Working Capital Loan

Financial solution for your everyday business needs


Facilities: Over Draft, Demand Loan & Installment


Simple, fast and convenient credit process

Various Choices

Available in Revolving and Non-Revolving Loan


    Product Information Summary

Conditions for Applying Kredit Modal Kerja

1. 21 years old and above or married
2. Not listed in Bank of Indonesia’s and OCBC’s blacklist
3. Indonesian nationality

Required documents
Individual Corporate
Loan application form V V
National ID (KTP)/Passport V V
Taxtpayer Registration Number (NPWP) V V
Reference letter V V
Articles of Incorporation/Certificate of Establishment and Amendments - V
Trade Business License (SIUP),SITU,Company Registration Certificate (TDP) - V
Minister of Justice’s Decree - V
Certificate of Business Domicile - V
Financial Reports - V
Balance Sheet - V
Profit and Loss Report - V
Other Documents - V

Kredit Modal Kerja

Demand Loan
Demand Loan

Demand Loan

Kredit Rekening Koran
Kredit Rekening Koran

Kredit Rekening Koran

Story for Inspiration


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Wujudkan Rencana Masa Depan dengan Life Goals di ONe Mobile


Investment, Education, Announcement


Easy Banking Transactions
at Your Fingertips

Time and cost efficiency with online and real time transactions

See the benefits

Story for Inspiration


Announcement, Daily Update

Wujudkan Rencana Masa Depan dengan Life Goals di ONe Mobile


Investment, Education, Announcement


Financial solution for your everyday business needs