KPR Kendali

Product bundling of mortgage and savings account, which allows you to control your mortgage through your savings account

Control The Interest

Lower daily interest, utilizing 80% of saving balances

Control The Tenor

Faster loan payoff with bigger principal payment

Control The Saving Accounts

Saving account will not be blocked for your transaction

Other Advantages


Loan Tenure of up to 25 years

Longer tenor for your cash flow flexibility


Funding for Various Residentials

Ranging from homes, shop houses, shops, land, apartments, even for multi-use


Low Daily Interest

80% of the savings balance is calculated to offset daily interest

    Interest Fee

    Product Information Summary

Item Tariff (Valas/Rupiah)
Issuance fee 0.25% p.q. from document value, min. eq. USD 50/IDR 700,000
Drafting without issuance IDR 500,000
Amendment fee (increase amount/extension of validity) 0.25% p.q. from increased value/time, min. eq. USD 50/IDR 700,000
Other amendment fee USD 50/IDR 700,000
Acceptance fee for usance 0.50 % p.q. min. eq. USD 50/IDR 700,000
Discrepancy fee USD 75/IDR 1,000,000
Reimbursement fee USD 75/IDR 1,000,000
SWIFT for issuance USD 30/IDR 420,000
SWIFT for others USD 20/IDR 280,000
AWB endorsement IDR 250,000
LC/ SKBDN Advising Fee
Keep with us USD 25 / IDR 350,000
Taken by Beneficiary USD 100/ IDR 1,250,000
Advised Through USD 100/ IDR 1,250,000


Letter of Credit
Letter of Credit

Letter of Credit




Popular Questions About KPR Kendali

Saldo tabungan meringankan bunga KPR Kendali. Sehingga, kelebihan angsuran digunakan untuk mengurangi sisa hutang pokok. Hal ini menyebabkan penurunan sisa pinjaman lebih cepat.

Tidak. Angsuran hanya berubah ketika suku bunga berubah, dengan menabung lebih banyak maka porsi kewajiban bunga akan mengecil dan porsi pokok pinjaman semakin besar , hal ini menyebabkan pinjaman akan cepat lunas dari jadwal yang seharusnya

Tidak dapat , KPR Kendali harus menggunakan tabungan khusus yaitu TANDA KPR KENDALI

Tidak ada pencreditan bunga ke rekening debitur, karena pendapatan bunga yang diperoleh digunakan untuk mengurangi kewajiban bunga tiap harinya

Tabungan tidak ditutup namun di konversikan menjadi tabungan TANDA 360

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KPR Kendali