Investment Loan

Financial Solution for Your Business Investment Needs

Financing period up to 10 years

Arrange financial allocation easily for business

Various Loans Options

Installment and current account loans

Assets purchasing

Available for purchasing assets, refinancing or other investments


    Product Information Summary



Product Information Summary

Conditions for Applying Kredit Investasi

  1. 21 years old and above or married
  2. Not listed in Bank of Indonesia’s and OCBC’s blacklist
  3. Indonesian nationality

Required Documents


Document Employee Employer Professional
Loan Application Form

National ID card of applicant's + spouse

Copies of family card

Marriage/ Divorce/ Prenup Certificate (if any)

Taxpayer Registration Number

Applicant's statment of all current property-collaterized credit facility

Company's work certificate
- -
Down Payment payment receipt

Savings account statement of the last 3 (three) months

Last drawn salary payment slip
- -
Articles of Incorporation/ Certificate of Establishment and Amendments -
Work Order (SPK) for the current/past year -
Trade Business License (SIUP), SITU, Company Registration Certificate (TDP) -
License to Practice/Decision Letter of Permanent Employment for employer - -
IMB, AJB, & PBB Certificate

Kredit Investasi

EmB Machinery
EmB Machinery

EmB Machinery

Term Loan
Term Loan

Term Loan

Term Loan Kendali
Term Loan Kendali

Term Loan Kendali

Term Loan Annuitas - Kendali
Term Loan Annuitas - Kendali

Term Loan Annuitas - Kendali



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Announcement, Daily Update

Wujudkan Rencana Masa Depan dengan Life Goals di ONe Mobile


Investment, Education, Announcement


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Financial Solution for Your Business