Children's Education

The future of children is brilliant with good educational opportunities

Precise Planning

Plan the investment based on life priority

The Right Portfolio

Adjusted with life needs to get optimum result


Regular review for investment progress

Children's educational needs not accommodated

Only 38% of people in Indonesia have financial literacy. This means, about 62% of the total population still unable to manage finances properly.
Source: Indonesian Financial Literacy

Education in Indonesia Increases Every Year

Based on data from BPS, Indonesia's education inflation in 2020 is in the range of 3.8% per year.
Source: Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS)

Higher Education Digital Transformation is not a Temporary Trend

Digital transformation is a continuous process that promotes innovation in developing a learning environment.

Financial Fitness Check Up Now!

Ruang meNYALA will help you to be Financially Fit and achieve your financial goals in the future

The Story to Inspire


Announcement, Daily Update

Wujudkan Rencana Masa Depan dengan Life Goals di ONe Mobile


Investment, Education, Announcement



Investment, News Update, Announcement



Investment, Announcement


Send your children to study abroad