register your brand on various e-commerce platforms
  • Integrated stock management in one hand

Story for Inspiration


Announcement, Daily Update



Announcement, Daily Update

Wujudkan Rencana Masa Depan dengan Life Goals di ONe Mobile

Facilitate business transactions
anytime, anywhere with OCBC Business

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