KTA Cashloan Flex

Unsecured loan with flexible payment scheme for your personal needs

Competitive Interest

Interest calculation depends on the payment scheme chosen

Limit Up to IDR 200 Million

Flexibility to fulfill your various needs

Tenor Up to 12 Months

Flexibility to manage your cash flow

Other Advantages


Quick and easy process

Apply online without visiting branch office


Determine your loan amount

Choose the loan amount according to your needs


Withdraw anytime and anywhere

Withdraw funds via OCBC Mobile

    Product Description

    Payment Scheme

    Terms & Conditions

    Interest and Fees

    Installment Simulation

    Product Information Summary

    General Terms and Conditions

Product Description

Product Description

Payment Scheme

Terms & Conditions

Interest and Fees

Installment Simulation

Product Information Summary

General Terms and Conditions

KTA Cashloan Flex is an unsecured credit revolving loan facility issued by PT. Bank OCBC NISP, to filfill various individual needs such as home renovation, children's education, wedding and others.  Main feature of KTA Cashloan Flex is a facility with fees charged based on limit usage

Types of Payments (Examples of payments can be seen in Simulation):

  1. Effective Interest Fixed Installments: Bill payments with the fixed installment method until the end of the tenor with effective interest calculation (interest is calculated based on the remaining unpaid loan principal).
  2. Flat Interest Fixed Installments: Bill payments with the fixed installment method until the end of the tenor with flat interest calculations.
  3. Balloon Payment Scheme: Bill payment for a small part of the principal and interest at the beginning of the tenor, then payment of the remaining principal and interest bill at the end of the tenor
  4. Balloon Interest Payment Scheme: Interest bill payment every month and at the end of the loan period, interest payments are made for the last month and all loan principal
  5. Bullet Payment: Payment of principal and interest bills made at the end of the loan tenor

Requirements for applying for KTA Cashloan Flex OCBC:

  • Mandatory Indonesian Citizens (WNI) with the age of 21-55 years for employees, 21-58 years old for civil servants, or 21-65 years old for self-employed and professional
  • Have fixed income for employees and civil servants of IDR 5 million, self-employed & professional IDR 8 million
  • Minimum working period of 1 year for employees and civil servants or 2 years in the same field for Self-Employed/Professional
  • Limited offer for selected Customers who will be informed via Email/SMS/WhatsApp

Documents Required

  • Photo of electronic Identity Card (e-KTP)
  • Photo of Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP) (For submissions starting from a limit of IDR 50,000,000)
  • Selfie photo with e-KTP (Specifically for submission via OCBC mobile)
  • Signature photo on white paper (Only for submission via OCBC mobile)
No Cost Type Fee
1 Interest Starting from 1.58% flat per month
2 Provision Fees 2,00% of the loan nominal
3 Stamp Fee IDR 10.000
4 Late Fees 5% of total bill with a minimum of IDR 150,000 and a maximum of IDR 750,000
5 Monthly Bill Printing Fee IDR 8.000 (only if using hardcopy)
6 Credit Life Insurance Premium (optional) Refer to the provisions of each partner

Illustration of Installments using a loan value of IDR 30 million with a tenor of 3 months.

A. Fixed Installment with Effective Interest

Payments with fixed installment methods until the end of tenor with effective interest calculation

Installment Loan Principal Installment Portion Installment Total Loan Principal Residu
pokok Interest
1 30.000.000 9.680.488 979.512 10.660.000 20.319.512
2 20.319.512 9.996.560 663.440 10.660.000 10.322.952
3 10.322.952 10.322.952 337.048 10.660.000 0

B. Fixed Installment with Flat Interest

Payment with fixed installment method until the end of loan tenor with flat interest calculation

Installment Loan Principal Installment Portion Installment Total Loan Principal Residu
Principal Interest
1 30.000.000 10.000.000 660.000 10.660.000 20.000.000
2 20.000.000 10.000.000 660.000 10.660.000 10.000.000
3 10.000.000 10.000.000 660.000 10.660.000 -

C. Balloon Payment

Small portion payment of principal and interest for early tenor, and at the end of loan tenor, remaining principal and interest are billed

Installment Loan Principal Installment Portion Installment Total Loan Principal Residu
Principal Interest
1 30.000.000 - 660.000 660.000 30.000.000
2 30.000.000 - 660.000 660.000 30.000.000
3 30.000.000 30.000.000 660.000 30.660.000 -

D. Balloon Interest Only

Payment of interest for early tenor, and at the end of loan tenor, principal and interest are billed

Installment Loan Principal Installment Portion Installment Total Loan Principal Residu
Principal Interest
1 30.000.000 4.607.159 979.512 5.586.671 25.392.841
2 25.392.841 4.757.584 829.086 5.586.670 20.635.257
3 20.635.257 20.635.257 673.749 21.309.006 -

E. Bullet Payment

Payment of principal and interest are paid all at once at the end of loan tenor

Installment Loan Principal Installment Portion Installment Total Loan Principal Residu
Principal Interest
1 30.000.000 - - - 30.000.000
2 30.000.000 - - - 30.000.000
3 30.000.000 30.000.000 1.980.000 31.980.000 -

*The table is only an installments simulation. The amount of installments used by customers is in accordance with that recorded in the Bank's system. The simulation above uses an indicative interest rate per month. Interest rates are subject to change at any time based on Bank's policy.

Product Information Summary KTA Cashloan Flex
Product Information Summary KTA Cashloan Flex

Product Information Summary KTA Cashloan Flex

General Terms & Condition KTA Cashloan Flex
General Terms & Condition KTA Cashloan Flex

General Terms & Condition KTA Cashloan Flex

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