KPR Kendali

Product bundling of mortgage and savings account, which allows you to control your mortgage through your savings account

Control The Interest

Lower daily interest, utilizing 80% of saving balances

Control The Tenor

Faster loan payoff with bigger principal payment

Control The Saving Accounts

Saving account will not be blocked for your transaction

Other Advantages


Loan Tenure of up to 25 years

Longer tenor for your cash flow flexibility


Funding for Various Residentials

Ranging from homes, shop houses, shops, land, apartments, even for multi-use


Low Daily Interest

80% of the savings balance is calculated to offset daily interest

    Rekening Tanda Kendali

    Terms & Conditions

    Interest & Fees

    Document Requirements

    Financing Terms

    Product Information Summary

Terms & Conditions of Tanda KPR Kendali
Terms & Conditions of Tanda KPR Kendali

Terms & Conditions of Tanda KPR Kendali

Terms to Apply KPR Kendali

  • Indonesian Citizen
  • Minimum age of 21 years old or married
  • Maximum age at the end of mortgage tenure:
    • Employees: 58 years old
    • Entrepreneurs/Professionals: 70 years old
  • Earn stable income
No Type Description
1 Provision Tenure ≤ 10 years: 1% loan plafond
Tenure > 10 years: 1.5% loan plafond
2 Administration Fee Tenure < 10 years: 0.1% loan plafond or min. IDR 250.000
Tenure ≥ 10 years: 0.1% loan plafond or min. IDR 500.000
3 Insurance Premium Subject to charges imposed by OCBC insurance partners
4 Notary Subject to charges imposed by OCBC notary partners
5 Legal Documents Imposed when legal documents are prepared by OCBC
6 Appraisal IDR 750.000 or subject to charges imposed by KJPP
7 Late Charges 0.15% per day of delayed payments
8 Penalty 4% of the amount paid off, if the loan is still in the penalty period.
3% of the amount paid off, if the loan has passed the penalty period.
9 Safekeeping Certificate Fee Safekeeping Certificate fee of IDR 20,000 per day will be charged since the date of paid off, if the certificate documents haven't been collected in 30 calendar days after the credit facility is paid off
10 Interest rate In accordance with the Rate Promo
Personal Documents
Document Form of Documents Employee Entrepreneur Professional
Signed Mortgage Application Form
Original / Copy V V V
Valid ID of the applicant and spouse (if applicable), or a proof ID extension
Copy V V V
Kartu Keluarga (with the same address as of ID)
Copy V V V
Marriage Certificate* (if applicable)

Divorce Certificate/ Death Certificate (if applicable)

Prenuptial Agreement** (if applicable)

*) if not available, a declaration letter signed by the applicant and his/ her spouse, declaring the marital status, must be provided, or else Birth Certificate of the child (if applicable) can act as a substitute

*)) Must be accompanied with Marriage Certificate
Copy V V V
NPWP (applicable for all KPR applications and any mortgage loan with plafond greater than Rp 100 mio) Copy V V V
Declaration letter of all mortgage facilities owned or currently applied, both of conventional and syariah types (including those in other banks) Original/Copy V V V
Certification letter from the place of employment, or:
  1. Appointment Letter or other related document issued by the place of employment
  2. Employment Contract/ Offer Letter
Copy V    
Birth Certificate (only applicable if the applicant's name consists of just 1 word or abbreviations) Copy V V V
Valid proof of fully paid Down Payment   V V V

Income Documents

Document Form of Documents Employee Entrepreneur Professional
Bank statement of applicant's savings  for the past 3 months (current month may refer up to 2 months prior to the application)
Copy V V V
Recent remuneration statement, or one of the below  mentioned documents:
1. Verified certification letter of current remuneration
2. SPT PPh pasal 21
3. Employment Contract
4. Certification letter declaring remuneration raise issued by the place of employment
Original/Copy V    
Bank statement of applicant's remuneration are categorized as follows:
1. Non Commision Based (NCB): last 3 months
2. Commision Based (CB): last 6 months
Copy V    
Bank statement of the business entity or of the applicant and/ or spouse for the last 3 months (or more)
Copy   V
(Non Contractor)
1. Bank statement of the business entity or of the applicant and/ or spouse for the last 6 months (or more), and/ or

2. Surat Perintah Kerja (SPK) in the current year/ past one  year
Copy   V

Employer/ Business Entity Documents

Document Form of Documents Employee Entrepreneur Professional
Legal certificate declaring the last ownership and management of the business entity (applicable to PT and CV)
Copy V V V
Proof of existence of the business entity in the form of any documents mentioned below:
1. SIUP or equivalent
2. TDP or equivalent
3. SK Domisili
4. Certification letter from building management of business premises
5. Leasing Contract of Business Premises
6. SPK (Surat Perintah Kerja)
7. Memorandum of Understading with third party
8. Latest legal certificate of the business entity, declaring shareholders composition and management (only applicable for legal business entity)
Original/Copy   V  
1. License to practice, or
2. Appointment letter issued by relevant authority, or
3. Certification letter issued by relevant authority
Copy     V

Collateral Documents

Document yang dibutuhkan Sertipikat Induk Sertipikat Pecahan Alternatif Document
Sertipikat tanah
Copy Original Cover Note from OCBC NISP notary partners, informing the completion date of the required document
Perjanjian Pengikatan Jual Beli (PPJB)
Original Original  
Akte Jual Beli (AJB)
Copy Copy Cover Note from OCBC NISP notary partners, informing the completion date of the required document
Akta Pemberian Hak Tanggungan-APHT atau SKMHT
Original Original  
Ijin Mendirikan Bangunan (IMB)
Original / Copy Original / Copy Cover Note from OCBC NISP developer/ notary partners, declaring the informing date of the required document, or

Proof of IMB application from Dinas Pengawasan dan Penertiban Bangunan (P2B)/ Dinas Cipta Karya/ other relevant governmental entity
Sertipikat Hak Tanggungan (SHT)
  Original Cover Note from OCBC NISP notary partners, informing the completion date of the required document
Surat Pemberitahuan Pajak Terhutang Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan (SPPT PBB)
Surat Tanda Terima Setoran (STTS)

Finance Condition

  • Minimum financing is Rp 100.000.000,-
  • Premiums of Life & Fire insurance subject to charges imposed by OCBC insurance partners
  • Financing Tenure:


Type Maximum Tenure
House/Apartments* 25
Villa 15
Land** 10
Boarding House 20

*) At the end of loan tenure, the building have to be 40 years old or less

**) or depends on the Buy Back Guarantee terms applied at OCBC developer partners

KPR Kendali
KPR Kendali

KPR Kendali

Tanda KPR Kendali
Tanda KPR Kendali

Tanda KPR Kendali

Popular Questions About KPR Kendali

Saldo tabungan meringankan bunga KPR Kendali. Sehingga, kelebihan angsuran digunakan untuk mengurangi sisa hutang pokok. Hal ini menyebabkan penurunan sisa pinjaman lebih cepat.

Tidak. Angsuran hanya berubah ketika suku bunga berubah, dengan menabung lebih banyak maka porsi kewajiban bunga akan mengecil dan porsi pokok pinjaman semakin besar , hal ini menyebabkan pinjaman akan cepat lunas dari jadwal yang seharusnya

Tidak dapat , KPR Kendali harus menggunakan tabungan khusus yaitu TANDA KPR KENDALI

Tidak ada pencreditan bunga ke rekening debitur, karena pendapatan bunga yang diperoleh digunakan untuk mengurangi kewajiban bunga tiap harinya

Tabungan tidak ditutup namun di konversikan menjadi tabungan TANDA 360

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