PRUCapital Protection

Insurance and investment solutions with a single premium

Premi Tunggal

Untuk masa asuransi selama 10 tahun

Uang Pertanggungan 125%

Manfaat meninggal dunia dari premi tunggal

Manfaat Premi Tunggal 105%

Manfaat nilai tunai menguntungan pada akhir pertanggungan

Other Advantages


Bebas Tarik Dana

Tarik dana kapan saja sesuai kebutuhan


Pengalihan Dana

Pengalihan dana setiap saat dan bebas biaya


General Requirements for Issuance of Corporate Bonds:

  • Has been operating for at least 3 (three) years
  • Equity of at least IDR 20 billion
  • Generating business profit for the last 1 (one) year
  • Registration Statement has been Effective
  • The financial statements have been audited by a Public Accountant registered with Bapepam for the last 3 (three) consecutive years with at least obtaining a Qualified Opinion (WDP)
  • Securities rating results from Securities rating agencies registered with Bapepam are at least BBB (investment grade).

Asuransi dengan PRUCapital Protection