KTA Cashbiz Flex

Unsecured cash loans with flexible payment scheme for your business needs.

Competitive Interest

Interest calculation depends on the payment scheme chosen

Limit Up to IDR 200 Million

Support business needs

Tenor Up to 12 Months

Freely manage financial allocations

Other Advantages


Quick and easy process

 Apply online without visiting branch


Determine your loan amount

Choose the desired loan


Withdraw anytime and anywhere

Freely disburse funds through OCBC mobile

    Informasi Produk

    Payment Scheme

    Terms & Conditions

    Interest and Fees

    Installment Simulation

    Product Information Summary

    General Terms and Conditions

KTA Cashbiz Flex is unsecured loan credit with revolving facility launched by PT. Bank OCBC NISP, Tbk and specialized for entrepreneurs to develop business needs. The main feature of KTA Cashbiz flex is a facility so you will not be charged if do not make withdrawal transactions (except for provision and stamp duty fees).

Type of Payment Schemes (Payment examples refer to Installment Simulation):

  1. Fixed Installment with Effective Rate : Payments with fixed installment method until the end of loan tenor with effective interest calculation.
  2. Fixed Installment with Flat Rate : Payment with fixed installment method until the end of loan tenor with flat interest calculation.
  3. Balloon Payment : Small portion payment of principal and interest for early tenor, and at the end of loan tenor, remaining principal and interest are billed
  4. Balloon Interest Only : Payment of interest for early tenor, and at the end of loan tenor, principal and interest are billed.
  5. Bullet Payment : Payment of principal and interest are paid all at once at the end of loan tenor

Requirements for applying for KTA Cashbiz Flex OCBC:

  • Mandatory Indonesian Citizens (WNI) with the age of 21-70 years
  • Work as an entrepreneur/self-employed/entrepreneur/other profession who has owned/run a business/profession for at least 2 years
  • Limited offer for selected Customers who will be informed via Email/SMS/WhatsApp

Documents Required

  • Photo of electronic Identity Card (e-KTP)
  • Photo of Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP) (For submissions starting from a limit of IDR 50,000,000)
  • Selfie photo with e-KTP
  • Signature photo on white paper
No Cost type Fee
1 Interest Starting from 1,39% flat per month
2 Administration Fee 1.00% of the nominal
3 Stamp Fee IDR 10.000
4 Late Fee 3% of total bill with a minimum of IDR 150.000

Illustration of Installments using a loan value of IDR 30 million with a tenor of 3 months.

A. Fixed Installment with Effective Rate

Payments with fixed installment method until the end of loan tenor with effective interest calculation

Installment Loan Principal Installment Portion Installment Total Loan Principal Residu
Principal Interest
1 30.000.000 9.795.744 621.256 10.417.000 20.204.256
2 20.204.256 9.998.600 418.400 10.417.000 10.205.656
3 10.205.656 10.205.656 211.344 10.417.000 -

B. Fixed Installment with Flat Rate

Payment with fixed installment method until the end of loan tenor with flat interest calculation

Installment Loan Principal Installment Portion Installment Total Loan Principal Residu
Principal Interest
1 30.000.000 10.000.000 417.000 10.417.000 20.000.000
2 20.000.000 10.000.000 417.000 10.417.000 10.000.000
3 10.000.000 10.000.000 417.000 10.417.000 -

C. Balloon Payment

Small portion payment of principal and interest for early tenor, and at the end of loan tenor, remaining principal and interest are billed

Installment Loan Principal Installment Portion Installment Total Loan Principal Residu
Principal Interest
1 30.000.000 4.712.251 709.965 5.422.216 25.287.749
2 25.287.749 4.823.769 598.447 5.422.216 20.463.981
3 20.463.981 20.463.981 484.290 20.948.271 -

d. Balloon Interest Only

Payment of interest for early tenor, and at the end of loan tenor, principal and interest are billed

Installment Loan Principal Installment Portion Installment Total Loan Principal Residu
Principal Interest
1 30.000.000 - 477.000 477.000 30.000.000
2 30.000.000 - 477.000 477.000 30.000.000
3 30.000.000 30.000.000 477.000 30.477.000 -

e. Bullet Payment

Payment of principal and interest are paid all at once at the end of loan tenor

Installment Loan Principal Installment Portion Installment Total Loan Principal Residu
Principal Interest
1 30.000.000 - - - 30.000.000
2 30.000.000 - - - 30.000.000
3 30.000.000 30.000.000 2.250.000 32.250.000 -
Ringkasan Informasi Produk KTA Cashbiz Flex
Ringkasan Informasi Produk KTA Cashbiz Flex

Ringkasan Informasi Produk KTA Cashbiz Flex

Syarat & Ketentuan KTA CashBiz Flex
Syarat & Ketentuan KTA CashBiz Flex

Syarat & Ketentuan KTA CashBiz Flex

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