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Cash Withdrawal Fees

Biaya Transaksi OCBC
How much is the transaction fee at OCBC ATM?
  1. Melalui ATM OCBC
  2. Biaya transaksi di ATM OCBC menggunakan kartu ATM OCBC dapat dilihat di sini
  3. Melalui jaringan ATM lain
Jaringan ATM Biaya Tarik Tunai (Rp)
Bersama/Prima 8.000
OCBC Bank Singapura 10.000
Bank Card Malaysia 15.000


For rates and other fees, click here

Forgot Password

Transaction Security
What should I do if I forget my OCBC Internet Banking Password?

You can reset your OCBC Internet Banking Password via:

OCBC mobile
  1. Click "Enter" on the main page, then click "Forget Password"
  2. Enter your OCBC Debit Card number
  3. Enter your mobile number registered with Bank OCBC
  4. Enter your date of birth
  5. Enter your OCBC Debit Card PIN number
  6. Your new Password will be sent via SMS to your mobile number

OCBC Internet Banking
  1. Click "Forget User ID" on the main page
  2. Enter your OCBC Debit Card number
  3. Enter your mobile number registered with Bank OCBC
  4. Enter your date of birth
  5. Enter the Captcha code
  6. Enter your OCBC Debit Card PIN number
  7. Your new Password will be sent via SMS to your mobile number

  1. Choose “Other Transactions” on the ATM screen, then choose the “ADM/e-Banking Registration”
  2. Click “Online Banking” then click “Reset Password”
  3. Your User ID and password will be printed on the ATM receipt

OCBC Branches
  1. Visit the nearest branch of Bank OCBC
  2. Complete Blocking/Reset Password-PIN form
  3. Your new password will be sent directly to your email address
What should I do if I forget OCBC mobile Password?

You can reset your OCBC Internet Banking Password via:

OCBC mobile
  1. Click "Enter" on the main page, then click "Forget Password"
  2. Enter your OCBC Debit Card number
  3. Enter your mobile number registered with Bank OCBC NISP
  4. Enter your date of birth
  5. Enter your OCBC Debit Card PIN number
  6. Your new Password will be sent via SMS to your mobile number

OCBC Internet Banking
  1. Click "Forget User ID" on the main page
  2. Enter your OCBC Debit Card number
  3. Enter your mobile number registered with Bank OCBC
  4. Enter your date of birth
  5. Enter the Captcha code
  6. Enter your OCBC Debit Card PIN number
  7. Your new Password will be sent via SMS to your mobile number

  1. Choose “Other Transactions” on the ATM screen, then choose the “ADM/e-Banking Registration”
  2. Click “Online Banking” then click “Reset Password”
  3. Your User ID and password will be printed on the ATM receipt

OCBC Branches
  1. Visit the nearest branch of Bank OCBC
  2. Complete Blocking/Reset Password-PIN form
  3. Your new password will be sent directly to your email address

Block Cards

Credit Card Usage
How to block your credit card in case of missing or stolen?
The Cardholder only need to Call OCBC 1500-999 or +62-21-26506300 (from overseas) to process on blocking your missing credit card and apply a replacement for IDR 100,000 for OCBC Platinum or OCBC Titanium Credit Card and IDR 2,500,000 for OCBC Voyage Credit Card.



Premier Banking

Beyond Banking Benefit
What is Beyond Banking benefit?
Beyond Banking benefit is a series of non-financial facilities offered by OCBC Premier Banking to provide extended convenience and comfort to Customers.
What facilities are available in Beyond Banking?

Beyond Banking facilities include:

  1. Medical Check Up
  2. Pick Up Services
  3. Airport Service Assistance
Who can enjoy Beyond Banking facilities?

Beyond Banking facilities will be made available to Premier Banking customers who have fulfilled the applicable terms and conditions.

Can Customers enjoy all Beyond Banking facilities?

Customers can enjoy Beyond Banking facilities from the Beyond Banking Package chosen as prederred.

Available package options include:

  1. Signature Package
  2. Leisure Package
  3. Wellness Package
The differences between 3 Beyond Banking package?
OCBC Premier Banking Beyond Banking
How is the eligibility for Beyond Banking facilities determined?

The usage eligibility refers to the average combined monthly balance for the last 3 (three) consecutive months with a minimum of IDR 1 billion per month

When will the monthly quota for Beyond Banking facilities be updated?

The monthly quota is updated on the 3rd (three) day of every month and is valid until 2nd (second) day of the following month. Example: March quota is on 3rd March – 2nd April

What is the SLA for Beyond Banking facility requests?

The Service Level Agreement (SLA) for each facility requests is H-2 business days. For example, a request for usage on Monday must be submitted by the end of the day on Thursday.

Who is eligible to use the Beyond Banking facility?

For individual customers, the facility applies to the account holder. For joint accounts (AND or OR), the facility applies to the first name listed on the account.

When can customers select a Beyond Banking package?

Customers can select a package when they join the Premier Banking service.

How can customers register for a Beyond Banking package?

Customers can contact their Premier Banking Manager (PBM) to register for the package through the available channels provided.

When can customers start using the facility?

Customers can start using the facility after fulfilling the eligibility criteria, based on the average combined balance for the past three consecutive months.

What is the validity period of a Beyond Banking package?

The Beyond Banking package is valid for one (1) calendar year. Customers may apply for the changes when the changes period is opened.

Example: If a Customer joins the Premier Banking service and selects the Signature package in May 2024, the package is valid until December 2024. Customer is allowed to change their January to December 2025 Beyond Banking Package during the change period in November 2024

Can the package be changed?

Yes, the package can be changed. The change request can only be done during the change period that the Bank will announce through the Bank’s official channels. Customers need to ensure that their personal mobile phone numbers and email address are updated and valid in the Bank’s system.

What if Customer has not selected a Beyond Banking package?

If a Customer has not selected a Beyond Banking package, they will not be able to request Beyond Banking facilities.

Pick-Up Services Facility

Can customers choose the type of vehicle?

The type of vehicle is predetermined, with Premium SUVs subject to vendor availability. Examples of Premium SUVs include Alphard, Voxy, Vellfire, etc.

Which vendors are partnered for the Pick-Up Services facility?

Domestic Vendors:

  • Golden Bird
  • TRAC

Singapore Vendors:

  • LI-NK
  • Strides
Where is the Pick-Up Services facility available in Indonesia?
Kota Bandara/ Stasiun
Jakarta Soekarno Hatta
Surabaya Juanda
Denpasar I Gusti Ngurah Rai
Medan Kualanamu
Yogyakarta Adi Sutjipto & YIA
Makassar Hasanudin
Malang Abdul Rahman Saleh
Padalarang Kereta Cepat Whoosh
Which areas are covered by the Pick-Up Services facility?
OCBC Premier Banking Beyond Banking
Where is the Pick-Up Services facility available in Singapore?

The facility is available at Changi Airport and Harbour Front.

What should be noted when using the Pick-Up Services facility?

Domestic Pick-Up Services:

  1. Golden Bird Vendor 
    1. Pick-Up from the Airport: Golden Bird booth available at the airport.
    2. Drop-Off to the Airport: The customer will be picked up by a vendor representative with a maximum waiting time of 15 minutes.
  2. TRAC Vendor 
    1. Pick-Up from the Airport: TRAC Representative will meet the customer in front of arrival terminal with a maximum waiting time of 60 minutes.
    2. Drop-Off to the Airport: The customer will be contacted by a vendor representative with a maximum waiting time of 15 minutes.

Pick-Up Services in Singapore:
LI-NK and Strides Vendors: 

  1. Pick-Up from the Airport: Meet the customer at the waiting hall of the airport terminal with a maximum wait time of 60 minutes from the flight arrival time. 
  2. Drop-Off to the Airport: The customer will be contacted by a vendor representative with a maximum wait time of 15 minutes.
Will customers receive confirmation of their Beyond Banking facility booking?

Confirmation will be sent by the Bank no later than H-1 business day before the facility usage date to the customer's email address and SMS, based on the data recorded in the bank's system.

Are all costs covered by the bank?

The bank covers the basic rates for pick-up and drop-off services, excluding waiting services beyond the SLA and additional routes.

How can customers book Beyond Banking facilities?

Booking can be made by contacting your assisting Premier Banking Manager (PBM).
For booking Pick-Up Services facilities, customers can independently use the OCBC mobile application with complete guidance available at the following link:

Medical Check Up Facilities

In which countries is Medical Check Up facilities available?

Medical Check Up is available in Indonesia and Singapore.

Who is the vendor that collaborates with the Medical Check Up facilities?

Indonesia Vendors:

  • Biotest
  • Pramita
  • Prodia

Singapura Vendors:

  • Raffles Hospital
Where can the Medical Check Up examination be done?

Medical Check Up Indonesia serves examinations at laboratories/home service, while for Medical Check Up Singapore, only serve examinations at hospitals.

What is the difference between the Regular package and the Advance Package for Medical Check Up in Indonesia?

pb benefit 3

What types of facilities are included in a domestic Medical Check Up?

pb benefit 4

What should be considered when using the Medical Check Up facility?

Some of the things that must be prepared are:

  1. Get enough rest.
  2. Fasting 10-12 hours before the examination.
  3. Do not smoke or consume alcohol and drugs.
Will the customer receive confirmation of the Medical Check Up facility reservation?

Confirmation will be sent by the Bank no later than D-1 working day from the date of use of the facility to the Customer's email address and SMS according to the data recorded in the Bank's system.

Are all the expenses covered by the bank?

The bank only covers the examination fees listed in the table above.

How do I book a Medical Check Up facility?

Ordering Medical Check Up Indonesia facilities can be done independently on the OCBC mobile application with complete instructions on the link
Booking can be made by contacting your assisting Premier Banking Manager (PBM).

Are there any specific requirements for a medical check-up in Singapore?

There are several conditions:

  1. It is recommended to book a Singapore Medical Check Up at least 7 days before the examination date.
  2. The examination schedule depends on confirmation from Raffles Hospital.
  3. Customers must respond to the email and attach a copy of their passport to the confirmation email sent by Raffles Hospital.
  4. 4. Medical Check Up appointments cannot be transferred on the examination day.


Nyala Service Fee Debit
Nyala Service Fee Debit
  1. Q: What does Nyala Service Fee Debit mean?
    A: Service fee debit is a fee deduction charged to Nyala Individual Customers if the previous month's average combined balance does not meet the requirements (in this case the Customer must maintain an average combined balance of IDR1 Million).
  2. Q: When will the Debit Service Fee come into effect?
    A: The implementation of Nyala service fee debit will be effective on July 03, 2024, and will be carried out periodically on the 3rd of each subsequent month.
  3. Q: What are the types of accounts that can be used as a source of funds for service fee debits?
    A: The types of accounts that can be used as a source of funds for service fee debiting are IDR savings and/or current accounts.
  4. Q: What are the types of accounts that cannot be used as a source of fund for debiting service fees?
    A: The types of accounts that cannot be used as a source of fund for debiting service fees are other than IDR savings and/or current accounts, namely: Tabungan Berjangka (TAKA), Tabungan Haji, deposits, Savings with restricted status, Savings with hold status, and Savings with freeze status.
  5. Q: Will I receive a notification for the successful debiting of service fees?
    A: For every service fee debit activity that is carried out, it will be informed through the account mutation which can be seen in the Financial menu on OCBC mobile.
  6. Q: How do I check the mutation/history of service charge debits?
    A: For each service charge debiting activity performed, the mutation/history can be checked through the following steps:
    • Login to OCBC mobile
    • Select the "Financial" menu at the bottom of the main dashboard
    • Select one of your IDR savings/giro accounts
    • Service fee debit status/details will appear in the account mutation list.
  7. Q: Can the service charge debit be stopped?
    A: Service charge debiting will automatically stop if:
    • There is no balance in the IDR savings/giro account that can be used as a source of debiting funds, or
    • The customer deposits/top up funds until they meet the required average combined balance (AUM) criteria.
  8. Q: What is an example of a service charge debiting mechanism?
    A: Customer Condition:
    • Customer is a member of Nyala service
    • According to the terms and conditions of the Nyala service fee, if the Customer has an average combined balance below Rp1,000,000,-, a service fee of Rp10,000 will be charged every month
      • Only has 1 IDR savings/giro account.
        If the funds in the Customer's IDR savings/giro account are less than the service fee charged, the Bank will debit all funds in the account, and the remaining service fee that is not successfully debited will not be collected in the following month.
        • Customer Nyala has an average combined balance (AUM) in January 2024 of Rp800,000, - & the remaining balance on February 3, 2024 is Rp4,000.
        • The service charge debiting system will debit the balance of Rp4,000,- & will not charge Rp6,000,- (remaining service charge) in March 2024.
      • Having more than 1 IDR savings/giro account
        If the Customer has more than one (1) IDR savings/giro account with different nominal & lower than the service fee charged, the service fee debiting system will debit from the account with the highest balance.
        • Customer Nyala has an average combined balance (AUM) of 2 IDR savings/giro accounts in January 2024 of IDR 500,000.
        • On February 3, 2024, the remaining balance in each account are: account 1 (IDR 2,000) and account 2 (IDR 6,000).
        • The Bank will debit the service fee starting from the account with the highest balance, in this case from account 2 of Rp6,000,-, and the remaining unpaid service fee of Rp4,000,- will not be billed and debited in the next debiting period.
        • In the following month, if the Customer has not topped up the balance (above Rp1,000,000,-), the system will automatically debit the service fee from the account with the highest balance, in this case from account 1 amounting to Rp2,000,-.
        Currently in effect In effect per 3 July 2024
        If the Nyala Customer fails to meet the average combined balance requirement above Rp1,000,000 in the last month, a service fee of Rp10,000 will be charged on the 3rd of the following month.
        In the event that the Customer's funds in the account are insufficient to debit the service fee, it will become arrears charged to the Customer in the following month. If the Nyala Customer fails to meet the average combined balance requirement above Rp1,000,000 in the last month, a service fee of Rp10,000 will be charged on the 3rd of the following month.
        In the event that the Customer's funds are insufficient for service fee debiting, one of the following two (2) debiting methods will be applied:
        • Account balance < service charge
          The service fee will be debited against any amount of funds available in the Customer's IDR savings/giro account. The remaining service fee that is not successfully debited will not be charged to the next month's service fee.
        • Account balance = Rp0,-
          Service fee will not be debited & will not be charged to the next month's service fee.

For more information, please contact TANYA OCBC at 1500-999/ +62-21-26506300 (overseas).

What is Nyala
What is NYALA?
  1. NYALA is a service from Bank OCBC that will give you financial solutions to grow money and provide various benefits so you can be #FinanciallyFIT.

    Per September 1, 2022, the Nyala service will have four benefit tiers based on the Average Combined Balance: BASIC, FIT, PRO and MASTER.

  2. What are NYALA Benefits?

    More information regarding benefits of Nyala check here.

  3. What is Combined Balance?

    The Combined Balance calculates all products (including Sharia products) owned by the Customer in the form of savings, time savings, current accounts, time deposits, and Wealth Management products such as Bonds, Mutual Funds, Foreign Exchange and Bancassurance (using market indication value or investment cash value).

    The Average Combined Balance (per month) is calculated by adding up balances on all products at the end of each day, then at the end of the month divided by the number of days in the month. Calculations are made from the 1st (one) day to the end of the month (28 / 29 / 30 / 31).

  4. How do Nyala Service Benefits and Fees Apply?
    • The Nyala benefit at each level will be valid for 1 (one) month, with a Transaction Fee Free benefit period from the 3 (third) to the 2 (two) of the following month.
    • Every month, an automatic review will be carried out to determine the Customer's benefit levels based on the applicable benefit scheme. As a result, the Benefit Quota will be restored on the 3 (third) month date according to the Customer's level.
    • Customers will receive the highest benefit level in the first month the Customer joins the Nyala service. From the second month onwards, the Customer will get the benefit levels according to the average Combined Balance in the previous month.
    • If the Average Combined Balance per Month of the Customer is less than Rp1,000,000 (one million rupiah), the Customer will be charged a Service Fee of Rp10,000 (ten thousand rupiah) per month, and the fee will be charged every 3 (third) month date.
    • During 2022, the Nyala Service fee will not be charged to the Customer, in accordance with the applicable program:

  5. What are the Monthly Cashback Terms from Nyala Service?

    More information can be accesed here

  6. What are the Requirements to Join the Nyala Service?

    To join the NYALA service, you must be an OCBC Customer and have at least 1 (one) savings product from OCBC.

  7. How to check your Active Nyala Benefits?

    Faq Nyala

  8. Nyala Level Simulation

    Example A:
    You are an OCBC Customer and activated Nyala for the first time on September 1, 2022. You will receive the MASTER benefits in the first month regardless of your Combined Balance. The following month, on October 3, 2022, the Bank will review whether you stay, increase or decrease the level based on your September 2022 Average Combined Balance. During the next month (October 3 – November 2 2022), you can enjoy the benefits level according to your Average Combined Balance.

    Example B:
    You are an OCBC customer who activated Nyala Digital or Nyala Individual before September 1, 2022. On September 1, 2022, your Nyala benefit level will be automatically updated according to the Nyala benefit provisions in point (2) above. You will enjoy the MASTER level benefits in the first month as a welcome reward. The following month, on October 3, 2022, the Bank will review whether you stay, increase or decrease the level based on your September 2022 Average Combined Balance. During the next month (October 3 – November 2 2022), you can enjoy the benefits level according to your Average Combined Balance.

Young Nyala
What is the Young Nyala Debit Card?

The Young Nyala Debit Card (previously known as Mighty Savers) is a debit card linked to Tanda Junior account, designed for customers under the age of 17. The Young Nyala Debit Card can be used for transactions at EDC terminals with DIP IN or TAP, as well as for cash withdrawals from the IDR account.

What does it mean by increase the spending and cash withdrawal limit for the Young Nyala Debit Card?

The Young Nyala Debit Card allows for daily spending and cash withdrawals totalling up to IDR 1.000.000 (one million rupiah).

When will the change in the spending and cash withdrawal limit for the Young Nyala Debit Card take effect?

Effective August 16, 2024, Young Nyala Debit Cardholders can enjoy transactions up to IDR 1.000.000 per day through OCBC mobile.

How can I ensure that the debit card is a Young Nyala Debit Card?

If the debit card linked to a Tanda Junior account with the following 9-digit card numbers:

  1. 537940222
  2. 537940803
What about the design of the Young Nyala Debit Card?

There are several designs for the debit card as follows:

  1. Previous design

  2. New design, effective from 16 August 2024 with Young Nyala logo

  3. Special design – for customers affiliated with schools that have partnered with OCBC

    Marked by the “debit” logo and the contactless logo on the right side of the front face card.

Is there any monthly fee for the Young Nyala Debit Card?

No monthly admin fee for Young Nyala Debit Card.

How can Parents change the spending limit for child’s transactions?
  1. Log into OCBC mobile
  2. Select “Settings”
  3. Choose “Card Management”
  4. Select the debit card you want to adjust the spending limit for
  5. Choose “Change Daily Spending Limit”
  6. Set and specify the daily spending limit
  7. Select the “Limit Duration” for 1 or 2 months and click “Change”
  8. Agree to the Terms and Conditions
  9. Enter Transaction PIN
  10. The spending limit change will be updated automatically (in real-time)
If I already had a debit card linked to Tanda Junior account, how can I change to the new design card?

Parents can request a new design card at the nearest OCBC branch.

Is there any fee for replacing a Debit Card?

Fees are subject to the current rates and charges.

Can the Young Nyala Debit Card be used for transactions abroad?

The Young Nyala Debit Card can be used for both shopping and cash withdrawals abroad through the Mastercard network, with conversion and debiting from the IDR account.

Can the Young Nyala Debit Card be used for national and international e-commerce transactions?

The Young Nyala Debit Card can be used for online shopping transactions. Ensure online transactions are activated through the parent’s OCBC mobile account by:

  1. Log into OCBC mobile
  2. Select “Settings”
  3. Choose “Card Management”
  4. Select the debit card to be adjusted
  5. Choose “Manage e-Commerce Transactions”
  6. Switch the toggle to ON and set the e-Commerce transaction limit
  7. Agree to the “Product & Service Summary” and “Terms & Conditions”
  8. The debit card request will be updated automatically (in real-time)


Opening of OCBC Account
How to open a savings account?
1. Proof of valid identification
- Indonesians: Identification card (KTP) (seasonal/permanent) or Driver’s License (SIM)
- Foreigners: Passport and Letter of temporary residence (KIMS/KITAS/KITAP)
2. NPWP (Tax payment number), if you do not possess a NPWP, NPWP belonging to a parent can be used. If either parent does not possess a NPWP, a form to state of not owning a NPWP can be filled in
3. Fill in the savings application form, a specimen of signature and stamp duty IDR 6 thousand
4. Minimum balance to open an account according to the type of savings account
How to open a deposit account?
1. Fill in and complete the deposit account form
2. Present documents such as: identification cards, passport or Letter of temporary residence (KIMS/KITAS/KITAP) for foreigners
3. Minimum balance to open a deposit account
How to open a giro account?
1. At least 18 years old or married
2. Photocopy of identification (for example: Identification card)
3. Photocopy of the NPWP (Tax payment number)
4. Letter of reference from a bank
5. Letter of authority
6. Specimen of signature
7.Not included in the blacklist of Bank Indonesia
Deposit Product Transaction Fees
How much transfer fee for foreign currency?
1. If it does not involve purchasing or selling foreign currencies, a fee of 0,125% (or at least USD 10 and maximum of USD 150 or equivalent) and Telex will be charged
2. If it involves purchasing and selling foreign currencies, a fee will be charged according to the buy-sell exchange rate and telex fee of IDR 50 thousand
Tanda 360 Plus
What are the benefits obtained from Tanda 360 Plus?
Tanda 360 Plus provides extra benefits in the form of 12 (twelve) currency options in 1 (one) same account.
Customers only need to have 1 account and can save in a variety of currency options.
In addition, customers can still enjoy the benefits of Tanda 360 in the form of:
- Free Adm
- Free transfers via ATM, IB and MB *
- Free cash withdrawals at ATMs *
- Free Spending / Debit shopping

* Terms and Conditions apply
Are the benefits of no transfer fees via internet banking and ATMs with the provisions that after a minimum IDR 10 million balance transaction is only valid in IDR?

Yes, no fee is only valid in IDR

What is Global Wallet Feature?
Global Wallet Feature is a new feature available in Mastercard ATM cards – Tanda 360 Plus serves to provide benefits for the customers when doing cash withdrawals and shopping (debit) overseas without being subject to exchange rate conversion. The mechanism of Global Wallet Feature automatically debit local currencies of the relevant countries (10 foreign currencies) from Tanda 360 Plus accounts.

Click here for more info.
Tanda Premium
What is the difference between Tanda Premium and Other Savings in OCBC?
Tanda Premium is a savings account that provides optimal interest rates
What types of Currencies that available for Tanda Premium?
Tanda Premiun is only available for Rupiah currency type
What benefits that can I get if I have a Tanda Premium?
  • Flexibility on using the savings account
  • Optimal Interest Rate
OCBC Pocket
What is product One Pocket?
One Pocket is a transactional account which can be opened through partner’s platform in cooperation with Bank OCBC (”Mitra”).
What are benefits obtained from One Pocket?
Customers can enjoy the benefits of One Pocket in the form of:
  • No initial deposit required
  • Free Administration fee
  • Free Account closing fee
  • Free Below balance fee
How to open a One Pocket product?
Through the OCBC Partner Electronic System, customers can open One Pocket products with the following conditions:
  • Proof of identity in the form of KTP
  • Fill in the Account Opening Personal Data, on the bank's web in the partner’s platform in corporation with Bank OCBC
  • Agreed on the terms and conditions that apply to account opening on the partner’s platform in corporation with Bank OCBC
Can I open One Pocket product through bank channels?
No, currently One Pocket product can only be opened through partner’s platform in corporation with Bank OCBC
Can I make transactions from One Pocket products through the Bank channels?
Yes, customers can make transactions through the Bank's channel with One Pocket product as the source of funds if the customer has user ID to access OCBC mobile/Internet Banking.
Will my One Pocket product active immediately after I receive the product opening notification email?
No, customers need to top up any amount to the account to activate the product.
Will I receive card for opening One Pocket product through Bank OCBC Partner’s platform?
Yes, upon opening the One Pocket product, the customer will receive a card according to the card type selected by the customer at the time of account opening.
Can I unbind my account from Partner’s platform?
Yes, customer rightfully can unbind account from partner's platform in accordance with the terms and conditions set by OCBC
What types of transactions can I make on Partner's Platform?
Type of transactions that can be made after the Customer successfully register the linking of One Pocket in Partner’s platform are as follows:
  • Balance inquiry;
  • Transaction history inquiry;
  • Fund transfer (overbooking/ to another bank);
  • Purchase & payment through Virtual Account.
What do I need to know by binding my account on Bank OCBC Partner’s Platform?
By agreeing to the Terms and Conditions of One Pocket:
  • The Customer states that he/she has received a complete and adequate explanation from Bank OCBC regarding the characteristics of the product and has understood and accepted all of the consequences of using this product including its associated benefits, risks and costs;
  • The Customer states that he/she has accepted, read, understood, agreed and is willing to comply with and be bound by (i) these Terms and Conditions of One Pocket, (ii) Terms and Conditions of Account Opening and Arrangement of PT Bank OCBC NISP, Tbk, (iii) General Terms and Conditions of E-Banking Services; (iv) as well as procedures applicable in Bank OCBC related to this product, including all applicable laws and regulations;
  • The Customer acknowledges and fully agrees that by opening One Pocket through Partner, (i) the information/statement/data provided by the Customer through Partner will be disclosed and forwarded to Bank OCBC, and therefore the Customer authorizes Bank OCBC to contact any party to obtain or verify the validity of such information/statement/data in any manner deemed appropriate by Bank OCBC subject to the applicable laws and regulations; and (ii) all process carried out by Partner shall be fully the responsibility of such Partner.
  • The Customer acknowledges that every consent that the Customer gives in electronic form, such as a tickmark, OTP and any other forms that have the same purpose in Bank OCBC’s platform shall be a perfect, valid and binding evidence even such consent is not made in a written document affixed with the wet signature/electronic signature;
  • The Customer agrees that he/she agree that in the event of any difference or inconsistency between (i) the Terms and Conditions of Account Opening and Arrangement of PT Bank OCBC NISP, Tbk, and (ii) General Terms and Conditions of E-Banking Services with these Terms and Condition of One Pocket, then the provisions apply are as contained in this Terms and Condition of One Pocket.
Dormant Account
What is dormant account?
Accounts that have not actively made transactions for ≥ 375 consecutive days.
What is dormant administration fee?
Dormant administration fee is a fee that will be charged for accounts that have not actively made transactions for ≥ 375 consecutive days.
How much does dormant administration cost?
For each account with dormant status, monthly fee will be charged per account as follows:
  • IDR 15,000 for account with IDR based currency or multicurrency (Tanda 360 Plus)
  • SGD 2 for Tanda Valas SGD account
  • USD 1 for Tanda Valas USD account
Dormant administration fee will be applied and reduce the remaining balance as long as the account has not been re-activated.
When will this fee be applied?
This fee will be effective starting 11 October 2021
What products will be applied with dormant administration fee?
All savings products will be applied with dormant administration fee; except RDN (Rekening Dana Nasabah), TAKA (Tabungan Berjangka), and Tabungan Syariah.
For Tanda 360 Plus (multicurrency), will dormant administration fee be applied in each currency?
No, administration fee will be applied to IDR only.
Does an account with dormant status can be re-activated?
Yes, account can be re-activated.
What should I do if I want to re-activate a dormant account?
Activation of dormant accounts can be done at Branches or through ATMs, Internet Banking & Mobile Banking by cash withdrawal, book-entry, purchase and transfer transactions through e-channel facilities. Dormant account will become active automatically H+1 after the transaction date.
How can I ensure that my account is not dormant?
Customers must be active in making transactions, whether deposit, purchase, payment or transfer, where all these transactions can be done through OCBC mobile.
How do I know if my account is dormant or not?
You can check your account status through Branch Office or Tanya OCBC – 1500999.

Reference Case(s):

  1. Q: I have Tanda 360 Plus account (multicurrency). If I only use IDR, SGD, and USD, will the remaining currencies that are not used be applied with dormant administration fee?
    A: No, if there is minimum one active currency in a multicurrency account, it will be counted as an active account (for all currencies).
  2. Q: I have 3 accounts: Tanda Junior, Tanda 360 Plus, Tanda Reguler; where all of the accounts are dormant. How will the dormant administration fee be applied? A: Dormant administration fee will be applied for each account with dormant status. In this case, fee will be applied for all three accounts with dormant status. The monthly dormant administration fee is IDR 45,000 (3x Rp 15,000).
  3. Q: I do not make any transactions in my inactive account, but I have bonds product that gives regular coupons. Does my account will be dormant?
    A: No. With the regular crediting of bond coupons, the status of the account will be kept active. In addition to that, these are transactions that will keep your account active:
    • Incoming transfer from other Bank through online, SKN, RTGS, and Telex
    • Incoming transfer from OCBC
    • Matured time deposit
    • Regular purchase of mutual funds (RDB)
    • Periodic transfer (standing instruction)
    • Regular insurance premiums
  4. Q: I received a deposit interest credit, can the transaction keep my account status active?
    A: No, the transaction cannot keep the account status active. In addition, monthly installment for produk Tabungan Berjangka - TAKA also cannot keep the account status active.
  5. Q: Are there any transactions that can still run in the account even though the status is dormant?
    A: Yes. However, the following transactions will not change the dormant account status to active:
    • Administration fee/saving tax
    • Crediting savings/account interest
    • Automatic debiting of dormant accounts, such as: payment of installments/interest, Safe Deposit Box (SDB) rental fees, and others can still be done as long as the balance is sufficient.
Info Termination of Issuing ATM/Debit Card for Tanda Valas SGD Account
What is termination of issuing Debit Card Tanda Valas SGD mean?
Banks will no longer issuing Debit/ATM Cards for customers who have SGD Currency Sign accounts. This applies to new requests and/or any other reasons (such as expired/lost card/damaged card/others).
Will customers be able to request new Debit Card Tanda Valas SGD?
This request will be accommodated only until 14 August 2024.
When will the termination of issuing Debit Card Tanda Valas SGD effective?
We will no longer issuing the Debit Card starting 15 August 2024.
Are there any differences on transaction features and benefits between debit card linked to Tanda Valas SGD account and to Tanda 360 Plus account?
Features & Benefits Tanda Valas SGD Tanda 360 Plus
Withdrawal at ATM OCBC Indonesia and OCBC Singapore Yes Yes
Withdrawal or transfer (including Telegraphic Transfer) via branch and OCBC mobile Yes Yes
Withdrawal at ATM with Mastercard logo all over the world No Yes
Shop online and offline via Mastercard EDCs by tap or dip-in your Global Debit like locals No Yes
Shop and withdraw cash directly debit Tanda 360 Plus Account without conversion and with no fee No Yes
Promotions for online transaction with Global Debit such as Grab, Tokopedia and Shopee ( No Yes
Will customer who has existing debit cards linked to Tanda Valas SGD be able to use the card after 15 August 2024?
Debit cards linked to Tanda Valas SGD can still be used to do cash withdrawal at ATM OCBC (Indonesia and Singapore) until the expiration date stated in the card.
How to open a new Tanda 360 Plus and get Global Debit card?
Get your account by going to the nearest branch or via OCBC mobile by following these steps:
  1. Open and login to your OCBC mobile
  2. Pick Apply
  3. Pick Conventional Savings
  4. Choose Tanda 360 Plus with your preferred your base currency
  5. Fill-in personal information and pick “Yes” under field Create an ATM Card
  6. Review and accept “Product & Service Summary” and “Terms & Conditions”
  7. Input your transaction PIN
  8. Successfully finish on account opening and debit card request
How to transfer SGD balance from Tanda Valas SGD to Tanda 360 Plus?
Transfer your SGD balance from Tanda Valas SGD to Tanda 360 Plus by going to the nearest branch or via OCBC mobile by following these steps:
  1. Open and login to your OCBC mobile
  2. Pick Transfer
  3. Pick My Account
  4. Pick your new Tanda 360 Plus account on SGD currency
  5. Input the nominal amount to transfer
  6. Review your Transfer Summary and confirm
  7. Review and accept “Terms & Conditions”
  8. Input your transaction PIN
  9. Your balance has been successfully transferred
When will customer receive the new debit card ?
Debit card will be processed after 10 working days on request submitted to the system.
How to activate the new debit card?
Customers can activate the new debit card by going to the nearest branch or via OCBC mobile:
  1. Open and login your OCBC mobile account
  2. Get into Settings and pick Card Management
  3. If debit card is shown at the Card Management list, click “Click to Activate” and input CVV and expiry date
  4. If debit card is not shown at the Card Management list, pick “Request or Activate New Card”, pick Instant and input your debit card number, expiry date and source of fund account
  5. Review and accept “Terms & Conditions”
  6. Input your transaction PIN
  7. Your card has been successfully activated
Are there are fee for cash withdrawal or shopping transaction using Global Debit card?
Information on fees can refer to:
Do customers need to close their Tanda Valas SGD account?
Customers are still be able to use their Tanda Valas SGD account, but no new debit card will be provided by 15 August 2024 with any reason.
Do I need to pay or being charged for closing Tanda Valas SGD account?
There will be closing fee charges, detail information please refer to:


Loan Repayment
How do you pay off the loan as a complete settlement?
1. Settlement process takes up to 7 business days after the Settlement Request Form and a fotocopy of ID card are submitted (doesn't include Saturday and Sunday).
2. Full name, current address, account number, phone number, and reason of settlement must be stated in the Settlement Request Form.
3. Collateral may be received within 5 business days after day of settlement. Call Center will inform the location and time of retrieval.
4. The deadline to issue a settlement is on the 15th of every month.
How do you pay off the loan as a partial settlement
1. Partial settlement can be done maximum 1x (one time) within a year. The minimum amount required for partial settlement is 3x (three times) the monthly installment.
2. Full name, current address, account number, phone number, and reason of settlement must be stated in the Settlement Request Form. Additionally, the amount of partial settlement must be stated (whether the amount is reduced or the duration of settlement is extended).
3. There must be sufficient funds in the savings account where payment is made at the day of settlement by 15:00 Western Indonesian Time.
Loan Documents
How do I request a photocopy of credit documents?
1. Contact Call Center to request copies of settlement documents.
2. This process takes up to 5 (five) business days to complete after initial contact with Call Center.
What documents needed to apply for a multi-use credit?
1. Photocopy of Valid Identification Card
2. Photocopy of family card
3. Photocopy of Marriage certificate/birth certificate / divorce certificate / death certificate / separation from treasure certificate
4. Photocopy of Tax Number (NPWP)
5. Photocopy of savings/ checking account from the last three months
6. Photocopy of Payroll from the last three months (for employees)
7. Photocopy of Statement letter of employment from the company (at least from the last month for employees)
8. Photocopy of Permission letter of practice or permission from authorized establishments
9. Photocopies of Permission letter of trade(SIUP) And Sign of the company (Tanda Daftar Perusahaan) or from the local district authority (kelurahan) for business owners
10. Photocopy of the latest company deed showing the composition of the shareholders
Information About Credit
How to Track Outstanding Credit Balance?
1. Please contact Call Center for payment schedules and details on your ongoing settlement.
2. If your email address is registered in our system, the process will be completed on the next day.
3. Outstanding information can also be found via OCBC mobile
How to Refund Insurance for Settled Credit?
To issue an insurance refund, contact Tanya OCBC 1500-999.
KPR Easy Start OCBC
What's the difference between Easy Start KPR and Normal KPR?
Easy Start KPR has the advantage of being low in installments for several years at the beginning of a loan. With lower installments, customers can own homes faster.
Why Easy Start KPR is a solution to have a home faster?
Angsuran ringan diawal kredit sehingga sesuai dengan pendapatan dari generasi muda diawal masa kerja (karir)
Early installments mean that it will be heavy the following year?
Easy Start installments are made tiered, so the increase is still in accordance with the increase of income from customers.
What price can a house be financed by KPR Easy Start?
The maximum loan obtained from KPR Easy Start is Rp. 2.5 billion, if the down payment is 20%, then with KPR Easy Start the customer can buy a house for IDR 3 billion.
Kredit Multi Guna
What are the KMG facilities at Bank OCBC?
Credit facilities to get cash that can be used by customers to meet various needs
What is the amount of KMG Credit financing?
The amount of financing starts from IDR 100 million to IDR 10 billion
Apa Jaminan yang dapat digunakan untuk mengajukan Kredit Multi Guna?
Jaminan untuk fasilitas Kredit Multi Guna Bank OCBC adalah sertifikat tempat tinggal atas nama perorangan
What time period is available?
Credit period 1 to 15 years
Until when do customers get insurance protection during the credit period?
Life and Fire Protection during the credit period
What documents are needed to apply for a Multi Purpose Credit?
Documents Required for Submitting Multi-Purpose Loans consist of:
- Personal documents, such as: KTP & NPWP
- Financial documents, such as: a photocopy of a savings account
- Guarantee documents, such as: certificates and IMB
How to rearrange the amount of installments?
It can be done by paying off part of it with a fixed period (unchanged) or shortened period. The amount of repayment is min 3 x installments / month or min IDR 10 million, can be done once a year *)

*) Please Contact the Tanya OCBC 1500-999
What if the customer wants to pay off all remaining loans before they are due?
Applying for H-7 working days prior to repayment date and all guarantees will be submitted 5 working days after repayment. *)

*) Please Contact the Tanya OCBC 1500-999
Will I be fined if I make a payment late 1 day from the due date?
It is true that you will be fined if you make payments past the due date, even if it's only 1 day late. Therefore, we recommend that you make payment on the previous business day if the due date of your installments coincides on holidays (including Saturday + Sunday)
My payment is autodebet and there are late installment penalties, will the fine be debited at the same time as the installment principal?
For payment installment via auto-debit, should there be a delay in payment resulting in penalty fee, the system will prioritize to debit the penalty fee amount first, then the interest and principal. This shall applies to all transactions.
Is there a maximum deadline for early termination (ET)?
True, there is a deadline for payment for accelerated repayment at 12.00 WIB. After making payment, please Mr / Mrs can send proof of payment can be sent to the email
What will be the impact if after my tenure has ended, the BPKB guaranteed in PT. Bank OCBC NISP Tbk is not taken immediately?
Bank OCBC will still keep the BPKB, but after the 60 calendar day deadline from the last payment was made, a BPKB deposit fee will be charged with a nominal value of Rp. 25,000 / month

Transaction Card

OCBC Nyala Platinum Credit Card
How to see my Credit Card CVV number?

The CCV number is no longer visible on the back of the Nyala Platinum credit card. The CVV number can be seen on the OCBC mobile Application. With the following steps:

  1. Open the OCBC mobile app
  2. Click the Financial tab
  3. Continue to Loan
  4. Select type Nyala Platinum Credit Card
  5. Click Card Details
  6. Next input the ONe Mobile transaction PIN
  7. Then the CVV and Exp Date of the Credit Card can be seen
If customer already has Nyala saving account, how to apply Nyala Platinum Credit Card?
Customers can open credit card by applying Nyala Platinum Credit Card via OCBC mobile, Branch (through Service Advisor or Relationship Manager), MSA, TANYA 1500 – 999 and the OCBC Indonesia Website
What if a customer doesn't have Nyala account but wants to apply Nyala Platinum Credit Card?
Customers are required to have Nyala account first. Customers can open Nyala account through all bank channels like OCBC mobile,, Branch and MSA
What if a Premier Banking customer wants to have Nyala Platinum Credit Card?
Nyala Platinum Credit Card can only be owned by customers who are members of the Nyala service or when applying for Nyala Platinum Credit Card, customers must also join the Nyala service
What if a customer who already has Nyala Platinum Credit Card becomes a Premier/Private Banking customer in the future?
Customers who previously have Nyala Platinum Credit Card can still have it and there will be no card closing even though the customer is already a Premier/Private Banking customer
If the customer has received 8% cashback, can the customer claim the NUP program?
Yes, as long as it follows the provisions of the NUP program
How to join reward points program from Nyala Platinum Credit Card?
Nyala Platinum Credit Card doesn’t have reward points feature
Why is there no signature panel on the Nyala Platinum Credit Card?
Since 1 July 2020 for every Credit Card transaction in Indonesia it is mandatory to use a PIN and overseas transactions also use a PIN or contactless so that the signature column can be removed
Debit Card Monthly Fee
What does adjustment of monthly admin Mastercard Debit fee mean?
  1. What does adjustment of monthly admin Mastercard Debit fee mean?
    Bank will charge IDR 10,000 a monthly admin fee for each active Mastercard Debit card.
  2. When will the adjustment of monthly admin Mastercard Debit fee starts?
    For former customers from Commonwealth, admin fees for each active Mastercard Debit Card will be applied Effective January 27th, 2025 and will be debited from the active IDR account on the 4th week of each month.
  3. Will the admin fee charge to only IDR Currency?
    Monthly admin Mastercard Debit Fee will be charged only to IDR currency account with the highest balance that linked to the card. The account should active (not blocked and not dormant).
  4. If customer’s account balance linked to Mastercard Debit card is less than IDR 10.000, will the Bank charge remaining balance available?
    The bank will deduct the admin fees from available balance in the account and the remaining balance will not be charged to the customer's IDR account.
  5. If customer own 2 Active Mastercard Debit Cards, how much admin fee will be charged?
    Customer will be charged 2 x IDR 10.000, or in total IDR 20.000.
  6. Is there any Mastercard Debit Card admin fee if customer’s card has been expired?
    Expired Mastercard Debit Cards will not be charged on monthly fee. Only Active Mastercard Debit Cards that will be charged monthly fee of IDR 10.000 (card activation via Branch Office or OCBC mobile).
  7. Where can I see the admin fee? How will it show in customers account transaction history?
    Global Debit monthly admin fee will be shown at the transaction history, named “Biaya Admin Kartu Debet DDMMYYYY”, i.e. “Biaya Admin Kartu Debet 27072024”.
  8. Is there any Global Debit admin fee if customer’s card has not been activated yet?
    Inactive Mastercard Debit cards will not be charged on monthly fee. Only Active Mastercard Debit Cards that will be charged monthly fee of IDR 10.000 (card activation via Branch Office or OCBC mobile).
  9. Is there any difference on monthly admin fee between Global Debit cards and Non-Global Debit cards?
    Both Global Debit dan Non-Global Debit Cards will be charged with monthly of IDR 10.000 with features differences below:
    1. Global Debit cards offer the capability to debit customer’s 11 foreign currency in the account. If the transaction is other than 11 foreign currencies in the account, transaction will be converted and debited IDR balance in the account.
    2. For Non-Global Debit cards, all transactions will be converted and debited IDR balance in the account (incl. SGD, USD, etc. transaction).
  10. How do customers identify Mastercard Debit Cards?
    On the physical debit cards, there is Mastercard Logo in front of the card and the first 6 digit (except for Child’s Debit Card Mighty Saver or Young Nyala) contain:
    • 537940 (except for Child’s Debit Card 537940222 and 537940803)
    • 531928
  11. How to close or terminate Mastercard Debit cards?
    Termination of Mastercard Debit cards (including other type of debit cards) can be requested via Call Center Tanya OCBC or nearest OCBC Branch offices.
  12. How to change Mastercard Debit cards?
    Customer can request and/or replace their debit cards at the nearest OCBC Branch offices or OCBC mobile, with steps as follow:
    1. Login to OCBC mobile
    2. Pick “Settings”
    3. Pick “Card Management”
    4. Tap on the debit cards to change
    5. Pick “Replace Card”
    6. Pick Replacement Reason between Lost Card / Damaged Card / Change Card Type
    7. Pick your preferred card
    8. Pick methods of card delivery
    9. Accept “Terms & Condition”
    10. Input your transaction PIN
    11. Your card has request has been accepted
  13. Is there any fee on card replacement?
    Information on fees can refer to:
  14. I have joined Nyala or Premier Banking. Do I need to pay Mastercard Debit cards monthly fee?
    Each Mastercard Debit card will be charged IDR 10.000 per month.
  15. I am new OCBC customer from Commonwealth, will my Global Debit cards being charged?
    Until Dec 2024, there will be no Mastercard Debit charges for previous Bank Commonwealth’s account who joining OCBC. Mastercard Debit Fee will be charged starting from 27 January 2025.
  16. I have 2 accounts, 1 existing OCBC account and 1 migrated account from Commonwealth which both accounts linked to different Global Debit cards. How much Global Debit monthly fee that will be charged?
    Up to December 2024, only Mastercard Debit cards that linked to existing account OCBC that will be charged IDR 10.000 per month.

    Effective 27 January 2025, Mastercard Debit cards that linked to Commonwealth migrated account will also be charged IDR 10.000 per month
OCBC Titanium Credit Card
What are the requirements to get an OCBC Titanium Credit Card?
Terms OCBC Titanium Credit Card
Age Main Card Holders aged 21 - 65 years
Additional Card Holders for a minimum of 17 years (Maximum 3 people
Citizenship Indonesian citizen and foreign national
Income Min Income: Rp. 60,000,000 per year.
Personal Identification Documents Photocopy of KTP or
Photocopy of Passport / KIMS / KITAS (For foreigners only) or
Photocopy of Other Bank Credit Cards (For Other Bank Customers)
Income Document Original month's latest salary slip / Statement of Income (Especially Employees and Foreigners) or
Photocopy of SIUP / Company Establishment Deed
Current account / savings account for the last 3 months (only for entrepreneurs) or
Current Account / Savings Account for the last 3 months, Photocopy of Practice Permit and Photocopy of SPT (Professional Only).
Why am I not eligible to get 75% cashback?

The reason you are not eligible to receive cashback rewards is because you do not meet the terms and conditions of the cashback rewards program or your Credit Card is blocked. Bank in accordance with the bank's policy and/or analysis also can refuse to provide or withdraw cashback if there is an indication of fraud committed in the use of this program. If you have met the terms and conditions but have not received cashback, please contact Tanya OCBC 1500-999.

What is the interest and the tenor of OCBC Titanium Credit Card installments?
0% installments with 3 months tenor without minimum transactions, and 0.5% installments with 6 - 36 months tenure without minimum transactions
How do you apply for OCBC Titanium Credit Card installments?

Installment application via OCBC mobile

  • Login OCBC mobile
  • Click 'Financial' and select 'loan'
  • Select 'Credit Card' and click the transaction that you want to make an installment
  • Enter Transaction PIN
  • Done

Are there any fees charged to credit card installments submitted?
The fee charged for applying for installments is IDR 15,000 per submission
How much is the annual fee for OCBC Titanium Credit Cards?
Main Card Rp. 300,000 per year, Supplementary Card: Rp. 100,000 per year (Free first year contribution fee)
How do I submit an objection or discrepancy of transactions on the OCBC Credit Card?
File an objection due to a transaction incompatibility, no later than 45 calendar days from the date the Billing Statement is sent. Please submit your objections to Call OCBC 1500-999 or + 62-21-26506300 (from abroad)
How do you have a 6-digit PIN on an OCBC Credit Card?

OCBC mobile Application *

Download the latest version of the OCBC mobile Application and follow these steps:

  1. Enter with your USER ID and Password OCBC mobile
  2. Click ""Your Obligations""
  3. Select the Credit Card that you want to set the PIN for
  4. Click ""CREATE / CHANGE PIN""
  5. Set the PIN you want and reconfirm
  6. PIN successfully created

(* Create PIN via OCBC mobile only for Primary Card holders)"

How do I block a credit card if it's lost or stolen?
Credit Cardholders can simply contact OCBC Call 1500-999 or + 62-21-26506300 (from overseas) for the process of blocking a lost Credit Card and submit a credit card replacement at a cost of Rp 100,000 for OCBC Titanium, Platinum, and  costs IDR 2,500,000 for an OCBC Voyage Credit Card.
How do I apply for a limit increase for my Credit Card?
  1. Login OCBC mobile
  2. Click Finance and select Loan
  3. Select the credit card for which the limit increase will be applied
  4. Click Increase limit
  5. Adjust the amount you wish to apply for
  6. Enter transaction pin
  7. Done
Debit Card Replacement Fee
What is meant by changes in Debit/ATM Card OCBC replacement fees?
Changes in Debit Card/ATM replacement fees mean that if the customer already has a card and wants to print a new card for the reason that the old/previous card is lost, nor the card is damaged, changing the card type via OCBC mobile or branch will be charged a fee of IDR40.000
What is meant by changes in Debit/ATM Card OCBC replacement fees?
Changes in Debit Card/ATM replacement fees mean that if the customer already has a card and wants to print a new card for the reason that the old/previous card is lost, nor the card is damaged, changing the card type via OCBC mobile or branch will be charged a fee of IDR40.000
When will this change in fees for making and replacing Debit/ATM Card effective date?
Effective 1 March 2024
How do I replace my Debit/ATM Card?
Customers can replace their Debit/ATM Card via OCBC Mobile or by coming directly to the nearest branch office
How do I access the Change Debit Card menu via OCBC mobile?
To apply for a Debit/ATM Card replacement, please follow the following steps:
  • Make sure the OCBC mobile application you have is the latest version (version 4.23.0), if it is different, please update the application
  • Login to OCBC mobile
  • Select the "Settings" menu in the bottom right corner
  • Select the "Card Settings" menu
  • Select the Debit Card you want/need to replace
  • Select the reason for card replacement & card delivery address
  • Make final confirmation by entering the OCBC mobile transaction PIN
  • Customers will receive notification of card replacement
How long does it take to replace 1 Debit/ATM Card?
The time required for the replacement process (including production & delivery) of 1 Debit Card are 10 working days, starting from the time the Debit/ATM Card replacement application is successfully made & approved by the system
Can I apply for a Debit/ATM Card replacement via OCBC mobile if the Customer does not have the funds?
Can't. Customers are advised to top-up funds first on the main account connected to the Debit/ATM Card for which they are applying for replacement
Is there a fee for replacing a Debit/ATM card due to an expired card?
To replace your Debit/ATM Card due to an expired card via the nearest OCBC branch, there is no replacement fee. Customers can replace cards without being charged 3 months before the due date by attaching text message/email notification information from the Bank.
OCBC Platinum Credit Card
How do I apply for a limit increase for my Credit Card?
  1. Login OCBC mobile
  2. Click Finance and select Loan
  3. Select the credit card for which the limit increase will be applied
  4. Click Increase limit
  5. Adjust the amount you wish to apply for
  6. Enter transaction pin
  7. Done

Are there any fees charged for applying for credit card installments?

The fee charged for the installment application is IDR15,000 per application

What are the requirements to get an OCBC Platinum Credit Card?
Terms OCBC Platinum Credit Card
Age Main Card Holders aged 21 - 65 years
Additional Card Holders for a minimum of 17 years (Maximum 3 people
Citizenship Indonesian citizen and foreign national
Income Min Income: Rp. 120,000,000 per year.
Personal Identification Documents Photocopy of KTP or
Photocopy of Passport / KIMS / KITAS (For foreigners only) or
Photocopy of Other Bank Credit Cards (For Other Bank Customers)
Income Document Original month's latest salary slip / Statement of Income (Especially Employees and Foreigners) or
Photocopy of SIUP / Company Establishment Deed
Current account / savings account for the last 3 months (only for entrepreneurs) or
Current Account / Savings Account for the last 3 months, Photocopy of Practice Permit and Photocopy of SPT (Professional Only).
How do I get OCBC Platinum Credit Card Reward Points?
Every transaction of IDR 10,000 gets 1 Reward Point and applies multiples
What are the conditions for exchanging OCBC Platinum Credit Card Reward Points?

Terms and Conditions for Exchange of OCBC Platinum Credit Card Reward Points through

  • Exchange points only through the website at
  • Redeem Points through the website using the Online Banking User ID and password.
  • For customers who do not yet have an Online Banking user and password to log in to the website at, can register at the nearest OCBC branch office.
  • The entire process of exchanging Credit Card Reward Points can only be done through
  • Points earned from all banking activities, such as savings and credit cards at Bank OCBC will be combined into ONe Points at
  • Installments and dispute transactions do not get points.
  • Product criteria that are included in the Reedem Points are Credit Card (OCBC Platinum Only), OCBC Debit Card, Savings (conventional and Sharia), and E-Channel (ATM, Internet Banking, Mobile Banking, SMS Banking).
  • Prizes in the form of E-vouchers will be sent to the relevant customer's email address.
  • Points earned by the customer are valid for 12 months from the time the points are formed.
  • The point exchange verification process on the website uses SMS (for Mobile Banking customers) and tokens (for Internet Banking customers).
  • Information about the amount, expiry period and history of points in the website is seen through
How do you redeem Poinseru?

Points redemption for prizes are made directly through Here are the steps to exchange your points:

  1. Enter and see the gift catalog that can be exchanged
  2. Exchange points and get attractive prizes!
  3. Enter the name and information needed to send the prize.
  4. Points redeemed will reduce your previous accumulated points.

For more information about the question and answer exchange question, please visit!/redeem-point

How much is the annual fee for OCBC Platinum Credit Card?
Main Card Rp. 600,000 per year, Supplementary Card: Rp. 300,000 per year (Free of first year tuition fees)
How do I submit an objection or discrepancy of transactions on the OCBC Credit Card?
File an objection due to a transaction incompatibility, no later than 45 calendar days from the date the Billing Statement is sent. Please submit your objections to Call OCBC 1500-999 or + 62-21-26506300 (from abroad)
How do I have a 6-digit PIN on an OCBC Credit Card?

OCBC mobile Application *

Download the latest version of the OCBC mobile Application and follow these steps:

  1. Enter with your USER ID and Password OCBC mobile
  2. Click ""Your Obligations""
  3. Select the Credit Card that you want to set the PIN for
  4. Click ""CREATE / CHANGE PIN""
  5. Set the PIN you want and reconfirm
  6. PIN successfully created

(* Create PIN via OCBC mobile only for Primary Card holders)"

How do I block a credit card if it's lost or stolen?
Credit Cardholders can simply contact OCBC Tanya 1500-999 or + 62-21-26506300 (from overseas) for the process of blocking a lost Credit Card and submit a credit card replacement at a cost of Rp 100,000 for OCBC Titanium, Platinum, and costs IDR 2,500,000 for an OCBC Voyage Credit Card.
OCBC Credit Card 90°N
What are the requirements to get an OCBC 90°N Credit Card?
Terms OCBC 90°N Credit Card
Age Main Card Holders aged 21 - 65 years
Additional Card Holders for a minimum of 17 years (Maximum 3 people
Citizenship Indonesian citizen and foreign national
Income Min Income: IDR 120,000,000 per year.
Personal Identification Documents Photocopy of KTP or
Photocopy of Passport / KIMS / KITAS (For foreigners only) or
Photocopy of Other Bank Credit Cards (For Other Bank Customers)
Income Document Original month's latest salary slip / Statement of Income (Especially Employees and Foreigners) or
Photocopy of SIUP / Company Establishment Deed
Current account / savings account for the last 3 months (only for entrepreneurs) or
Current Account / Savings Account for the last 3 months, Photocopy of Practice Permit and Photocopy of SPT (Professional Only) or
Photocopy NPWP.
How do I get OCBC 90°N Credit Card Travel Miles?
  • Every domestic transaction IDR 10,000 and overseas IDR 8,000 = 1 Travel Miles
  • Double Travel Miles for overseas transactions at Restaurant, Transportation, Hotel and Flight (maximum 500 Travel Miles per bill)
How do I redeem my Travel Miles?

Redeem your Travel Miles through which can be accessed via a browser or the OCBC mobile application.

  1. Every 1 Travel Miles can be exchanged for 1,05 Garuda Miles/ 1 KrisFlyer/ 1 AirAsia points
  2. Travel Miles for free annual fee
    • Redeem 25,000 Travel Miles for one year free annual fee (Basic Card Holder)
    • Redeem 12,500 Travel Miles for one year free annual fee (Supplement Card)
  3. Travel Miles for any rebates for your transaction
    • Merchandise/Voucher
    • Travel Rebate for all travel transactions or all your transaction 2,500 Travel Miles = IDR 100,000
What are the conditions of Travel Miles OCBC 90°N Redemption?

Collect Miles from Favorite Airlines or Exchange Whatever Your Travel Needs with OCBC 90°N Credit Card

  • Get 1 (one) Travel Miles for every IDR 8,000 (eight thousand Rupiah) overseas retail transaction and every IDR 10,000 (ten thousand Rupiah) domestic retail transaction
  • Double Travel Miles for overseas transactions at Restaurant, Transportation, Hotel, and Flight (maximum 500 Travel Miles per bill)
  • Airline Miles will be provided in the form of Travel Miles which can be seen in the Miles balance column on the billing statement
  • Conversion of 1 (one) Travel Miles is 1,05 Garuda Miles/ 1 KrisFlyer/ 1 AirAsia points
  • Travel Miles can also be redeemed for other options through
  • Shopping transactions that get Travel Miles are retail shopping transactions from major Credit Cards and additional Credit Cards that have been recorded in the Bank system and do not include all installment transactions, cash withdrawals, Loans on Phone and canceled transactions
  • Foreign transactions are transactions that are recorded in foreign currencies other than Rupiah (IDR)
  • Travel Miles will be credited a maximum of 1 month after the transaction is posted to the Bank system
  • Travel Miles are only given on your main credit card with payment status smoothly and not blocked.
How do I submit an objection or discrepancy of transactions on the OCBC Credit Card?
File an objection due to a transaction incompatibility, no later than 45 calendar days from the date the Billing Statement is sent. Please submit your objections to Call OCBC 1500-999 or + 62-21-26506300 (from abroad)
How much is the annual fee for OCBC Credit Card 90°N?
Main Card IDR 1,000,000 per year, Supplementary Card: IDR 500,000 per year (Free of first year tuition fees)
How do I have a 6-digit PIN on an OCBC Credit Card?

OCBC mobile Application *

Download the latest version of the OCBC mobile Application and follow these steps:

  1. Enter with your USER ID and Password OCBC mobile
  2. Click ""Your Obligations""
  3. Select the Credit Card that you want to set the PIN for
  4. Click ""CREATE / CHANGE PIN""
  5. Set the PIN you want and reconfirm
  6. PIN successfully created

(* Create PIN via OCBC mobile only for Primary Card holders)

How do I block a credit card if it's lost or stolen?
Credit Cardholders can simply contact OCBC Call 1500-999 or + 62-21-26506300 (from overseas) for the process of blocking a lost Credit Card and submit a credit card replacement at a cost of Rp 100,000 for OCBC Titanium, Platinum, and 90 Credit Cards ° N and costs IDR 2,500,000 for an OCBC Voyage Credit Card.
How to collect Travel Miles faster (Travel Miles Activation Bonus)?

Travel Miles Bonus

  • Activation Bonus of 13,000 Travel Miles*
  • Monthly bonus 1,000 Travel Miles**

*Enjoy an Activation Bonus of 13,000 (Thirteen Thousand) Travel Miles

  • Activate your OCBC 90°N Credit Card
  • Make a minimum transaction of IDR10,000,000 (Ten Million Rupiah) per month with accumulated retail transactions of IDR40,000,000 (Forty Million Rupiah) within 3 months since your OCBC 90°N Credit Card was approved
  • The shopping transactions that are taken into account are the total shopping transactions from the main Credit Card and additional Credit Cards that have been recorded in the Bank's system no later than 3 (three) months from the date your OCBC 90°N Credit Card was approved
  • Types of transactions that are not taken into account in this program include the following transactions:
    • Cash advance transactions and Loan on Phone (LOP)
    • All credit card-related fees
    • Current installment transactions
    • Disclaimer transactions, double postings, canceled transactions, and recurring payments
    • Cardholders are required to make claims via SMS if the customer has met the above criteria to 86477 with the format:
      OCBC (space) BONUS90N (space) last 4 digits of the Credit Card number
      Example: OCBC BONUS90N 1234
  • Customers are required to make SMS claims using the cellphone number registered in the OCBC Bank Credit Card system. And to ensure that the Customer gets a response message related to the Welcome Bonus program from 86477
  • The claim period can be made up to the end of the 3rd month since the card was approved and the Travel Miles bonus will be given in the 4th month
  • Activation bonuses will only be given to the main Credit Card
  • This program applies to the Main Cardholder (Basic) first owned by the Customer according to the last 4 digits of the card number invited to the program, Does not apply to Additional Cards (Supplements) and Second Main Cards (Add On)
  • Activation bonuses will be given to customers with smooth payment status and no blocks
  • The program is valid from 1 October – 31 December 2024
  • The bank has the right to cancel the provision of miles if there is any indication of fraud
  • More complete information can be seen at

** Enjoy 1,000 (one thousand) Travel Miles monthly Bonus

  • Perform a retail transaction accumulation of at least IDR 60,000,000 (sixty million Rupiah) in the current month
  • The bank has the right to cancel the awarding of miles if an indication of fraud is found

Collect Travel Miles Faster

  • 13.000 Travel Miles Activation Bonus by make a minimum transaction of IDR10,000,000 (Ten Million Rupiah) per month with accumulated retail transactions of IDR40,000,000 (Forty Million Rupiah) within 3 months since your OCBC 90°N Credit Card was approved
  • The calculation of Travel Miles that customers can get by making a transaction of IDR 40 million is as follows:
    Travel Miles EarningTM
    Every Domestic Transactions IDR10,000 = 1 Travel Miles 4.000
    Bonus Travel Miles 13.000
    Total Travel Miles 17.000
  • Exchange rate of 17,000 Krisflyer = 1 Ticket from Jakarta to Singapore (Round Trip, Economy Class – Saver) using Singapore Airlines
OCBC GPN Debit Card
GPN Debit Card Replacement due to Transaction Issues
  1. Why does my GPN Debit Card need to be replaced?
    The GPN Debit Card you received may not function optimally at any ATM and EDC machine. Therefore, for your convenience, we will replace your GPN Debit Card.
  2. How to get a new GPN Debit Card?
    - For Payroll Customers, the GPN Debit Card replacement will be coordinated by your company’s PIC (Person in Charge).
    - For Non-Payroll Customers, the new GPN Debit Card will be sent to the customer’s registered address at the bank.
  3. How long will it take for Non-Payroll Customers to receive the replacement card?
    The new GPN Debit Card will be processed starting from February 12, 2025, and will be delivered within 5 – 14 Working days.
  4. Is there a fee for this card replacement?
    No, there is no fee for this replacement due to this transaction issue.
  5. Can the old GPN Debit Card still be used?
    No, the old GPN Debit Card has been deactivated and cannot be used. Please use your new GPN Debit Card.
  6. What if my address has changed?
    Please update your details immediately by contacting TANYA OCBC at 1500999 or visiting the nearest branch.
  7. What should I do after receiving the new card?
    Activate your GPN Debit Card immediately through OCBC Mobile or visit the nearest branch for activation.
What are the benefits of using a GPN card?
  • can use EDC and ATM machines from any bank when transacting in Indonesia
  • Security, equipped with chip technology to provide security maximum data when the OCBC
  • Debit GPN Card is used for transactions within the country.
  • A more attractive transaction limit
  • Expenditures for Shopping Spending through EDC machines of any bank in the country are not
What is a GPN chip debit card?

A system that integrates various payment channels that facilitate electronic transactions. With interconnection and interoperability, GPN enables electronic transactions to be used by all Indonesians for domestic transactions, so that people can enjoy safe, quality and efficient electronic transaction services.

When is GPN debit cards can start exchanging at the Branch?

GPN cards are available in Jabodetabek and Bandung Branches starting on May 21, 2018. While other branches in other regions will be available in early June 2018.

OCBC Online Debit Card
What kind of transaction that I can use with Online Debit Card?

Online Debit Card can be used for online transaction on e-commerce platform, Food Delivery / Ride Hailing Application (Gojek/Grab), or entertainment application (Netflix/Spotify), to payment transaction using Alipay / Weixin Pay for Credit Card payment during your holiday in China.

What are the differences between OCBC Physical Debit Card & Online Debit Card?

Physical Debit Card can only be used for offline transaction in physical stores and merchants through EDC and POS machine by dip in and input PIN or tap. Online Debit Card can only be used for online transaction in e-commerce platform.

What are the advantages of OCBC Online Debit Card?

Various benefits that you can enjoy with Online Debit Card such as:

  1. Set the limit as you like. Manage your daily transaction limit through OCBC mobile up to IDR 50 million
  2. Secured transactions with OTP (One Time Password) verification
  3. Flexible, you can own up to 5 Online Debit Cards for different needs
  4. Easy, hassle-free, no transaction fee and no need to top up
What are the transactions that can be supported by OCBC Online Debit Card?

Online Debit Card can be used for online transaction in any e-commerce and e-wallet platforms such as Tokopedia, Gojek & Grab or subscription-based streaming service such as Netflix and Spotify or payment in China through Alipay and Weixin Pay as a payment alternative to credit cards.

Is it safe using OCBC Online Debit Card?

OCBC Online Debit Card is secured, supported with:

  1. OTP (One Time Password) verification to registered phone number.
  2. Unique debit card number which is differentiated from physical debit card
  3. Dedicated transaction limit for each online debit card, separated from physical debit card
How to get OCBC Online Debit Card?

Follow these steps to create OCBC Online Debit Card

  1. Open your OCBC mobile
  2. Go to "Settings" menu
  3. Choose "Card Management"
  4. Choose "Online Debit Card"
  5. Tap on button "Create Online Debit Card"
  6. Fill in information and choose your "Source of Fund"
  7. In the transaction summary, click "Confirm"
  8. Tick on the Terms and Conditions page and click "Continue"
  9. Input your 6-digit transaction PIN
  10. Online Debit Card successfully created
When can OCBC Online Debit Card being used after creation?

OCBC Online Debit Card can be used after 5 minutes up to 1x24 hours after creation.

What are the maximum numbers of OCBC Online Debit Card?

You can have up to 5 Online Debit Cards, no fee for the first 3 cards and the next 2 cards will cost IDR 50,000.

How long before OCBC Online Debit Card becomes inactive?

OCBC Online Debit Cards are valid up to 2 years before expired and can be renewed.

What should I do after creating OCBC Online Debit Card?

Ensure your Online Debit Card's transaction limit. By default with no changes, limit of scheduled transaction set to IDR 500,000/day and limit of e-commerce shopping transaction set to IDR 5,000,000/day. Change your limit by:

  1. Open your OCBC mobile
  2. Go to "Settings"
  3. Choose "Card Management"
  4. Choose "Online Debit Card"
  5. Pick your Online Debit Card
  6. Choose "Transaction Limits"
  7. Change the limit by drag or input the number for each type of transaction in "Scheduled Transactions" and "e-Commerce Transactions"
  8. Input your 6-digit transaction PIN
  9. Card limit successfully updated
Why do my transaction failed?

Ensure to input your valid Online Debit Card number, expiry date, CVV, OTP and enough balance in your Source of Fund account for Online Debit Card.

Can I use OCBC Online Debit Card for Alipay or Weixin Pay transaction in China?

OCBC Online Debit card can be used as an alternate credit card.

How do I link OCBC Online Debit Card for Alipay in China?

Follow these steps to link your OCBC Online Debit Card in Alipay:

  1. Open your Alipay, click "Me" and choose "Bank Cards"
  2. Click "+" at the top right corner
  3. Input your OCBC Online Debit Card
  4. Read "Service Agreement" and tick "Agree to Terms and Add"
  5. Input the verification code and card is ready to be used
How do I link OCBC Online Debit Card for Weixin Pay in China?

Follow these steps to link your OCBC Online Debit Card in Weixin Pay:

  1. Open your WeChat, click "Me" and go to "Services" then "Wallet" and pick "Cards"
  2. Click "+" to add new card
  3. Input your WeChat payment password to verify your identity
  4. Input your OCBC Online Debit Card and phone number
  5. Read "Service Agreement" and tick "Agree and Link"
  6. Input the verification code and card is ready to be used.
For transactions via Alipay/WeChat/Weixin Pay or other platforms with foreign currencies, how will it impact my account?

All transactions with OCBC Online Debit Card will debit IDR account. Any transactions with foreign currencies will be converted to IDR.

How to get more details?

Reach TANYA OCBC to ask more questions by calling phone number 1500999 or email to

Kartu Kredit OCBC Voyage
What are the requirements to get an OCBC Voyage Credit Card?
Terms OCBC Premier Voyage Credit Card OCBC Voyage Credit Card
Age Main Cardholders aged 21 - 75 years Main Cardholders aged 21 - 65 years
Citizenship Indonesian citizen and foreign national Indonesian citizen and foreign national
Income Min Revenue: IDR 100 Million per month or Min AUM: Average IDR 1 Billion for the last 3 months.
Min Revenue: IDR 100 Million per month or Min AUM: Average IDR 1 Billion for the last 3 months.
Personal Identification Documents Photocopy of KTP or
Photocopy of Passport / KIMS / KITAS (For foreigners only) or
Photocopy of NPWP
Photocopy of KTP or
Photocopy of Passport / KIMS / KITAS (For foreigners only) or
Photocopy of NPWP
Income Document A checking account with an average AUM of the last 3 months at Bank OCBC with a minimum of IDR 1 billion A checking account with an average AUM of the last 3 months at other banks ≥ Rp 1 billion or
Public Company Annual Report or Original Salary Slip or SPT.
How do you get Voyage Miles for OCBC Voyage Credit Card?
For every transaction Rp 10,000 will get 1 (one) Voyage Miles without an expiry period
What advantages does Voyage Miles have? How do you exchange your Voyage Miles?

Exchange of Voyage Miles can be done through Voyage Exchange at +6221-26506363

Exchange your Voyage Miles for:

  • Hotel, restaurant and vehicle rental reservations for travel convenience.
  • Additional non-card holder tickets such as family members & colleagues.
  • Every 1 Voyage Miles can be exchanged for 1,05 Garuda Miles/ 1 KrisFlyer/ 1 AirAsia points.

Always use Voyage Miles to purchase any airline ticket, and get more Frequent Flyer Miles from that airline.

Benefits of Voyage Exchange

  • Contact Voyage Exchange as your personal assistant to get a variety of personal services 24 hours, 7 days a week
  • Exchange of Voyage Miles
  • Travel itinerary settings
  • Recommended tourist attractions
  • Vehicle rental including Limousine facilities
  • Voyage Miles balance information
  • Reserve your favorite restaurants and families, both at home and abroad
  • Personal buyer lifestyle needs ranging from gadgets, bags, jewelry to special wedding anniversary gifts for beloved couples
  • Purchase tickets for your favorite music concert or show worldwide

To enjoy a variety of services above, please contact Voyage Exchange at +6221-26506363

What Travel Privileges can be obtained from OCBC Voyage Credit Cards?

Get comfort on every trip with the following exclusive facilities:

  • Domestic Airport Lounge
    Free access at executive airport lounges in major cities throughout Indonesia. (For more information click here)
  • International Airport Lounge
    Enjoy Airport Lounge complimentary up to 2 times per year in 1,356 international airport lounges, in over 703 airport across 137 countries with DragonPass App. (For more information, click here)
How much is the annual fee for OCBC Voyage Credit Cards?
Private Banking Customer : Free annual fee for primary and supplementary cardholders as long as the primary cardholder are a valid Private Banking customer

Premier Banking Customer :
  • Primary Card : Free annual fee as long as the primary cardholder are a valid Premier Banking customer and maintain a minimum total balance assets (AUM) IDR 500.000.000
  • Supplementary Card:
    • Free of fees for the second year onwards for the supplementary card if the total transactions from the main card and 1st Supplementary card is min. IDR300 Million, 1 year ago.
    • Other than 2 provisions above, an annual fee of IDR2.5 million will be charged.
Other than Private and Premier Banking Costumer :
  • Primary Card: IDR 8.000.000 or, by minimum total spend of primary and supplement IDR 300 million in one previous year
  • Supplementary Card: IDR 2.500.000 per card
*The various terms and fees may be changed from time to time subject to Bank’s policy
How do I submit an objection or discrepancy of transactions on the OCBC Credit Card?
File an objection due to a transaction incompatibility, no later than 45 calendar days from the date the Billing Statement is sent. Please submit your objections to Call OCBC 1500-999 or + 62-21-26506300 (from abroad)
How do I have a 6-digit PIN on an OCBC Credit Card?

OCBC mobile Application *

Download the latest version of the OCBC mobile Application and follow these steps:

  1. Enter with your USER ID and Password OCBC mobile
  2. Click ""Your Obligations""
  3. Select the Credit Card that you want to set the PIN for
  4. Click ""CREATE / CHANGE PIN""
  5. Set the PIN you want and reconfirm
  6. PIN successfully created

(* Create PIN via OCBC mobile only for Primary Card holders)"

• Sent SMS to 86477 use the following format:
OCBC[spasi]SETPINCC[spasi]4 Last Digit KK[#]Birth Date DDMMYYYY[#]6DigitPIN requested
Ex: OCBC SETPINCC 1234#14121990#180690
How do I block a credit card if it's lost or stolen?
Credit Cardholders can simply contact OCBC Call 1500-999 or + 62-21-26506300 (from overseas) for the process of blocking a lost Credit Card and submit a credit card replacement at a cost of Rp 100,000 for OCBC Titanium and Platinum, and costs IDR 2,500,000 for an OCBC Voyage Credit Card.
Change in Transaction Limit
Why is my chip debit card limit now for a maximum cash withdrawal of IDR 15 million / day / account and bank transfers can only be a maximum of IDR 50 million / day / account?
Bank OCBC made changes to the maximum limit on cash withdrawals and transfers between bank debit cards Mr / Ms <customer name>, which is in accordance with Bank Indonesia Regulation number 17/51 / DKSP, December 2015, which states that:

- Cash withdrawal transactions with ATM / Debit Cards with a maximum chip of IDR 15 million / day / account
- Transaction between bank transfers with chip / ATM cards a maximum of IDR 50 million / day / account
What if I have 2 or more chip / debit ATM cards AND are connected to the same 1 account? What is the maximum nominal amount of bank transfer and cash withdrawal that I can do with my second ATM / Debit Card, third card, etc.?
In this case the maximum accumulation limit for cash withdrawals is Rp 15 million / day from the account and the maximum accumulated interbank transfer limit is Rp 50 million / day from the account using an ATM / Debit Card first, second and so on.
What if I use the same chip / ATM Card and do cash withdrawals and interbank transfers from my second OCBC account (or my other account at OCBC)?
Each OCBC account has cash withdrawal transaction limits and interbank transfers. This means that if you withdraw cash Rp. 15 million / day from the first account, you can withdraw cash Rp. 15 million / day from the second account and the same applies to the limit of inter-bank transfer transactions as well.
What about the transaction limit for book transfers, purchases, payments and shopping on my chip / debit card? Will it also be limited to the account level?
No, only limits for cash withdrawals and bank transfers are limited at the account level. The limit for book transfer, purchase, payment and shopping transactions remains at the debit card level.
The new rules for limit transactions for cash withdrawals and transfers between debit card bank applies to all types of debit cards?
The new limit rules for cash withdrawals and bank transfers only apply to chip debit cards
"This means that my magnetic ATM / Debit Card is a cash withdrawal and limit transaction limit interbank transfers are still at the card level?"
If you have 2 magnetic ATM / Debit Cards connected to the same 1 account and make transactions at the OCBC ATM machine, then you can make a maximum cash withdrawal of IDR 10 million / day from each debit card and bank transfer a maximum of IDR 25 million / day from each debit card.

Nevertheless, in order to be able to do transactions safely and comfortably when using OCBC debit cards, we urge you to immediately get a chip / debit ATM card at the nearest OCBC branch office without being charged for changing the first debit card. This is because Bank OCBC will gradually deactivate all of the magnetic ATM / Debit Cards in the future until December 31, 2021.
Will I be notified by the Bank if my magnetic debit card will be deactivated in the future?
The Bank will inform you through a number of communication media, namely announcements on Bank OCBC's external web, announcements on ATM machines (ATM idle screen), and email of the father / mother registered in the Bank system.
Kartu Debit Chip (Gerbang Pembayaran Nasional (GPN) & Mastercard)
What is a GPN chip debit card?
A system that integrates various payment channels that facilitate electronic transactions. With interconnection and interoperability, GPN enables electronic transactions to be used by all Indonesians for domestic transactions, so that people can enjoy safe, quality and efficient electronic transaction services.
When is GPN debit cards can start exchanging at the Branch?
GPN cards are available in Jabodetabek and Bandung Branches starting on May 21, 2018. While other branches in other regions will be available in early June 2018.
What are the benefits of using a GPN card?
1. Accessibility, can use EDC and ATM machines from any bank when transacting in Indonesia
2. Security, equipped with chip technology to provide security maximum data when the OCBC Debit GPN Card is used for transactions within the country.
3. A more attractive transaction limit
4. Expenditures for Shopping Spending through EDC machines of any bank in the country are not
How is the mechanism for give GPN debit cards to customers?
For both new and existing customers, branches always ask whether customers already have a GPN card at this time. If the customer does not have a GPN card, then the customer does not need to sign a statement form. If you already have a GPN card at this time, the customer signs the GPN statement form. Ask the customer again if you need a GPN card again or not. If yes, then the customer is given a GPN card and a Mastercard card. If the customer no longer wants a GPN card, then the customer is given only a Mastercard card. If the customer does not have a GPN card at all, the customer is immediately given a GPN card and a Mastercard card.
What is the limit on the number of chip debit cards that can be given to customers?
For each customer entitled to get 2 debit cards namely 1 GPN debit card and 1 Mastercard debit card.
What if the customer wants a third additional debit card and so on?
Customers are allowed to have but customers will be charged for adding cards according to the terms and conditions
Will every addition of a debit card (excluding 1 GPN card and 1 Mastercard card) be charged immediately?
No. The cost of adding a card is only valid if the third card the customer requested uses the same card design. For example: Mastercard EA and Mastercard EA, Mastercard Premier and Mastercard Premier, regular GPN and regular GPN etc.

This type of Transaction was previously changed to Daily Daily Interbank Transfer Limit per Daily Interbank Transfer Limit Account per Interbank Transfer Account IDR25 Million IDR50 Million IDR10 Million Cash Withdrawal
Why does the customer get additional card fees as mentioned above?
Because chip debit cards can be linked to up to 6 accounts (only for IDR). So by using 1 debit card, customers can access their 6 accounts at OCBC ATM (ON US). For OFF US ATMs (not OCBC ATMs), only the main account will be displayed.
Does the access of 1 debit card to 6 accounts also apply to different eyes money?
No, 1 debit card access to 6 accounts is only valid for the same currency.
Chip debit cards can be associated with a max of 6 account numbers. What account products can be linked to the card?
As long as the chip debit card uses the same currency, it can be linked to up to 6 products with the same type of currency (except for My Savings and Junior Signs). Only 1 primary account can be selected. Example: If a customer chooses 360 mark product as the main account for his chip debit card, while the customer also associates with 5 other rupiah products. Then during a shopping debit transaction, Tanda 360 account will be debited. Meanwhile, when the chip card is used at the ON US ATM machine, all five account numbers are displayed. If the Customer uses a chip card at the OFF US ATM machine then only the main account is displayed.
For example, if currently existing customers have Tanda 360 account and Tanda Premium account. Each of these accounts has VISA debit card, how is the debit card exchange mechanism?
It will be asked to the customer first, if you already have a GPN debit card (valid for GPN from any bank). If the customer answers that he already has a GPN card, it will be asked again if the customer wants to get another GPN chip debit card from Bank OCBC NISP. If the customer wants to get another GPN card, the customer will be given 2 direct debit cards, namely 1 GPN chip debit card and 1 Mastercard chip debit card. Next, ask the customer which account will be the main account for the GPN debit card (Tanda 360 or Tanda Premium) and which account will be the primary account for the Mastercard debit card. If the customer does not want to get another GPN card, the customer must sign the statement form already having GPN and the customer is given 1 Mastercard debit card only. Next, ask which account will be the customer's main account (Tanda 360 or Tanda Premium).
Are Customers allowed to have no debit cards at all (GPN and Mastercard) for accounts that have been opened at Bank OCBC?
If the customer cannot prove that the customer already has a GPN card, the bank is required to submit Bank Indonesia regulations regarding the Customer's obligation to have at least 1 (one) GPN card.
Are customers who currently have a GPN debit card allowed to have a GPN debit card from Bank OCBC again?
Allowed, customers have at least 1 (one) GPN card and can be from any bank.
For now, the chip debit card design for Tanda Junior (Mighty Saver) is not yet available. What should the branch do if there is a new Tanda Junior account opening or someone wants to exchange the old Tanda Junior card for a chip debit card?
In order for business processes at the branch to continue running smoothly, for the time being, customers who have Tanda Junior accounts if they want to exchange their magnetic cards into chip cards, then customers will get an EA chip debit card with the customer's name on the card. All chip debit cards for Tanda Junior will be distinguished 7,8,9 digits in the 16 digit part of the card number from the number 222. In the meantime, until Tanda Junior chip debit cards are available, the provision of Tanda Junior chip debit cards will be made through EBSP. Branch enough to input data as usual through OCS (One Corp Service) Application.
Will the issuance of Tanda Junior chip debit cards with this name be charged according to the provisions?
No charge fee
Until when does the process of giving chip debit cards to Tanda Junior (using the EA chip debit card design) take place?
Until Tanda Junior's special chip design debit cards are available. This will be notified by the Head Office to the branch via announcement in an email.
Bank OCBC has how many types of chip debit card designs?
8 designs namely Private Bank design, Premier Banking design, EA design, Sharia design, SGD Foreign Exchange design, Junior Sign design (Mighty Saver), Conventional GPN design, GPN Syariah design
Can VISA debit cards still be given to customers?
As long as the ATM / Debit card inventory with the Master Card logo is not available, the card given to the Customer is an ATM / Debit card with the VISA logo. The effective date of using an ATM / Debit card bearing the Master Card logo will be further informed via a separate Internal Memo / email.
What is the mechanism for ordering cards to EBSP as long as the Master Card is not yet available?
1. If the customer wants an International card only, then:
1.1. Instant Card: use VISA card stock in Branch and tagged using old Pro Card (XCard).
1.2. Regular Card: The branch submits a card application to EBSP following the BAU. EBSP The process is still using Xcard.

2. If the customer wants a GPN and International card, then run the order via OCS, and submit it to EBSP using e-mail with Scan.
CMS Payroll Customer Employees whose cards have been submitted collectively by the Customer's PIC, but do the activation individually to the Branch, how is the handling?
Employees are directed to fill out and sign Bank Facility Forms as exchange of card and PIN receipts. Card activation can be done if the employee's signature on the Bank Facility Form has been successfully verified.
My OCBC Mastercard ATM/Debit Card has a signal symbol. What does it mean?

OCBC Mastercard ATM/Debit Card is equipped with contactless feature.

The benefit of contactless feature is cardholders can make transactions without having to insert the card into the EDC (Electronic Data Capture) machine and without having to enter a PIN for a certain transaction amount.


  • For transaction ≤ IDR 1 Million/day, customers no need to enter PIN.
  • For transaction > IDR 1 Million/day, customers need to enter PIN.
My OCBC NISP Mastercard ATM/Debit Card has a contactless symbol. Does it mean I can use this feature?
Yes, contactless feature can be this feature can be used immediately after your ATM/Mastercard Debit Card is activated
What is the transaction limit using an ATM/Debit card with a contactless feature?
The transaction limit using an ATM/debit card with the contactless feature is IDR 1 million/day without using a PIN. If the nominal transaction exceeds IDR 1 million/day, a PIN authentication will be required.
If I don't want to use this feature, can it be disabled?
You can deactivate this feature independently by logging into OCBC mobile (Settings Menu → Card Settings/Card Management) or visiting OCBC branch.
Is this ATM/ Debit card with a contactless feature safe to use for transactions?

The OCBC debit card with the contactless feature is guaranteed to be secure because it only includes 1 code that protects the customer's payment information for each transaction and if the customer accidentally taps twice, the customer will not be billed twice.

In addition, there are already security procedures for contactless feature transactions with a nominal value of ≤ IDR 1 million without a PIN:

  • The contactless reader must be ~4 cm away from the card/device, making wireless skimming impossible to commit fraud
  • Cardholder detail information and card security codes are not stored on the chip, so they cannot be used to make counterfeit cards
  • Every transaction is protected by a unique cryptogram which is dynamic and cannot be duplicated


However, if you still don't want this feature, you can deactivate this feature independently by logging into OCBC mobile (Settings Menu → Card Settings/Card Management) or visiting OCBC branch.
Can I use an ATM/Debit card with a contactless feature in the country?
The contactless feature currently cannot be used for domestic transactions. This feature can only be used for transactions at EDC-contactless overseas.
Why if I use a credit card that already has a contactless feature in the country, the transaction can be successful?

This is because our Bank Regulator currently only allows ATM/Debit card transactions on the GPN (National Payment Gateway) network to be processed by reading the card chip, namely by inserting the card into the available card slot on an EDC or ATM machine.

This GPN rule does not apply to Credit Cards, therefore if you have a Bank OCBC Credit Card with a contactless feature, transactions can be made domestically.

My OCBC ATM/ Debit card type is a GPN card. Can I use the contactless feature too?
The contactless feature is only available on OCBC Mastercard ATM/Debit card types. You can apply for an additional OCBC ATM/Debit card of the Mastercard type to enjoy this contactless feature.

Wealth Management

Allianz Assetlink Optima
How much is the Premium allocation for investment?
Premium allocation for investment 100%
Is a medical examination necessary?
No need medical check up
What benefit attach to this product?
Death benefit, death benefit due to accident, and maturity benefit
How do I pay the insurance Premium?
The insurance Premium payment will be debited / deducted from OCBC Customer Account
What should I do to submit the insurance claims?
For claims, the customer or the heirs can complete the documents as stated in the Policy, then:
  • Give it to the Relationship Manager atau cabang OCBC, to be forwarded to PT Asuransi Allianz Life Indonesia, or
  • Send directly to PT Asuransi Allianz Life Indonesia
  • Allianz Life LegacyPro
    Is a medical check up necessary?

    Medical check up is required under certain conditions based on underwriting terms & conditions

    What are the terms and conditions to get the Sum Assured Booster?

    (i) The Policyholder chooses to pay Premium by means of automatic debit via savings account; (ii) The Policyholder chooses to send and receive correspondence via email; (iii) The Policyholder chooses the electronic version of the Policy book; (iv) If the Policyholder has chosen the Premium payment method by automatic debit via credit card or savings account in SPAJ, the Policyholder should not make any changes to the Premium payment method during the Insurance Period; (v) Since the Policy Effective Date, no Premium has been settled after the expiry of a Grace Period; and (vi) The Policyholder has never changed the Policy into a Reduced Paid-Up Policy

    How do I pay insurance Premium?

    Autodebit via OCBC Bank saving account

    What should I do to submit the insurance claims?

    Beneficiary can complete the documents as stated in the Policy, then:

    • Complete the document listed in the Policy, give it to the Relationship Manager of OCBC Branch to be forwarded to PT Asuransi Allianz Life Indonesia, or send directly to the PT Asuransi Allianz Life Indonesia
    eAZy ProLife
    Why should you have eAZy ProLife?

    eAZy ProLife is an life insurance product that provides protection against the risk of death with affordable premiums. By having this product, you can feel calm in facing financial uncertainty for your family that may occur in the future

    How do I purchase eAZy ProLife?

    eAZy ProLife can be purchased independently via the Bank's mobile banking application (OCBC mobile)

    Is there age limit for purchasing eAZy ProLife product?

    The entry age limit for purchasing eAZy ProLife is 18 years - 55 years (nearest birthday)

    How long is the protection period for eAZy ProLife?

    You can choose the eAZy ProLife insurance period according to your convenience, the options are 5 or 10 years

    What benefits do I have from the eAZy ProLife product?

    The benefits of eAZy ProLife are Natural or Illness Death Benefits and Death Due to Accidents also Maturity Benefits if there are no claims on the End Date of Coverage in accordance with the provisions of this product.
    To see details of the benefits you can take, you can read the Product Information Summary.

    How do I pay eAZy ProLife premiums?

    >Premium payments can be done via bank account autodebet according to the selected payment frequency.

    How much premium do I have to pay to take eAZy ProLife?

    eAZy ProLife premiums are quite affordable, starting from Rp. 100,000/month or Rp. 1,100,000/year. Premiums are determined based on your Age and Sum Insured. Detailed premium information can be seen in the Product Information Summary.

    What is meant by annual, semiannual, quarterly and monthly premiums?

    Those are the frequency of premium payments for eAZy ProLife product, where Annual premium is the total premium cost which must be paid once every year, Semi-annual premium is the premium which must be paid once every 6 months, Quarterly premium is the premium which must be paid once every 3 months and the monthly premium is Premium payments are made 1 month.

    What do I get after successfully registering and paying the eAZy ProLife premium?

    You will immediately be sent a link by Allianz to access the e-policy via your registered when you first made your purchase. If you choose to have the policy book sent, Allianz will send it to the registered address with a 3 days delivery TAT + Courier SLA.

    After I register and pay the eAZy ProLife premium, will my insurance be immediately active?

    Protection will be effective a maximum of 1 working day after successful premium payment

    Who can I register for eAZy ProLife?

    You can register eAZy ProLife for yourself where you are the Policy Holder and Insured

    How do I submit a death benefit claim?

    Your heirs can submit a death benefit claim by sending all original claim documents that have been filled in completely and correctly to the Allianz Document Management Center (ADMC). Details of the ADMC address and claim document requirements can be seen in Product Information Summary

    If my heirs file a death benefit claim, where will the funds be sent?

    Death benefit will be sent to the heir's account submitted based on claim’ document sent to Allianz

    Is there a deadline for submitting a Death Benefit claim?

    The expiration period for claims for death benefits is 60 days from the date the Insured dies, so that before that time period all claim documents must be sent to Allianz.

    What is the waiting period in eAZy ProLife?

    The Waiting Period is a period during which claims related to certain diseases or conditions cannot be accepted by Allianz or are not covered. Where the waiting period for the eAZy ProLife product is the first 2 policy years or the policy reinstatement date, whichever is later.

    What is meant by "preexisting condition"?

    Pre-existing Condition are medical conditions that you have before purchasing this Life Insurance product.

    Is there a premium refund to me if I cancel eAZy ProLife in the middle of the current policy period?

    There is no premium refund for policy surrendered.

    Where should I ask if I have other questions?

    You can contact the Allianz Customer Center (1500 136, or visit the Allianz website at

    FWD Fortuna Invest Link
    How much is the premium allocation for investment?
    Premium allocation for investment 100%
    Is a medical examination necessary?
    Medical examination is required under certain conditions based on underwriting terms and conditions.
    What benefit attach to this product?
    Death benefit due to Accident, Investment Benefit, and Loyalty Bonus.
    How do I pay the insurance premium?
    The insurance premium payment will be debited / deducted from OCBC Customer Account.
    What should I do to submit the insurance claims?

    Complete the claim documents stated in the Policy, give it to the Relationship Manager of OCBC Branch to be forwarded to PT FWD Insurance Indonesia, or send it directly to the PT FWD Insurance Indonesia.

    FWD Insurance Indonesia

    UP: Claim Individu

    Pacific Century Place, Lantai 20 SCBD Lot 10, Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 52-53 Jakarta Selatan 12190

    FWD Maxima Invest Link
    How much is the Premium allocation for investment?
    Basic premium allocation for investment is 100% and top up premium allocation for investment is 97%
    Is a medical examination necessary?
    Medical examination is required under certain conditions based on underwriting terms and conditions.
    What rider that can be add to this product?
    FWD Critical Illness Non Accelerated
    FWD Accidental Death & Disablement Benefit
    How do I pay the insurance premium?
    The insurance payment will be debited / deducted from OCBC Customer Account.
    What should I do to submit the insurance claims?
    For claims, the customer or the heirs can complete the documents as stated in the policy, then give it to the Relationship Manager of OCBC Branch to be forwarded to PT FWD Insurance Indonesia, or send it directly to the PT FWD Insurance Indonesia.

    FWD Insurance Indonesia

    UP: Claim Individu

    Pacific Century Place, Lantai 20 SCBD Lot 10, Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 52-53 Jakarta Selatan 12190

    FWD Multiple Protection
    I a medical check up necessary?

    Medical check up is required under certain conditions based on underwriting terms & conditions

    What is the benefit if there's a risk happen to the insured?
    • Death Benefit: 100% Sum Assured
    • Major Critical Illness Benefit: 100% Sum Assured (up to 3 claims)
    • Minor Critical Illness Benefit: 20% Sum Assured
    • Maturity Benefit: 100% Premium Paid
    • Waiver of Premium Benefit: Waived the Remaining Premium
    How do I pay the insurance Premium?

    The insurance Premium payments will be done in autodebet periodically through OCBC account according to the selected product

    What should I do to submit the insurance claims?

    Complete the claim documents stated in the Policy, give it to the Relationship Manager of OCBC Branch to be forwarded to PT FWD Insurance Indonesia, or send it directly to the PT FWD Insurance Indonesia with the following address:

    FWD Insurance Indonesia
    UP: Claim Individu

    Pacific Century Place, Lantai 20 SCBD Lot 10, Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 52-53 Jakarta Selatan 12190

    FWD Treasury Legacy Protection
    Is a medical check up necessary?

    Medical check up is not necessary but Customer shall provide health declaration at the time of buying the product

    What is the benefit if there's a risk happen to the insured?
    • Death Benefit: 100% Remaining Sum Assured
    • Terminal Illness Benefit: 50% Remaining Sum Assured
    • Living Benefit: 50% Remaining Sum Assured
    • Maturity Benefit: 100% Remaining Sum Assured
    • Waiver Premium Rider(Optional): Waive the remaining premium
    How do I pay the insurance premium?

    The insurance Premium payment will be debited/ deducted from OCBC Customer Account?

    What should I do to submit the insurance claims?

    Complete the claim documents stated in the Policy, give it to the Relationship Manager of OCBC Branch to be forwarded to PT FWD Insurance Indonesia, or send it directly to the PT FWD Insurance Indonesia

    FWD Insurance Indonesia

    UP: Claim Individu

    Pacific Century Place, Lantai 20 SCBD Lot 10, Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 52-53 Jakarta Selatan 12190

    Great Multiple Critical Illness
    Is a medical examination necessary?
    A medical examination is required in accordance with the applicable terms and conditions
    How do I pay the insurance premium
    The insurance premium payments will be done in autodebet periodically through OCBC account according to the selected product.
    How do I buy this product in OCBC?
    You can go to the nearest branch or contact our Relationship Managers.
    What should I do to submit insurance claims?
    For claims, the customer or the heirs can complete the documents as stated in the policy, then:
    • Give it to the Relationship Manager or OCBC branch, to be forwarded to the Insurance Company, or
    • Send directly to Insurance Company
    GREAT Prestige Optima Protector
    Is a medical check up necessary?

    Medical check up is required under certain conditions refer to underwriting terms & conditions.

    Can a partial withdrawal be made?

    Partial withdrawal can be made after the Policy Active for minimum 2 years (Terms and Conditions applied)

    What is the benefit of insurance to the beneficiary?

    The beneficiary will receive the total cash value or sum insured (which one is higher)

    How do I pay the insurance premium?

    By auto debit from OCBC saving account

    What should I do to submit the insurance claims?

    Beneficiaries should:

    • Complete the documents as stated in the policy
    • Submit the complete documents to dedicated Relationship Manager or OCBC Branch office to be forwarded to the Insurance Company or send directly to Insurance Company
    Great Pro Assurance
    Is a medical check up necessary?
    Medical check up is not necessary but Customer shall provide health declaration at the time of buying the product
    What is the benefit if there’s a risk happen to the Insured?
    The beneficiary will receive Sum Insured minus the living benefit (if any) and then the policy will terminate
    How do I pay the insurance premium?
    Premium payment are made directly by the customer when buying the product through the website
    What should I do to submit the insurance claims?

    For claims, the customer or the heirs can complete the documents as stated in the policy, then:

    • Give it to the Relationship Manager or OCBC NISP Branch, to be forwarded to the Insurance Company, or
    • Send directly to Insurance Company
    Great Saver Assurance
    Is a medical check up necessary?
    Medical check up is not necessary but Customer shall provide health declaration at the time of buying the product
    What is the benefit if there’s a risk happen to the Insured?
    The beneficiary will receive the total cash value or sum insured (which one is higher)
    How do I pay the insurance premium?
    The Insurance Premium payments will be done in autodebet periodically through OCBC NISP account recording to the selected product
    What should I do to submit the insurance claims?

    For claims, the customer or the heirs can complete the documents as stated in the policy, then:

    • Give it to the Relationship Manager atau cabang OCBC, to be forwarded to Great Estern Life Indonesia, or
    • Send directly to Great Eastern Life Indonesia
    Can a partial withdrawal be made?
    Partial withdrawal can be made after 2 years since the policy active and with the applicable terms and conditions
    Great Prestige Protector
    Is a medical check up necessary?
    Medical check up is required under certain conditions refer to underwriting terms & conditions.
    Can a partial withdrawal be made?
    Partial withdrawal can be made after since the policy active for minimum 2 years and (terms and conditions applied)
    What is the benefit of insurance to the beneficiary
    The beneficiary will receive the total cash value or sum insured (which one is higher)
    How do I pay the insurance premium?
    Policyholder may choose from several options for paying insurance premium by autodebit from saving account
    What should I do to submit the insurance claims?
    Beneficiaries should:
    • complete the documents as stated in the policy
    • submit the complete documents to dedicated Relationship Manager or OCBC branch office to be forwarded to the Insurance Company, or send directly to Insurance Company
    Mutal Funds
    What are the requirements for opening an investment account or Single Investor Identification (SID) ?
    Requirements for opening an investment account through OCBC mobile:
    1. Apply for individual customer
    2. Having an OCBC account
    3. Having an E - KTP for Indonesian citizen
    4. Fill in personal data & risk profiles, as well as uploading required documents thorugh OCBC mobile
    How to open a Mutual Fund Investment account?
    Opening an investment account can be done by ONe Mobile, with the following steps:
    1. Click "Wealth Management" menu
    2. Select "Mutual Fund"
    3. Upload the required documents and complete the Customer Data
    4. Select your account that will be used to invest and click "Agree" to the Terms and Conditions
    5. Enter your PIN or SMS Token, then click "next"
    6. Check out this video for following steps to open an investment account
    How do I purchase the Mutual Funds in Bank OCBC?
    Mutual Fund purchase can be done by OCBC mobile application or through Bank OCBC branch.
    Via One Mobile:
    1. Click "Wealth Management" menu
    2. Then select "Mutual Fund" menu
    3. Click "Buy"
    4. Select Mutual Fund product
    5. Input the transaction data
    6. Check the transaction detail, then click "next"
    7. Click "Terms and Conditions", then click "Confirm"
    8. Enter your transaction PIN or SMS Token, then click "next"
    9. Check out this video for following steps to purchase mutual funds via OCBC mobile
    What should I do if the process of purchasing a mutual fund fail?
    You can contact your Relationship Manager to find out the cause of failure. In case you do not know how to contact your RM, please contact Tanya OCBC at 1500-999 or visit the nearest branch of Bank OCBC.
    How do I sell or redeem the Mutual Fund in OCBC?
    There are two ways to sell or redeem the Mutual Funds, which are through Bank OCBC branch or via OCBC mobile application
    Can Mutual Funds be redeem at any time and how long does it take for the redemption process?
    Mutual Funds with the types of Money Market, Fixed Income, Balanced, Stock Mutual Fund can be redeemed every bourse day until 01.00 pm.
    Is there any profit or loss information on my mutual funds?
    Information on profit or loss potency of Mutual Funds can be seen via OCBC mobile application by:
    1. Click "Wealth Management" menu
    2. Select "My Investment" to see the profit/loss potency of your investment products
    3. Click the investment products that you have for details on the profit/loss potency for each transaction
    Can I do Mutual Fund transactions at any time through OCBC mobile?
    Mutual Fund transactions can be done at any time on OCBC mobile, but transactions will be effective in the same day if it is inputted in exchange day before 13.00 WIB. Beyond the time, transaction will be effective on the next exchange day.
    Are the funds invested in Mutual Funds safe?
    The Mutual Funds portfolio is managed by Investment Manager and the investment funds are kept by Bank Kustodian, so that customer funds remain safe. But, keep in mind that there is risk in every investment, so customer should choose investment products in accordance with the risk profile.
    Is Mutual Fund investment profitable?
    Every investment has potensial profit and loss risk, as well as Mutual Funds. Therefore, it is important for customer to know the risk profile and investment strategy before choosing the appropriate Mutual Funds.
    Mutual Fund Disclaimer

    Mutual fund is a capital market product, NOT PT. Bank OCBC NISP's (“Bank”) product NOR the Bank’s third-party deposit, thus it is not guaranteed by the Bank and excluded from the government guarantee program or Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan.

    Before deciding to invest in Mutual Fund, the customer shall read and understand the contents of documents related to Mutual Fund products (Mutual Fund General Terms and Conditions, prospectuses, and other documents) particularly regarding the investment policies and investment risks including but not limited to risk of decline in principal, market risk, credit risk, liquidity risk, currency risk and risk of political or regulatory changes.

    All investment decisions made are responsibility of the customer and the customer is willing to accept all risks arising from the investment.

    Past performance is no indicative of future result.

    The Bank only acts as a selling agent and the customer releases the Bank, its management and employees from all responsibilities, losses and claims, lawsuits and/or demands in any form from any third party.

    What is the meaning of investment account or Single Investor Identification (SID)?
    Single Investor Identification or SID or Investment Identity Number is a number registered as a capital market investor and is the main requirement to be able to invest in mutual funds or bonds.
    What are the requirements for opening an investment acccount or Single Investor Identification (SID)?
    Requirements for opening an investment account through OCBC mobile:
    1. Apply for individual WNI customers who do not have tax obligation in other states
    2. Having an OCBC account
    3. Having an E - KTP
    4. Fill in the data & risk profile, along with uploading the required documents through OCBC mobile
    How to open an investment account through OCBC mobile?
    1. Click Wealth Management menu.
    2. Select the desired Bond investment product
    3. Upload the required documents, complete the Customer Data and Risk Profile.
    4. Select an account that will be used for investment, then click Agree to the Terms and Conditions
    5. Enter your PIN or SMS Token, then click next.
    How long does it take to open an investment account?
    If all data and documents match in accordance the requirements, opening an investment account/SID takes a maximum of 3 exchange days
    What should I do if I cannot do registration for investment account?
    Please contact your Relationship Manager or call Tanya OCBC at 1500-999. You may also visit the nearest branch of OCBC.
    Are there any fees for the Bond transaction?
    Customers are not charged when buying and within the first 2 years. After 2 years since the last bond purchase transaction, the customer will be charged a transaction fee and storage fee (terms and conditions apply).
    Will I receive a trade confirmation when transacting bonds?
    Yes, the Customer will receive trade confirmation of the bond transaction made
    Still have question regarding investment?
    Check out the articles below:
    1. Want to Know What are the Benefits of Investing in Bonds? Check Out the Following Article
    2. Indonesian Government Bonds, Check Out the Following Article
    3. What is Yield and Bonds Coupon? Check Out the Following Article
    4. The Difference between Tenor and Duration, Check Out the Following Article
    What is the difference between Unit Link and Non - Unit Link?
    Unit Link has an investment element, so that the funds placed by customer can change at any time. Non - Unit Link does not have an investment element and only acts as protection.
    What Banca products are available in OCBC?
    OCBC provides various Bancassurance products due to cooperation with Great Eastern, Avrist, and Sompo. For the available list of Bancasurrance products in Bank OCBC, you can acces our website at
    What are the advantages and disadvantages of buying insurance products at a bank compared to directly from an insurance company?
    1. One Stop Financial Solution - Customer can get solutions for all financial needs at Bank OCBC
    2. Premium payment is easier because by autodebeting from Bank account, customers do not have to worry about being late in paying every month
    3. Customer can come to the Bank if they need after sales service regarding to the purchase of customer protection products at the Bank
    How do I determine the right Sum Insured?
    Usually to calculate the number of sum insured is done by:
    • Determine the estimated monthly expenses required, for example, IDR 10 million/month
    • If there is a risk, determine the time period so that the needs of family can be fulfilled. For example, a child is 7 years old and is estimated to be independent at the age of 21, then the time period required for family needs to be fulfilled is 14 years.
      So that the sum insured required is: IDR 10 million*12*7 = IDR 840 million.

      In calculating the sum insured, it can also include an estimate of an increase in price / inflation (for example 10%), so that the sum insured required becomes: (120 million*10) + (120*(1 + 10%)^7 ) = IDR 1.0734 Billion.
    Banccasurance 101
    How important is the funds preparation for children education? Check out the following article
    Great Investlink Protection
    How much is the Premium allocation for investment?
    Premium allocation for investment 100%
    Is a medical examination necessary?
    No need medical check up
    What benefit attach to this product?
    Death benefit, loyalty bonus and maturity benefit
    How do I pay the insurance premium?
    The insurance Premium payment will be debited / deducted from OCBC Customer Account
    What should I do to submit the insurance claims?
    For claims, the customer or the heirs can complete the documents as stated in the policy, then:
    • Give it to the Relationship Manager or OCBC branch, to be forwarded to the PT Great Eastern Life Indonesia, or
    • Send directly to PT Great Eastern Life Indonesia
    Great Protection Link
    How much is the Premium allocation for investment?
    Basic Premium allocation as Investment Fund at the first year is 60%, then at the 2nd year onward is 100%
    Is a medical examination necessary?
    Medical examination is required under certain conditions based on underwriting terms & conditions.
    Is there any Rider can be added?
    Yes, there are few rider options such as hospitalization and surgery, term life, critical illness, personal accident, waiver premium and others
    How do I pay the insurance premium?
    The insurance Premium payment will be debited / deducted from OCBC Customer Account
    What should I do to submit the insurance claims?
    For claims, the customer or the heirs can complete the documents as stated in the Policy, then:
    • Give it to the Relationship Manager or OCBC branch, to be forwarded to PT GREAT Eastern Life Indonesia, or
    • Send directly to PT GREAT Eastern Life Indonesia
    Are hospital payments made by reimbursement?
    Hospital payments using participant cards
    Is it permissible for treatment in a hospital that is not an insurance partner?
    It is permitted and claims are filed by way of reimbursement
    Is it permissible for treatment in a hospital that is not an insurance partner?
    It is permitted and claims are filed by way of reimbursement
    How do I pay the insurance premium?
    The insurance premium payments will be done in autodebet periodically through OCBC account according to the seleccted product.
    What should I do to submit the insurance claims?
    For claims, the customer or the heirs can complete the documents as stated in the policy, then:
    • Give it to the Relationship Manager or OCBC branch, to be forwarded to the Insurance Company, or
    • Send directly to Insurance Company
    Allianz Life Secure PASTI
    Is a medical check up necessary?
    Medical check up is required under certain conditions based on underwriting terms & conditions
    What is the benefit if there’s a risk happen to the Insured?
    • Death Benefit dute to non accident: 200% Sum Assured
    • Death Benefit due to accident: 300% Sum Assured
    • Death benefit due to accident while using public transportation : 400% Sum Assured
    • Benefits for one of 77 types of critical illness: 100% Sum Assured
    • Maturity Benefit : 100% Sum Assured
    How do I pay the insurance Premium?
    The insurance Premium payments will be done in autodebet periodically through OCBC account according to the selected product.
    What should I do to submit the insurance claims?
    For claims, the customer or the heirs as beneficiary can complete the documents as stated in the Policy, then:
    • Give it to the Relationship Manager or OCBC branch, to be forwarded to PT Asuransi Allianz Life Indonesia, or
    • Send directly to PT Asuransi Allianz Life Indonesia
    Allianz Wealthlink Prestige Life II
    How much is the Premium allocation for investment?
    Regular Basic Premium allocation as Investment Fund at the first year is 70% from Regular Basic Premium, then at the 2nd year until 5th year is 95% from Regular Basic Premium and then 6th year onwards is 105% from Regular Basic Premium. Allocation only for Reguklar Top Up Premium and/or Single Top Up Premium as Investment Fund: 95% from Regular Top Up Premium and/or Single Top Up Premium.
    Is a medical examination necessary?
    Medical examination is required under certain conditions based on underwriting terms & conditions.
    Is there any Rider can be added?
    Yes, there are few rider options such as 100 Critical Illness condition benefit (CI 100), Premium paid by Allianz for Premium Payor diagnosed with Critical Illness / total permanent disability (Payor Benefit) and hospitalization as charge benefit (Prime Medical Protection).
    How do I pay the insurance Premium?
    The insurance Premium payment will be debited from OCBC Customer Account
    What should I do to submit the insurance claims?
    For claims, the customer or the heirs as beneficiary can complete the documents as stated in the Policy, then:
    • Give it to the Relationship Manager or OCBC branch, to be forwarded to PT Asuransi Allianz Life Indonesia, or
    • Send directly to PT Asuransi Allianz Life Indonesia
    MaxPrestige Heritage Protector
    Are the returns on this product guaranteed?
    The yield is guaranteed for the first 10 years of the policy
    Can a partial withdrawal be made?
    Partial withdrawals can be made with the applicable terms and conditions
    Can cash values ​​run out?
    There is a possibility that the cash value will run out if funds are withdrawn
    How do I pay the insurance premium?
    The insurance premium payments will be done in autodebet periodically through OCBC account according to the seleccted product.
    What should I do to submit the insurance claims?
    For claims, the customer or the heirs can complete the documents as stated in the policy, then:
    • Give it to the Relationship Manager or OCBC branch, to be forwarded to the Insurance Company, or
    • Send directly to Insurance Company
    Legacy Protector
    Is a medical examination necessary?
    A medical examination is required in accordance with the applicable terms and conditions
    Can a partial withdrawal be made?
    Partial withdrawals cannot be made
    How long is the protection life?
    99 years
    How do I pay the insurance premium?
    The insurance premium payments will be done in autodebet periodically through OCBC account according to the seleccted product.
    What should I do to submit the insurance claims?
    For claims, the customer or the heirs can complete the documents as stated in the policy, then:
    • Give it to the Relationship Manager or OCBC branch, to be forwarded to the Insurance Company, or
    • Send directly to Insurance Company
    LiveSMART Protector
    How long does the premium have to be paid?
    Only 5 years of protection for 20 years
    Is a medical examination necessary?
    A medical examination is not required in accordance with the applicable terms and conditions
    What is the minimum premium for this product?
    Starting from IDR 100,000
    Insurance Purchases in OCBC
    Protection purchases can be done by OCBC mobile, with following steps:
    1. Click 'Wealth Management' menu
    2. Click 'Insurance' menu
    3. Select the desired insurance products
    4. Read product information, then click 'Buy'
    5. Select the account that will be used
    6. Fill in the required data, then click 'next'
    7. Check the premium detail and confirm
    8. Fill in the Health Statement/Customer Statement, then click 'next'
    9. Check the transaction detail, then click 'next'
    10. Click 'Terms and Conditions', then click 'Confirm'
    11. Enter your transaction PIN or SMS Token, then click 'next'
    How do I pay the insurance premium?
    The insurance premium payments will be done in autodebet periodically through OCBC account according to the seleccted product.
    What should I do to submit the insurance claims?
    For claims, the customer or the heirs can complete the documents as stated in the policy, then:
    • Give it to the Relationship Manager or OCBC branch, to be forwarded to the Insurance Company, or
    • Send directly to Insurance Company
    Great Treasure Assurance
    Is a medical examination necessary?
    A medical examination is required in accordance with the applicable terms and conditions
    Can a partial withdrawal be made?
    Partial withdrawals cannot be made
    When will the premium refund be given?
    When the Customer is 65 years old with the applicable terms and conditions
    How do I pay the insurance premium?
    The insurance premium payments will be done in autodebet periodically through OCBC account according to the seleccted product.
    What should I do to submit the insurance claims?
    For claims, the customer or the heirs can complete the documents as stated in the policy, then:
    • Give it to the Relationship Manager or OCBC branch, to be forwarded to the Insurance Company, or
    • Send directly to Insurance Company
    Home Partner
    Can the contents of the building also be insured?
    The contents of the building can be insured
    Is a survey required?
    It's only necessary to fill in a statement about the object of coverage
    Is a survey required?
    It's only necessary to fill in a statement about the object of coverage
    Insurance Purchases in OCBC
    Protection purchases can be done by OCBC mobile, with following steps:
    1. Click 'Wealth Management' menu
    2. Click 'Insurance' menu
    3. Select the desired insurance products
    4. Read product information, then click 'Buy'
    5. Select the account that will be used
    6. Fill in the required data, then click 'next'
    7. Check the premium detail and confirm
    8. Fill in the Health Statement/Customer Statement, then click 'next'
    9. Check the transaction detail, then click 'next'
    10. Click 'Terms and Conditions', then click 'Confirm'
    11. Enter your transaction PIN or SMS Token, then click 'next'
    How do I pay the insurance premium?
    The insurance premium payments will be done in autodebet periodically through OCBC account according to the seleccted product.
    What should I do to submit the insurance claims?
    For claims, the customer or the heirs can complete the documents as stated in the policy, then:
    • Give it to the Relationship Manager or OCBC branch, to be forwarded to the Insurance Company, or
    • Send directly to Insurance Company
    Valuta Asing
    FX Buying / Selling in OCBC
    FX Transaction in OCBC can be done in two ways, which are through branch (or Relationship Manager) or via OCBC mobile.
    How do I make FX transaction (buy/sell) with OCBC mobile?
    There are two ways for buying/selling FX, which are through branch or via OCBC mobile.

    For both of FX transaction can be done via OCBC mobile, with following steps:
    1. Click 'FX Transaction' menu
    2. Select source and destination currencies
    3. Select the fund source account
    4. Select the destination account
    5. Enter the transaction nominal
    6. Follow the next steps
    7. Check out this video for the illustration of FX buying selling transaction steps
    How many foreign currencies can be transacted in Bank OCBC?
    Bank OCBC provides 11 types of foreign currencies that customer can transact. The 11 currencies are USD, SGD, AUD, JPY, GBP, EUR, HKD, CAD, CNH, NZD and CHF.
    Is there any chargeable fee for FX buying/selling transaction?
    There is no fee for FX buying or selling transaction. However, specifically for FX transactions from IDR through OCBC branch, customer will be charged a stamp duty for the Foreign Currency Purchase Statement.
    Will I receive a confirmation after FX selling and buying transaction is complete?
    1. If transaction is made with branch, the confirmation will be made verbally at the time of the price deal.
    2. If transaction is made via OCBC mobile, you will receive the confirmation after the transaction is complete on OCBC mobile application.
    What happens if I make a purchase transaction on National Holidays?
    FX transaction can only be made on workdays from 09.00 am to 03.00 pm, so you cannot made transaction on National Holidays.


    How much is the transaction fee at OCBC ATM
    1. Melalui ATM OCBC
    2. Biaya transaksi di ATM OCBC menggunakan kartu ATM OCBC dapat dilihat di sini
    3. Melalui jaringan ATM lain
    Jaringan ATM Biaya Tarik Tunai (Rp)
    Bersama/Prima 8.000
    OCBC Bank Singapura 10.000
    Bank Card Malaysia 15.000
    Bisnis Signature
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    Simpanan Bisnis Smart
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    Simpanan Giro Umum
    Popular Questions About Giro Umum
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    Simpanan Multicurrency
    Popular Questions About Multicurrency
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    How much is the transaction fee at OCBC ATM?
    1. Melalui ATM OCBC
    2. Biaya transaksi di ATM OCBC menggunakan kartu ATM OCBC dapat dilihat di sini
    3. Melalui jaringan ATM lain
    Jaringan ATM Biaya Tarik Tunai (Rp)
    Bersama/Prima 8.000
    OCBC Bank Singapura 10.000
    Bank Card Malaysia 15.000
    Financial Value Chain Solution
    How does interest applied to this account?
    If you haven’t yet activated your account for online and mobile banking, visit the Activate Now page of our website to get started. You’ll need your ScotiaCard number, credit card number, or account number for your line of credit, investment, loan, or mortgage. If you have both a Scotiabank debit card and a credit card/account number, please use your ScotiaCard number to register.
    Cara bertransaksi dengan QR Payment di OCBC mobile
    Cukup satu aplikasi untuk kemudahan dan kenyamanan transaksi perbankan Anda. Dengan OCBC mobile, transaksi perbankan sehari-hari cukup dilakukan dengan sentuhan jari.
    Apa itu OCBC mobile
    OCBC mobile adalah sebuah aplikasi berbasis digital yang siap membantu Anda betransaksi lebih mudah dan cepat
    Apakah OCBC mobile aman untuk bertransaksi
    Dengan OCBC mobile, transaksi perbankan sehari-hari cukup dilakukan dengan sentuhan jari.
    Kredit Investasi
    How does interest applied to this account?
    If you haven’t yet activated your account for online and mobile banking, visit the Activate Now page of our website to get started. You’ll need your ScotiaCard number, credit card number, or account number for your line of credit, investment, loan, or mortgage. If you have both a Scotiabank debit card and a credit card/account number, please use your ScotiaCard number to register.
    Cara bertransaksi dengan QR Payment di OCBC mobile
    Cukup satu aplikasi untuk kemudahan dan kenyamanan transaksi perbankan Anda. Dengan OCBC mobile, transaksi perbankan sehari-hari cukup dilakukan dengan sentuhan jari.
    Apa itu OCBC mobile
    OCBC mobile adalah sebuah aplikasi berbasis digital yang siap membantu Anda betransaksi lebih mudah dan cepat
    Apakah OCBC mobile aman untuk bertransaksi
    Dengan OCBC mobile, transaksi perbankan sehari-hari cukup dilakukan dengan sentuhan jari.
    Kredit Modal Kerja
    How does interest applied to this account?
    If you haven’t yet activated your account for online and mobile banking, visit the Activate Now page of our website to get started. You’ll need your ScotiaCard number, credit card number, or account number for your line of credit, investment, loan, or mortgage. If you have both a Scotiabank debit card and a credit card/account number, please use your ScotiaCard number to register.
    Cara bertransaksi dengan QR Payment di OCBC mbile
    Cukup satu aplikasi untuk kemudahan dan kenyamanan transaksi perbankan Anda. Dengan OCBC mobile, transaksi perbankan sehari-hari cukup dilakukan dengan sentuhan jari.
    Apa itu OCBC mobile
    OCBC mobile adalah sebuah aplikasi berbasis digital yang siap membantu Anda betransaksi lebih mudah dan cepat
    Apakah OCBC mobile aman untuk bertransaksi
    Dengan OCBC mobile, transaksi perbankan sehari-hari cukup dilakukan dengan sentuhan jari.
    Kredit Program
    How does interest applied to this account?
    If you haven’t yet activated your account for online and mobile banking, visit the Activate Now page of our website to get started. You’ll need your ScotiaCard number, credit card number, or account number for your line of credit, investment, loan, or mortgage. If you have both a Scotiabank debit card and a credit card/account number, please use your ScotiaCard number to register.
    Cara bertransaksi dengan QR Payment di OCBC mobile
    Cukup satu aplikasi untuk kemudahan dan kenyamanan transaksi perbankan Anda. Dengan OCBC mobile, transaksi perbankan sehari-hari cukup dilakukan dengan sentuhan jari.
    Apa itu OCBC mobile
    OCBC mobile adalah sebuah aplikasi berbasis digital yang siap membantu Anda betransaksi lebih mudah dan cepat
    Apakah OCBC mobile aman untuk bertransaksi
    Dengan OCBC mobile, transaksi perbankan sehari-hari cukup dilakukan dengan sentuhan jari.
    Supply Chain Solution
    How does interest applied to this account?
    If you haven’t yet activated your account for online and mobile banking, visit the Activate Now page of our website to get started. You’ll need your ScotiaCard number, credit card number, or account number for your line of credit, investment, loan, or mortgage. If you have both a Scotiabank debit card and a credit card/account number, please use your ScotiaCard number to register.
    Cara bertransaksi dengan QR Payment di OCBC mobile
    Cukup satu aplikasi untuk kemudahan dan kenyamanan transaksi perbankan Anda. Dengan OCBC mobile, transaksi perbankan sehari-hari cukup dilakukan dengan sentuhan jari.
    Apa itu OCBC mobile
    OCBC mobile adalah sebuah aplikasi berbasis digital yang siap membantu Anda betransaksi lebih mudah dan cepat
    Apakah OCBC mobile aman untuk bertransaksi
    Dengan OCBC mobile, transaksi perbankan sehari-hari cukup dilakukan dengan sentuhan jari.


    How much is the transaction fee at OCBC ATM
    1. Melalui ATM OCBC
    2. Biaya transaksi di ATM OCBC menggunakan kartu ATM OCBC dapat dilihat di sini
    3. Melalui jaringan ATM lain
    Jaringan ATM Biaya Tarik Tunai (Rp)
    Bersama/Prima 8.000
    OCBC Bank Singapura 10.000
    Bank Card Malaysia 15.000


    How much is the transaction fee at OCBC ATM
    1. Melalui ATM OCBC
    2. Biaya transaksi di ATM OCBC menggunakan kartu ATM OCBC dapat dilihat di sini
    3. Melalui jaringan ATM lain
    Jaringan ATM Biaya Tarik Tunai (Rp)
    Bersama/Prima 8.000
    OCBC Bank Singapura 10.000
    Bank Card Malaysia 15.000
    Advise LC
    Please Change Data Source
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    Advise SKBDN
    Please Change Data Source
    Please Change Data Source
    Inward Documentary Collection (D/P atau D/A)
    Please Change Data Source
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    Letter of Credit
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    Local Inward Documentary Collection (Inkaso Masuk)
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    Surat Kredit Berdokumen Dalam Negeri (SKBDN)
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    Nyala Bisnis

    Nyala Bisnis Partial Service Fee Debit
    What is Partial Service Fee Debit?

    Partial service fee debit is a partial deduction of service fees charged to Nyala Bisnis Customers if the average combined balance of the previous month does not meet the requirements (in this case the Customer is required to maintain an average combined balance of IDR 1 Million).

    When will the Debit Service Fee come into effect?

    The implementation of Nyala Bisnis service fee debit will be effective on July 03, 2024, and will be carried out periodically on the 3rd day of each subsequent month.

    What are the types of accounts that can be used as a source of funds for service fee debits?

    The types of accounts that can be used as a source of funds for service fee debiting are IDR savings and/or current accounts.

    What are the types of accounts that cannot be used as a source of fund for debiting service fees?

    The types of accounts that cannot be used as a source of fund for debiting service fees are other than IDR savings and/or current accounts, namely: Tabungan Berjangka (TAKA), Tabungan Haji, deposits, Savings with restricted status, Savings with hold status, and Savings with freeze status.

    Will I receive a notification for the successful debiting of service fees?

    For every service fee debit activity that is carried out, it will be informed through the account mutation which can be seen in the Financial menu on OCBC mobile.

    How do I check the mutation/history of service charge debits?

    For each service charge debiting activity performed, the mutation/history can be checked through the following steps:

    • Login to OCBC mobile
    • Select the "Financial" menu at the bottom of the main dashboard
    • Select one of your IDR savings/current accounts
    • Service fee debit status/details will appear in the account mutation list
    Can the service charge debit be stopped?

    Service charge debiting will automatically stop if:

    • There is no balance in the IDR savings/current account that can be used as a source of debiting funds, or
    • The customer deposits/top up funds until they meet the required average combined balance (AUM) criteria
    What is an example of a service charge debiting mechanism?

    Customer Condition:

    • Customer is a member of Nyala Bisnis service
    • According to the terms and conditions of the Nyala Bisnis service fee, if the Customer has an average combined balance below Rp1,000,000,-, a service fee of Rp10,000 will be charged every month
      1. Only has 1 IDR savings/current account.
      2. If the funds in the Customer's IDR savings/ current account are less than the service fee charged, the Bank will debit all funds in the account, and the remaining service fee that is not successfully debited will not be collected in the following month.


        • Nyala Bisnis Customer has an average combined balance (AUM) in January 2024 of Rp800,000, - & the remaining balance on February 3, 2024 is Rp4,000.
        • The service charge debiting system will debit the balance of Rp4,000,- & will not charge Rp6,000,- (remaining service charge) in March 2024.
      3. Having more than 1 IDR savings/giro account.
      4. If Nyala Bisnis Customer has more than one (1) IDR savings/current account with different nominal & lower than the service fee charged, the service fee debiting system will debit from the account with the highest balance.


        • Nyala Bisnis Customer has an average combined balance (AUM) of 2 IDR savings/current accounts in January 2024 of IDR 500,000.
        • On February 3, 2024, the remaining balance in each account are: account 1 (IDR 2,000) and account 2 (IDR 6,000).
        • The Bank will debit the service fee starting from the account with the highest balance, in this case from account 2 of Rp6,000,-, and the remaining unpaid service fee of Rp4,000,- will not be billed and debited in the next debiting period.
        • In the following month, if the Customer has not topped up the balance (above Rp1,000,000,-), the system will automatically debit the service fee from the account with the highest balance, in this case from account 1 amounting to Rp2,000,-.
    How much is the monthly service fee?

    Nyala Bisnis Individual Customers

    For Nyala Bisnis Individual Customers who do not meet the requirements for an average combined balance above Rp1,000,000 in the current month, a service fee of Rp10,000 will be charged on the 3rd day of the following month.

    Nyala Bisnis Business Entity Customers

    For Nyala Bisnis Business Entity Customers who do not meet the requirements for an average combined balance above Rp1,000,000 in the current month, a service fee of Rp30,000 will be charged on the 3rd day of the following month.

    Customer Type Currently in effect In effect per 3 July 2024
    Nyala Bisnis Individual Customers If Nyala Bisnis Individual Customer fails to meet the average combined balance requirement above Rp1,000,000 in the last month, a service fee of Rp10,000 will be charged on the 3rd day of the following month.
    In the event that the Customer's funds in the account are insufficient to debit the service fee, it will become arrears charged to the Customer in the following month. If Nyala Bisnis Individual Customer fails to meet the average combined balance requirement above Rp1,000,000 in the last month, a service fee of Rp10,000 will be charged on the 3rd day of the following month.
    In the event that the Customer's funds are insufficient for service fee debiting, one of the following two (2) debiting methods will be applied:
    • Account balance < service charge
    • The service fee will be debited against any amount of funds available in the Customer's IDR savings/giro account. The remaining service fee that is not successfully debited will not be charged to the next month's service fee.

    • Account balance = Rp0,-
    • Service fee will not be debited & will not be charged to the next month's service fee.

    Nyala Bisnis Business Entity Customers If Nyala Bisnis Business Entity Customer fails to meet the average combined balance requirement above Rp1,000,000 in the last month, a service fee of Rp30,000 will be charged on the 3rd day of the following month.
    In the event that the Customer's funds in the account are insufficient to debit the service fee, it will become arrears charged to the Customer in the following month. If Nyala Bisnis Business Entity Customer fails to meet the average combined balance requirement above Rp1,000,000 in the last month, a service fee of Rp30,000 will be charged on the 3rd day of the following month.
    In the event that the Customer's funds are insufficient for service fee debiting, one of the following two (2) debiting methods will be applied:
    • Account balance < service charge
    • The service fee will be debited against any amount of funds available in the Customer's IDR savings/giro account. The remaining service fee that is not successfully debited will not be charged to the next month's service fee.

    • Account balance = Rp0,-
    • Service fee will not be debited & will not be charged to the next month's service fee.

    What is Nyala Bisnis?
    What is Nyala Bisnis?
    • Nyala Bisnis is a service from OCBC that offers various benefits that can be enjoyed by individual & business entities MSME customers to #LevelUp their business based on the total combined balance.
    • What are the benefits of Nyala Bisnis & its provisions?
      • Benefits of Nyala Bisnis for Business Entity Customers (effective June 1, 2023):
        Average Combined Balance per month Free Transaction Fees (Quota per Month) Service Fee (Per Month)
        Purchase/ Payment Interbank Transfer RTGS Transfer BI Fast Transfer TT
        IDR 0 - < 1.000.000 - - - Unlimited - Free of charge
        IDR 1.000.000 - < 10.000.000 5x 5x - Unlimited -
        IDR 10.000.000 - < 25.000.000 10x 10x - Unlimited -
        IDR 25.000.000 - < 50.000.000 20x 20x 1x Unlimited -
        IDR 50.000.000 - < 500.000.000 30x 30x 2x Unlimited -
        IDR 500.000.000 - < 50x 50x 10x Unlimited 1x
        ≥ IDR Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited 1x
      • Benefits of Nyala Bisnis for business entity customers with a total Business Loan limit of more than IDR 3.5 billion (effective June 1, 2023):
        Business Loan limit Average Combined Balance per month Free Transaction Fees (Quota per Month) Service Fee (Per Month)
        Purchase/ Payment Interbank Transfer RTGS Transfer BI Fast Transfer TT
        ≥ IDR 3.500.000.000 < IDR 50.000.000 50x 50x 10x Unlimited 1x Free of charge
        IDR 50.000.000 - < 500.000.000 50x 50x 10x
        ≥ IDR 500.000.000 Unlimited Unlimited 10x

        Description of the Benefits of Nyala Bisnis Business Entity:

        1. Purchase and Payment Transactions via Internet Banking/OCBC Business.
        2. Interbank transfer using Online Transfer and LLG/SKN method via Internet Banking / OCBC Business.
        3. Interbank transfer using BI-FAST method via Internet Banking/ OCBC Business.
        4. Transfer RTGS via OCBC Business.
        5. TT Transfer via OCBC Business.
        6. The above service fee benefits apply if the average combined balance is less than IDR 1,000,000 (one million rupiah).
        7. The above service fee benefits do not apply to Customers with Nyala Bisnis TAYTB Women Warriors services or Customers with a total business credit limit of less than IDR 3.5 billion.
        8. Other fees in the form of monthly administration fees and/or fees below the minimum balance (fall below fee) do not apply to Customers with Nyala Bisnis services.
    • What is a combined balance?
      Combined Balance is the balance owned by the Customer based on calculation of all products (including Sharia products) both in the form of savings, term savings, current accounts, deposits, and Wealth Management products such as Bonds, Mutual Funds, Foreign Exchange, and Bancassurance (using the market indication value or investment cash value).
    • How do I calculate the average combined balance (per month)?
      Average Combined Balance (per month) is calculated by adding up the balance across all products (combined balance) at the end of the day, then at the end of the month it will be divided based on the number of days in the month. The calculation is carried out from the 1st date to the end of the month (28th / 29th / 30th / 31st).
    • How is the credit limit of a joint venture calculated?
      The Nyala Bisnis Service uses the concept of a combined initial limit of Business Credit for the calculation of customer service benefits and costs, where the combined limit includes all approved business credit limits for Working Capital Loans, Investment Loans and Commercial Property Purchase Loans.
    • How do the benefits and service fees of Nyala Bisnis apply?
      • The Nyala Bisnis benefit at each level will be valid for 1 (one) month, with the period of providing free transaction fee benefits from the 3rd date to the 2nd date of the following month.
      • Every month, an automatic review will be conducted to determine whether the Customer remains at the same level, up, or down to another level based on the applicable benefit scheme. The free transaction quota will be fully restored every 3rd date of the month based on the Customer's level.
      • The Customer will get the highest level of free transaction fee benefits in the first month of the Customer joining the Nyala Bisnis service. In the second month onwards, the Customer will get the benefit of free transaction fees according to the average combined balance in the previous month.
      • The Customer is not charged a service fee.
    • What are the requirements to Join the Nyala Bisnis Service?
      To be able to join the Nyala Bisnis service, you must be an OCBC Customer and have at least 1 (one) OCBC current account product.
    • Simulation of Nyala Bisnis Levels
      You are an OCBC customer who is a member of the Nyala Bisnis service before 1 July 2024. On July 1st, 2024, your Nyala Bisnis benefit scheme will be automatically updated according to the provisions of Nyala Bisnis benefits in point (above and as a welcome reward you will enjoy the benefits of the EXTRA level (highest) in the first month. In the following month, on August 3, 2024, the Bank will review whether you will stay, increase, or downgrade based on the combined balance in July 2024.
    Adjustment of Free Interbank Transfer Fee Quota
    Adjustment of Free Interbank Transfer Fee Quota
    1. Is Business Entity Customer with the Nyala Bisnis service no longer able to get an unlimited quota for free interbank transfer fee?

      Currently, Business Entity Customers can still enjoy unlimited quota for free transfer fees to other banks through BI FAST transfers.

    2. What are the types of transactions that are affected by the free interbank transfer fee quota change in the Nyala Bisnis service?

      The types of transactions that affected by the free interbank transfer fee quota change in the Nyala Bisnis service are RTOL and SKN/LLG.

    3. How much transaction fee will be charged if my company exceeds the quota of free interbank transfer fee benefit?

      Interbank RTOL transactions will be charged IDR 6,500 per transaction, for interbank SKN/LLG transactions will be charged IDR 2,900 per transaction (via counter) and IDR 2,000 per transaction (via Internet/Mobile/OCBC Business).

    4. When will the change in the interbank transfer fee quota take effect?

      This change in the interbank transaction fee quota will take effect as of October 1, 2024.

    5. Who will be affected by this change in the free interbank transfer fee quota?

      Customers who will be affected by the change in the free interbank transfer fee quota are Business Entity Customers with Nyala Bisnis services who have:

      - Minimum combined average balance in the previous month of IDR 1,000,000,000 without business loan.

      - Minimum combined average balance in the previous month of IDR 500,000,000,- with a minimum business loan limit of IDR 3,500,000,000,-.

    6. How do the changes to the benefit scheme occur as of October 1, 2024?

      Effective as of October 1, 2024, Customers of Business Entities with the following conditions:

      - Have a minimum combined average balance in the previous month of IDR 1,000,000,000 without a business loan.

      - Have a minimum combined average balance in the previous month of IDR 500,000,000,- with a minimum business loan limit of IDR 3,500,000,000,-.

      The maximum quota for free interbank transfer fee via RTOL and SKN/LLG is 1000 times per month from the previous quota of unlimited limit.

    7. Does this change in the free interbank transfer fee quota also apply to Nyala Bisnis Individual Customers?

      The change in the free interbank transfer fee quota only applies to Nyala Bisnis Business Entity Customers while there is no change to the free interbank transfer fee quota for Nyala Bisnis Individual Customers.

      Customer Type Currently in effect In effect per 1 October 2024
      Nyala Bisnis Business Entity Customers
      • Business Entity Customers with Nyala Bisnis service with an average combined balance in the previous month of at least IDR 1,000,000,000 (one billion rupiah) will get a quota of free interbank transfer fees (RTOL & SKN/LLG) up to unlimited.
      • Business Entity Customers with Nyala Bisnis service with an average combined balance in the previous month of at least IDR 500,000,000 (five hundred million rupiah) and have a business loan limit of at least IDR 3,500,000,000 (three billion five hundred million rupiah) will get a quota of free interbank transfer fees (RTOL & SKN/LLG) up to unlimited.
      • Business Entity Customers with Nyala Bisnis service with an average combined balance of at least IDR 1,000,000,000 (one billion rupiah) will get a quota of free interbank transfer fees* (RTOL & SKN/LLG) up to 1,000 times.
      • Business Entity Customers with Nyala Bisnis service with an average combined balance of at least IDR 500,000,000 (five hundred million rupiah) in the previous month and have a business loan limit of at least IDR 3,500,000,000 (three billion five hundred million rupiah) will get a quota of free interbank transfer fees* (RTOL & SKN/LLG) up to 1,000 times

      *Interbank transfers beyond the quota will be charged a fee of IDR 6,500 per RTOL transaction & IDR 2,900 per transaction (via counter) or IDR 2,000 per transaction (via Internet/Mobile/OCBC Business) for SKN/LLG.


    How much is the transaction fee at OCBC ATM
    1. Melalui ATM OCBC
    2. Biaya transaksi di ATM OCBC menggunakan kartu ATM OCBC dapat dilihat di sini
    3. Melalui jaringan ATM lain
    Jaringan ATM Biaya Tarik Tunai (Rp)
    Bersama/Prima 8.000
    OCBC Bank Singapura 10.000
    Bank Card Malaysia 15.000
    Deposito Berjangka
    How does interest applied to this account?
    If you haven’t yet activated your account for online and mobile banking, visit the Activate Now page of our website to get started. You’ll need your ScotiaCard number, credit card number, or account number for your line of credit, investment, loan, or mortgage. If you have both a Scotiabank debit card and a credit card/account number, please use your ScotiaCard number to register.


    How much is the transaction fee at OCBC ATM
    1. Melalui ATM OCBC
    2. Biaya transaksi di ATM OCBC menggunakan kartu ATM OCBC dapat dilihat di sini
    3. Melalui jaringan ATM lain
    Jaringan ATM Biaya Tarik Tunai (Rp)
    Bersama/Prima 8.000
    OCBC Bank Singapura 10.000
    Bank Card Malaysia 15.000


    How much is the transaction fee at OCBC NISP ATM
    Berapa biaya transaksi di ATM Banking OCBC NISP?
    1. Melalui ATM OCBC NISP
    2. Biaya transaksi di ATM OCBC NISP menggunakan kartu ATM OCBC NISP dapat dilihat di sini
    3. Melalui jaringan ATM lain
    Jaringan ATM Biaya Tarik Tunai (Rp)
    Bersama/Prima 8.000
    OCBC Bank Singapura 10.000
    Bank Card Malaysia 15.000


    How much is the transaction fee at OCBC NISP ATM
    Berapa biaya transaksi di ATM Banking OCBC NISP?
    1. Melalui ATM OCBC NISP
    2. Biaya transaksi di ATM OCBC NISP menggunakan kartu ATM OCBC NISP dapat dilihat di sini
    3. Melalui jaringan ATM lain
    Jaringan ATM Biaya Tarik Tunai (Rp)
    Bersama/Prima 8.000
    OCBC Bank Singapura 10.000
    Bank Card Malaysia 15.000
    Payroll OCBC
    What is OCBC payroll service?
    OCBC payroll service is a service that can facilitate your company in the process of payroll payments to employees by transferring books from the company account to your employee account at OCBC.
    What are the requirements to get OCBC payroll service?
    The following are the requirements for companies that want to join the service OCBC payroll
    • Your company is an incorporated company
    • Signing a Cooperation agreement with Bank OCBC
    • Opening an OCBC Bank Account
    What are the documents that need to be completed to sign the OCBC payroll cooperation agreement?
    Company deed, Company TIN, and other documents required by the Bank OCBC.
    What are the benefits for companies that have joined OCBC payroll service?
    The advantages obtained by the company include the following
    • Easy, fast, and comprehensive registration process
    • There are special staff from Bank OCBC who will serve your company
    • Special promotional program available for your company, Promotional program follow the provisions applicable to Bank OCBC
    What benefits will be received by employees who are members of the service payroll OCBC?
    The benefits obtained by employees include the following:
    • Free Administration Fee*
    • Free Cash Withdrawal and Transfer Fees*
    • Can join loyalty program that applies to OCBC
    • Can enjoy the facilities available on OCBC Mobile

    *follow the terms and conditions applicable to OCBC

    What methods are used for the payroll of company employees?
    Employee recitation method by transferring books from company accounts to employee accounts through theVelocity app. Velocity application is a web-based electronic banking system and mobile application to facilitate corporate customers in conducting banking transactions, both financial and non-financial transactions in real time and Online.
    What if I am interested in joining OCBC payroll service?
    Please contact Tanya OCBC, leave your next contact person. Our OCBC Sales Team will contact you soon
    • Domestic call 1500-999
    • Overseas call +62-21-2650-6300
    • Whatsapp +62-812-1500999
    • Email send to:
    • Twitter mention @TanyaOCBC


    What is Akad ?
    Written agreement between the Bank and other parties that contains the rights and obligations of each party in accordance with Sharia Principles.
    What is Sharia Principles ?
    The principles of Islamic law in banking activities are based on fatwas issued by institutions that have the authority to determine fatwas in the field of sharia.
    What is Profit Sharing Distribution ?
    The distribution of profit of Bank Syariah to the Deposit Customers is based on the agreed ratio every month. Revenue sharing depends on the amount and duration of deposits and bank income for the period. The amount of profit sharing is calculated based on bank revenue so that the customer must obtain profit sharing and not lose the principal savings.
    What is Sharia Supervisory Board ?
    The board is tasked with giving advice and advice to the Directors and overseeing the activities of the Sharia Business Unit to be in accordance with Sharia Principles.
    What is Mudharabah ?
    Transaction of fund investment from the owner of the fund (shahibul mal) to the fund manager (mudharib) to carry out certain business activities in accordance with Sharia Principles, with the distribution of results of business between the two parties based on a mutually agreed ratio.
    What is Wadi'ah ?
    Funds or goods deposit transaction from the owner to the depositor of funds with an obligation for the depositing party to return the funds or goods deposited at any time or in accordance with the agreement.
    What is Murabahah ?
    Buying and selling transactions of goods at the acquisition price plus the margin agreed upon by the parties, where the seller informs the buyer in advance of the acquisition price.
    What is Wakalah ?
    Agreement of representation between one party to another. Wakalah is usually applied for making Letter of Credit, for purchasing goods abroad (L/C Import) or forwarding requests
    What is Musyarakah ?
    Collaboration between two or more parties having funds and/or goods to carry out certain businesses in accordance with Sharia Principles by sharing the results of operations in accordance with the amount of capital ownership of each party or based on a mutually agreed ratio.
    What is Musyarakah Mutanaqisah ?
    Collaboration between two or more owners of funds and/or goods to carry out certain businesses in accordance with Sharia Principles with the distribution of operating results in accordance with the amount of capital ownership of each party or based on a mutually agreed ratio, then one party gradually buys the other party's capital ownership, so that at the end of the cooperation period one party has the entire capital (100%).
    What is Margin ?
    The amount of profit agreed between the Bank and the Customer for financing transactions with a sale and purchase agreement (murabahah). Financing margins are fixed (fixed) unchanged throughout the term of the financing.
    What is Nisbah ?
    Share of profit sharing between the Bank and the Customer of funding and financing transactions with profit sharing agreements (mudharabah and musyarakah).
    What is Ijarah ?
    Lease transactions of goods and/or services between the owner of the object for lease, including ownership of the right to use the object for rent and the lessee to get compensation for the leased object.
    What is Qardh ?
    Borrowing transactions without compensation for the obligations of borrowing party to repay the loan principal in one lump sum or installments within a certain period.


    What can I get after opening this account ?
    For those who are already Bank OCBC customers
    What are the requirements ?
    You must already be a customer of Bank OCBC, there are no other special requirements.
    What are the advantages?
    1. The initial deposit is light,
    2. Free monthly administration fees,
    3. Free of charge below the minimum balance.
    Is it multicurrency saving account ?
    No, but you can have an iB mudharabah savings account for IDR and an iB mudharabah savings account for USD by opening at OCBC mobile
    Will there be a name written in the card ?
    You can choose to be sent by ATM or you don't need to be sent an ATM during the account opening process at OCBC mobile. If you choose an ATM card to be sent to your registered address, then an ATM sent automatically has your name registered as a customer. If you choose an ATM card to be taken at a branch office, then you can take an ATM card at any branch office during office hours and get an instant or anonymous card.
    How can I change the card delivery address?
    You can change it by contacting our call center at 1500-999 or + 62-21-26506300 (from abroad).
    What is Mudharabah iB saving account ?
    Mudharabah Savings iB OCBC Syariah is a sharia-based savings account that is managed professionally with 2 Mudharabah (Profit Sharing) contracts. Supported by more than hundreds of sharia service offices and more than 20,000 ATMs throughout Indonesia with free monthly administration fees. Equipped with ATM, Mobile Banking, SMS Banking and Internet Banking.
    Is this new product?
    No, this product already exists.
    Is this product has different features with Mudharabah Savings that can be opened in branches previously?
    The features and advantages are the same. Getting an ATM Card, can be accessed through Mobile Banking and Internet Banking, the advantages are:
    1. Low initial deposit
    2. Free monthly administration fees
    3. Free below the minimum balance
    Details attached.
    What is the differences with regular mudharabah iB?
    Previous Mudharabah iB savings can only be opened at the branch office, while Tab Mudharabah iB Online, opening can be done anywhere at any time through the OCBC mobile.
    Can you still open a Tab Mudharabah account at a branch office?
    Yes, can
    How long has this product been in OCBC mobile ?
    Since 13 July 2020 it can be accessed on your OCBC mobile
    How to do it?
    - Download the OCBC mobile application
    - Login with your registered username and password
    - Explore the menu bar at the top left of the OCBC mobile view, select 'Open New Account'
    - Find ‘Mudharabah iB Savings’ in the Savings category
    - Click and follow the short process in, fill in the required information without having to upload a document or sign a new form
    - Follow the process to completion until your account is formed.
    - You only need to make an initial deposit to activate your account.
    - If your account is active, you can immediately use it to conduct financial transactions
    Are there any promotion if opening mudharabah saving account iB?
    Keep updating OCBC promos on our social media.
    Tabungan Emas
    What is Gold Savings?

    Gold Savings is a service owned by Pegadaian that is in the OCBC mobile application through a collaboration between Bank OCBC and Pegadaian which allows customers to carry out gold investment activities electronically through the OCBC mobile application.

    What are the features that I can use in the Gold Savings?

    Until now, there are several features that can be used by the Customer, namely:

    1. Registration
    2. Initial Deposit Transactions (Purchases on the first day) and Buy Gold
    3. Gold Selling Transactions
    4. Gold Transaction Status
    5. History of Gold Selling Prices and Buying Prices
    What are the requirements for making a Gold Savings transaction on OCBC mobile?
    1. Customers who can use the Gold Savings service are existing customers of Bank OCBC who have relation accounts in Rupiah, both Sharia accounts and Conventional Bank OCBC
    2. Have registered on the buy menu when the customer first transacted at the Gold Savings contained in the OCBC mobile application.

    Related to point 1 above, for customers who use multicurrency accounts (Tanda 360 Plus and Tanda 360 Plus Employees), only Rupiah accounts can be used for transactions on the Gold Savings service.

    If you haven't registered yet to make a Gold Savings transaction, can you register via OCBC mobile? And how?

    Yes, with the following steps:

    1. Make sure the customer has updated the OCBC mobile application via the Playstore or Appstore to the latest version.
    2. From the Dashboard menu, click Investment Menu
    3. Choose Gold Savings
    4. Click Start
    5. Click the Buy button to register for Gold Savings
    6. Click Verify Now
    7. Select e-KTP
    8. Photo of e-KTP in a well-lit place and adjust it to the frame
    9. Complete the requested data according to your e-KTP data. After that, click I Agree and Click Save
    10. Then, select Selfie + e-KTP
    11. Take a selfie with your e-KTP in a well-lit place and adjust it to the frame
    12. Choose a Pegadaian Branch Office
    13. Choose a Pegadaian to print gold
    14. Click Next
    15. Click Save if the data entered is correct. If you want to edit/view the selected data, please click the part you want to edit/view again
    16. Click one by one the Terms & Conditions that must be read and agreed
    17. Click I Have Read & Agree. Please download the file by clicking the Download File button
    18. Click Continue when you have read all the Terms & Conditions
    19. Enter the Transaction PIN
    20. E-KTP successfully entered and is being verified
    21. Wait up to 3 working days for verification:
      • If the data verification is successful, a push notification will appear on the cellphone and the customer can purchase gold
      • If data verification fails, a push notification will appear on the cellphone. The customer can re-verify with a flow similar to the initial registration again
    What fees will be charged when using the Gold Savings service?

    Custody fees. For this fee, in the first year it is not charged by the Pegadaian. Fees will be charged for the following year in accordance with the rules that apply at Pegadaian

    How do I make a purchase on the first day (Initial Deposit) at the Gold Savings via OCBC mobile?

    Yes, with the following steps:

    1. Make sure the customer has updated the OCBC mobile application via the Playstore or Appstore to the latest version.
    2. From the Dashboard menu, click Investment Menu
    3. Choose Gold Savings
    4. Click Get Started
    5. Click the Buy button to make a purchase
    6. Input the amount of gold you want to buy, you can input it in the form of IDR or grams of gold. Click the Buy button.
    7. Select the account used to buy gold
    8. Click Confirm
    9. Click I've Read & Agree. Please download the file by clicking the Download File button
    10. Enter the Transaction PIN
    11. The purchase was successful and a Success receipt, push notification, and inbox notification appeared
    Is there a minimum or maximum purchase limit on the first day (Initial Deposit) of gold via OCBC mobile?

    Yes, here is the minimum or maximum purchase limit for gold:

    • Minimum Initial Deposit: IDR 10,000
    • Maximum Initial Deposit (Accumulated Purchases on the First Day): 10 grams
    How do you buy gold on the second day and onwards at the Gold Savings account via OCBC mobile?

    To make purchases on the second day and beyond, follow the flow similar to that of Initial Deposit. The difference is only in the limit of buying gold transactions.

    Is there a minimum or maximum limit for buying gold on the second day and so on via OCBC mobile?

    Yes, here is the minimum or maximum gold purchase limit on the second day and so on:

    • Minimum Purchase per transaction: IDR 10,000
    • Maximum Purchase per transaction: IDR 50,000,000
    • Maximum Purchase per day: 100 grams
    How do you sell gold in Gold Savings via OCBC mobile?

    Yes, with the following steps:

    1. Make sure the customer has updated the OCBC mobile application via the Playstore or Appstore to the latest version.
    2. From the Dashboard menu, click Investment Menu
    3. Choose Gold Savings
    4. Click Get Started
    5. Click the Sell button to make a sale
    6. Input Nominal Gold that you want to sell, can be input in the form of IDR or grams of gold. Click the Sell button
    7. Select the account that is used to accommodate the proceeds from the sale of gold
    8. Click Confirm
    9. Click I've Read & Agree. Please download the file by clicking the Download File button
    10. Enter the Transaction PIN
    11. The sale of gold was successful and a receipt in Processing appeared. NOTES: Funds from the sale of gold do not go directly to the account and require 1-3 days for the process of disbursing funds to the account
    12. If the funds from the sale have entered the customer's account within 1-3 working days, the receipt in Processing will automatically change to Success and the customer will also receive an inbox notification & push notification
    Is there a minimum or maximum limit for selling gold through OCBC mobile?

    Yes, here are the minimum or maximum gold purchase limits for the second time and so on:

    1. Minimum Purchase per transaction: 0.01 grams
    2. Maximum purchase per transaction: 20 grams
    3. Maximum purchase per day: 100 grams
    Is it obligatory for the customer to leave a settled balance in the Gold Savings account?

    Mandatory, equal to 0.05 grams of gold so that the account does not become dormant

    How do I see the status of a gold transaction and/or receipt of proof of transaction in Gold Savings via OCBC mobile?

    Yes, with the following steps:

    1. Make sure the customer has updated the OCBC mobile application via the Playstore or Appstore to the latest version.
    2. From the Dashboard menu, click Investment Menu
    3. Choose Gold Savings
    4. Click Start
    5. On the Dashboard page, click the Gold Transaction Status menu
    6. Customers can filter each Status: Completed, In Process, Buy Gold, Sell Gold.
    7. Customers can also view receipt details by clicking on one of the gold transaction statuses
    How to see gold price history via OCBC mobile?

    Yes, with the following steps:

    1. Make sure the customer has updated the OCBC mobile application via the Playstore or Appstore to the latest version.
    2. From the Dashboard menu, click Investment Menu
    3. Choose Gold Savings
    4. Click Start
    5. On the Gold Savings Dashboard, there is a Gold Price Details table, click See More to see more details
    6. Customers can see gold prices on a daily, monthly or annual basis
    7. Click View By Weight to view by weight. Customers can see Gold Prices by weight
    Can I print the gold that I have on OCBC mobile?

    Can. The customer can print gold by coming to the Pegadaian Outlet chosen by the customer

    Is there a minimum limit to do gold printing?

    Yes, the minimum number of grams that can be printed is according to what is available at the Pegadaian

    Can I change the Pegadaian Outlet location that I chose at the time of registration?
    Are gold transactions made at OCBC mobile guaranteed by LPS?

    Gold in the Gold Savings product is not guaranteed by the Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS) because it is not a bank product.

    Can I withdraw gold through OCBC mobile?

    For the current OCBC mobile version, it still doesn't work

    Why is there a notification when I register for a Gold Savings account that my data is not correct?

    Customers can contact Bank OCBC through the Contact Center to find out data that is not appropriate

    What should I do if my registration process is rejected?

    The customer re-registers
    Customers can contact Bank OCBC through the Contact Center to find out data that is not appropriate



    How much is the transaction fee at OCBC ATM
    1. Melalui ATM OCBC
    2. Biaya transaksi di ATM OCBC menggunakan kartu ATM OCBC dapat dilihat di sini
    3. Melalui jaringan ATM lain
    Jaringan ATM Biaya Tarik Tunai (Rp)
    Bersama/Prima 8.000
    OCBC Bank Singapura 10.000
    Bank Card Malaysia 15.000

    News Update

    News Update
    Enjoy the benefits of Nyala for Sharia products
    Open Nyala Individu / Nyala Bisnis and enjoy various benefits by maintaining combined balance of at least IDR 25 Million. Visit the nearest branch to apply Nyala.

    Merchant Solution

    Merchant Solution
    What is OCBC Merchant?
    OCBC Merchant is a digital service platform owned by PT Bank OCBC NISP Tbk ("OCBC") that can be used by merchants who are OCBC customers in monitoring the receipt of QRIS transaction payments for their businesses and other matters related to OCBC QRIS.
    When will merchant receive funds for QRIS transactions?
    The funds will be deposited into the merchant's account within D+1 working day, in total and net amount (after MDR).
    Who is a Merchant?
    Merchant is an OCBC Customer who has been registered as a Merchant on OCBC's Merchant Solution service.
    How do merchants access daily transaction reports?
    Daily transaction reports will be sent to the registered email daily in excel format (.csv format)
    How do I register as a merchant?
    Please access for more information or visit the nearest OCBC branch.
    What are the services available at OCBC Merchant?
    OCBC Merchant has the following services:
    • Show QRIS;
    • Receive payment notifications; and
    • View transaction information (payment and disbursement)
    How to use OCBC Merchant?
    Merchants are required to register by filling out the Merchant Application Form guided by the OCBC team. After the registration is complete, Merchants can download the OCBC Merchant platform through Playstore (Android) or App Store (iOS).
    How do I log in to OCBC Merchant?
    Merchants through Business Owners can log in by using the mobile number that has been registered on the Merchant Application Form to log in to OCBC.
    If I have more than 1 registered business with the same mobile number, can I access and use OCBC Merchant for my businesses?
    Yes, as a Business Owner, you can access and use OCBC Merchant for several businesses registered with 1 of your mobile phone number.
    Apart from me as a Business Owner as well as a Merchant, can I add a Store Staff or Cashier as a new user?
    Yes, you can add a Store Staff or Cashier as a new user and there is no maximum number as long as the mobile phone number registered is different.
    How do I add store employees and cashiers as new users to OCBC Merchant?
    Merchants through Business Owners can add store employee numbers and cashiers as new users to be given certain access according to what the Business Owner chooses and determines, by:

    To add a Shop:

    • Business Owner account login;
    • Select "Store" on the home screen and make sure the Tab on the top screen is also for "Store";
    • The "Manage Stores" screen will appear with a list of stores registered as stores based on the Business Owner's mobile phone number
    • Click the ">" arrow in a specific store
    • Fill in and complete the Store details with your mobile number.
    • The mobile number in the Store has been added successfully.

    To add a Cashier:

    • Business owner account login;
    • Select "Store" on the home screen and make sure the Tab on the top screen selected is "Cashier";
    • Click "Add Cashier"
    • Fill in the detailed information in the "Cashier Name" field, Mobile number, and select a specific store as desired for the Cashier to work
    • Make sure the data is appropriate and complete, then click "Add"
    • Select the QRIS you want to connect, then click "Add"
    • New cashier successfully added
    Can 1 mobile number be used for various roles: Business Owner, Shop, and Cashier at the same time?
    Currently, the use of 1 mobile number for these various roles cannot be applied at OCBC Merchant. So, make sure the mobile number you use is different for each role!
    How to display QRIS for payment?
    After logging in, users can immediately click the red button in the middle with the text "QRIS".
    How do I receive payments?
    You can show the QRIS image that can be accessed on the QRIS button in the middle of the screen to the customer so that it can be used/scanned by the customer (by entering the nominal amount of the transaction).
    What notifications will I get from OCBC Merchant?
    You will get 3 notifications:
    • SMS OTP notification for first time login/login to OCBC Merchant
    • SMS Successful Onboarding Notification
    • Push Notification on Payment Received
    What if I don't get notifications?
    Merchants can contact or contact Tanya OCBC 1500-999 / 021-2650-6300 (from overseas).
    What if a refund is required for the transaction that occurred?
    For the refund process, Merchants can contact or call Tanya OCBC 1500-999 / 021-2650-6300 (from overseas).
    How do I view my incoming payment data?
    Payment information received can be seen on the homepage, transactions, and push notifications that will be obtained when the payment is received. The home page displays the real-time transaction history of the day. Meanwhile, on the transaction page, you can filter according to the desired date.
    What devices are suitable for using OCBC Merchant?
    Device with a minimum operating system of Android 5 or iOS 15.0.
    What's in the settings menu?
    In the settings menu you can change your password, view FAQ, terms and conditions, and ASK OCBC.

    OCBC mobile

    Now Investing in Bonds is Easier on OCBC mobile
    Changes to Minimum Nominal Terms for Secondary Market Bond Transactions on OCBC mobile
    • The minimum nominal bond transaction at OCBC mobile has decreased
    • IDR* Government Bonds decreased to IDR 10 million
    • USD Government Bonds decreased to USD 5,000

    *for series other than ORI, SR, SBR and ST

    PLN Insurance
    Who is eligible to get insurance protection from PLN Insurance?
    1. Who is eligible to get insurance protection from PLN Insurance?
      Insurance protection only applies to individual Customers of PT Bank OCBC NISP with a individual PLN Customer.
    2. What purchase/payment methods allow Customers to obtain PLN Insurance service?
      Customers who are entitled to get PLN Insurance facilities are individual Customers who purchase electricity tokens or pay PLN bills using the following methods:
      • OCBC mobile,
      • Internet banking,
      • ATM,
      • OCBC Business, and
      • Autodebit"
    3. Are Customers charged additional fees for this PLN Insurance service?
      No, Customers are not charged additional fees beyond the current admin fees.
    4. Is there a minimum nominal amount for purchasing electricity tokens/PLN bill payments to get insurance protection?
      No, Customers still receive insurance protection regardless of the nominal purchase of electricity tokens and bill payments made.
    5. What types of protection does PLN Insurance provide?
      PLN Insurance will provide compensation to customers if an incident/accident occurs due to an electric short circuit, such as: risk of fire, risk of injury due to electric shock, and risk of death.
      The following are the types of compensation that will be provided by PLN Insurance
      • Death Compensation: IDR 15,000,000
      • Fire Compensation: IDR 12,500,000
      • Medical/injury costs: 10% of death benefit.
    6. What documents do customers need to prepare to make an insurance claim?
      The following are the required documents in the process of submitting an insurance claim
      • Conditions for claiming personal accident compensation:
        • Letter of demand from PLN Customer
        • Certificate from the District/Subdistrict
        • Resident Identity Card (KTP) & Family Card (KK lists heirs)
        • Hospital certificate in case of death
        • For treatment, a receipt from the hospital/polyclinic is attached
        • Customer ID, Customer Name, Proof of Payment/Purchase Transaction for month's PLN bill walk
      • Conditions for claiming fire compensation:
        • Letter of demand from PLN Customer
        • Certificate from the District/Subdistrict
        • Resident Identity Card (KTP) & Family Card (KK lists heirs)
        • Customer ID, Customer Name, Proof of Payment/Purchase Transaction for month's PLN bill walk.
      Please send all claim submission documents to the email address &
    7. How long is the PLN Insurance policy period valid?
      The PLN Insurance policy period is valid for 30 calendar days from the date the transaction is made.
    8. What is the maximum period for a Customer to submit an insurance claim from the time the accident/incident occurred?
      Submission of insurance claims by Customers to PLN Insurance can be made no later than 14 calendar days after the accident/incident occurs.
    9. How can Customers contact PLN Insurance?
      For further information or claims, please contact:
    10. Phone/Fax: 021-799 5888 / 021-7918 4342
    11. Email: &
    12. If the Customer purchases electricity tokens/PLN bill payments on behalf of another person (individual), who is entitled to the PLN Insurance protection facility?
      Insurance protection will apply to Customer Numbers transacted during the electricity token purchase/electricity payment process.
    13. Can Customers choose the type/benefits of PLN insurance that will be obtained from each token purchase/PLN bill payment?
      No, there is only 1 type of insurance protection benefit provided by PLN Insurance.
    14. Can Customers deactivate their PLN Insurance facilities/services?
      No, because this insurance protection service has become part of the transaction.
    Telegraphic Transfer
    When is the cut off time for sending funds so that it can be received on the same day?
    Destination Currency Transaction Cut Off Time
    AUD 10:00
    CAD 14:00
    CHF 14:00
    CNH 14:00
    EUR 14:00
    GBP 14:00
    HKD 10:00
    JPY 10:00
    NZD 10:00
    SGD 14:00
    USD 14:00

    Note: Funds can be received on the same day if the data provided is complete and not held by the correspondent bank.

    How long will it take for the beneficiary to receive funds if the transaction is made after cutoff time?
    Funds will be received by the beneficiary at least 1-3 business days.
    What if the funds haven’t been received by the beneficiary even though the transaction has been over 3 business days?
    You can contact TANYA 1500-999 for further assistance.
    FAQ Fullfilment Information on Foreign Currency Transfer Via OCBC mobile
    What is a transfer purpose
    1. What is a transfer purpose?
      Transfer purpose user to perform telegraphic transfers.
    2. What is recipient country of residence?
      recipient country of residence is the domicile of the recipient of funds, not domicile of the destination bank.
    3. What is the recipient category?
      Recipient category is the status of the recipient of the funds.
      • Individual
        Includes all individual transaction person, both residents and non-residents.
      • Government
        Includes the government of the Republic of Indonesia or foreign governments, both central and regional governments, including other agencies or institutions under the auspices of the government.
      • Central Bank
        Includes Bank Indonesia and other countries' central banks.
      • Bank Office in Indonesia
        Covers all operational offices of the domestic Bank.
      • Bank Office in Foreign Country
        Includes the head office/branches or fellow branch offices of the Bank, which are domiciled abroad.
      • Other Bank
        Includes banks other than the Central Bank, Banks, and overseas Bank Offices, both those domiciled inside and outside the country.
      • Insurance or Other Non-Bank Financial Institution
        Includes all institutions engaged in insurance, pension funds, securities, venture capital, financing, and other organizations that manage public funds, whether domiciled in the domestic or abroad.
      • Company
        Includes all government-owned or private business entities, apart from banks and non-bank financial institutions, both those domiciled in the domestic or abroad.
      • Other
        Includes all transaction person who are not included in the above categories.
    4. If you want to sponsor education abroad for your child or relative, what LLD should you choose?
      Recipient Category: Individual
      Recipient Country of Residence: Indonesia
      Transfer Purpose: 2469-Education/training outside Indonesia
    5. If you want to sponsor education abroad with direct payments to institutions, which LLD should you choose?
      Recipient Category: Company or Other
      Recipient Country of Residence: the country where the institution is located
      Transfer Purpose: 2469-2469-Education/training outside Indonesia
    6. If you want to transfer funds to your own domestic account, what LLD should you choose?
      Recipient Category: Individual
      Recipient Country of Residence: according to the domicile of the sender
      Transfer Purpose: 2241-Saving inside Indonesia up to 3 months, 2242- Saving inside Indonesia between 3 months to 6 months, 2243- Saving inside Indonesia more than 3 months.
    Send OTP via Email
    What is a transfer purpose
    • Who can request OTP via Email?
      All OCBC customers who have registered with OCBC mobile service and are using a phone number other than an Indonesian number (+62), such as +65, +1, etc.
    • What if the Customer hasn't registered their email for E-statement?
      If the Customer hasn't registered their email for E-statement, they will immediately be directed to receive the OTP via SMS. However, there will be a button labelled "Send OTP via Email". When the Customer chooses sent OTP via email, an error message will appear, instructing them to contact the contact center or branch office to update their data.
    • What platforms OTP via Email can be requested?
      Only ONe Mobile support OTP requests via Email. Internet banking doesn’t yet support this feature.
    • Can Customers with foreign numbers still request OTP via SMS?
      Yes, they still can. However, the preferred option is for the OTP to be sent via email first. After that, Customers can choose to "Change to via SMS" if they prefer.
    • How long is the active period of the OTP code via Email?
      The OTP code sent via email remains active for 5 minutes after it has been sent to the Customer’s email.
    • How long is the waiting period for a request to resend OTP via Email?
      After a previous email request, Customers need to wait for 1 minute before they can make another request to resend the OTP via email.
    • What if the customer forgets their registered email?
      Customer should call contact center or branch to request assistance in retrieving or updating their registered email.
    • How many times is the customer's limit for requesting OTP via Email?
      Customers can request OTPs via email up to 5 times consecutively. However, on the 6th attempt, the Customer's request will be blocked. They will need to wait 24 hours before being able to request an OTP again.
    • To which email will the OTP be sent?
      The OTP via Email will be sent to the email address that the Customer has registered for their E-statement.
    • Who is the sender of OTP via Email?
      The sender of the OTP email is
    • What menus on OCBC mobile can request an OTP via Email?
      Customers can request OTPs via email for various menus on OCBC mobile, including the menu for the first login (both primary and secondary binding), as well as in the Settings menu for changing the transaction PIN.
    • Can you provide an example of an OTP email sent to a customer?
      In the email, the language used follows the language on OCBC mobile at the time of the OTP sending request.
    Tanya OCBC Live Chat Service
    Tanya OCBC Live Chat Service
    1. Q: What is Tanya OCBC Live Chat Service?
      A:Tanya OCBC Live Chat is a service provided so that Customers can access trough OCBC mobile and will be answered by Tanya OCBC Customer Assistant and Staf Financial Advisor OCBC.
    2. Q: Who can use the Tanya OCBC Live Chat Service?
      A:Live Chat can be used by customers who already have OCBC mobile application.
    3. Q: Where is Tanya OCBC Live Chat Service available?
      A:Tanya OCBC Live Chat service is available in OCBC mobile application feature.
    4. Q: How do the Customers can access Tanya OCBC Live Chat Service?
      A:To access Tanya OCBC Live Chat service, Customers can directly login to OCBC mobile application by clicking the chat tab in the upper right corner and will be connected to Tanya OCBC Customer Assistant.
    5. Q: When is the operating time of Tanya OCBC Live Chat Service?
      A:For the begining stage, Live Chat service will operate everyday at 08.00 - 17.00 WIB. Then, for Investment purpose will operate every Monday to Friday at 08.00 - 17.00 WIB.
    6. Q: Do the Customers can access to Tanya OCBC Live Chat Service while in abroad?
      A:Live Chat service is can be access by Customers who are abroad as long as they can access OCBC mobile application.
    7. Q: What information can be provided by Tanya OCBC Live Chat Service?
      A:Customer can get all information, such as requests or complaints regarding Bank OCBC products and services that are directly connected to the Customer Assistant. If the Customers want to contact Staf Financial Advisor OCBC, Customers can choose the "Investment" service on the Live Chat menu.
    8. Q: What is the features are available in Tanya OCBC Live Chat Service?
      A:For now, Tanya OCBC Live Chat provides chat services with Tanya OCBC Customer Assistant and Staf Financial Advisor OCBC.
    9. Q: What should the Customers do, if while using Tanya OCBC Live Chat Service, the mobile phone suddenly logoff or disconnect through Live Chat Service?
      A:Customer has to start the conversation from the beginning by selecting the topic that they needed.
    10. Q: How much the cost to use Tanya OCBC Live Chat Service?
      A:The cost of using Tanya OCBC Live Chat Service is the cost of internet data used by Customer to access Live Chat Service. Internet data charges depend on the provider data service that Customer used.
    FAQ Credit Card Activation
    How to activate my Credit Card?

    Currently, activation can be done in 2 ways:

    1. By calling TANYA OCBC 1500-999, or
    2. Through OCBC mobile app with the following steps:
    1. Log in to OCBC mobile
    2. Click on the Financial menu
    3. Click on tab Loan
    4. Choose the credit card that is Inactive
    5. Click on the button Activate card now
    6. Have you received your physical card?
    1. If your physical card haven’t been received, choose: Not Receieved Yet
    2. If you have received your physical card, choose: Received
    Why I can activate my credit card although I haven’t received the physical card?

    ONe Mobile currently has the capability to activate Credit Card for online transaction although you haven’t received your Credit Card. The purpose of this is so that you can do online transaction without waiting for the physical card to arrive. After activation for online transaction is done, you can see the details of Expiry Date and CVV in ONe Mobile for online transactions.

    Is there any specific types and criteria to activate credit card in ONe Mobile?
    1. All Credit Card issued by Bank OCBC NISP can be activated in ONe Mobile.
    2. Credit Card that can be activated is not in blocked condition (temporary or permanent).
    3. For Credit Card delivery using smart courier, the bank should have received all required documents from the Customer including application form that has been signed using wet signature.
    FAQ Reksa Dana 24 Jam
    Q: Does the transaction settlement occur real time during the 24 hours?
    A: Transactions that are created before 13.00 WIB on bourse day, will be proceed and using same-day NAV (Net Asset Value). And transactions are created above 13.00 WIB on bourse day or holiday, will be proceed on the next bourse day.
    Transfer Forex with Same Currency to Account OCBC
    When can Customer make transaction with the same foreign currency to OCBC or themself?
    Customer can make transaction with the same foreign currency 24 hours every day.
    When can Customer make transaction with different foreign currency to OCBC or themself?
    Customer can make transaction with different foreign currencies on weekdays from 05:00-17:00 WIB.
    Can Customer make transaction to other bank with same or different foreign currencies 24 hours a day?
    No, transfers to other banks with same or different currency are only available on weekdays from 05:00-14:00 WIB.
    FAQ Transfer Forex 24 Hours
    Transfer Forex with Same Currency to Account OCBC
    1. When can Customer make transaction with the same foreign currency to OCBC or themself?

      Customer can make transaction with the same foreign currency 24 hours every day.


    2. When can Customer make transaction with different foreign currency to OCBC or themself?

      Customer can make transaction with different foreign currencies on weekdays from 05:00-17:00 WIB.


    3. Can Customer make transaction to other bank with same or different foreign currencies 24 hours a day?

      No, transfers to other banks with same or different currency are only available on weekdays from 05:00-14:00 WIB.

    Voucher PlayStation Menu in OCBC mobile
    What are the game e-vouchers that can be purchased through OCBC mobile (Android only) and OCBC Internet Banking?
    • PlayStation
    • Garena
    • Google Play
    • PUBG
    • Razer Gold
    • Xbox
    • Steam
    Is there an admin fee for purchasing games e-vouchers?

    The purchase of e-voucher games through OCBC Mobile is free of admin fees in accordance with the Terms & Conditions of Customer's financial services.

    Are games e-vouchers also available at ATMs and Internet Banking?

    Currently, e-vouchers are available on OCBC mobile (Android only), Internet Banking, and ATMs (excluding Playstation vouchers).

    How do I purchase PlayStation vouchers on OCBC Mobile?
    • Log in to OCBC Mobile
    • Click on the Pay & Buy Menu
    • Click e-voucher menu Select the desired game category, click Next
    • Select the desired nominal, click Next
    • If the information is correct, click Confirm on the transaction summary page
    • Enter the transaction PIN
    • The Voucher Code will appear on the successful transaction page
    Is there a maximum limit for purchasing vouchers?

    Especially for PlayStation, the maximum limit for purchasing vouchers is IDR 10,000,000 per day (accumulation).

    Can I buy game e-vouchers for others through OCBC Mobile?

    Yes, I can buy e-vouchers for games and share voucher codes with others.

    How do I redeem a PlayStation-specific voucher code?
    • After purchasing the voucher at OCBC Mobile, click the redemption link
    • Click Follow Link
    • If you don't have the PlayStation App app installed, you'll be redirected to the web address listed on the redemption link or if you have the PlayStation App app installed, log in to the app and click thesign at the top left (web) / top right (app)
    • Select the Redeem Code menu
    • Enter the 12-digit voucher code, then click Continue
    • On the confirmation page, click Confirm Redemption
    If there is a problem related to redeeming a PlayStation-only voucher, what should I do?

    If there is a problem when redeeming Playstation voucher code, customers can directly contact PlayStation support contacts either through the Call Center or Website.


    Especially for the purchase of Playstation vouchers, are there any terms and conditions in the use of vouchers that have been purchased?

    For PlayStation, the use of the voucher code purchased is subject to the Terms and Conditions of Service and the PSN (PlayStation Network) User Agreement. Further information can be found at the following link

    Travel Notice
    Travel Notice
    1. Q: What is Travel Notice?
      A: Travel Notice is a travel statement made by OCBC Credit Cardholder informs OCBC for a smooth transaction with the Credit Card during traveling. The travel statements are including destinations and travel period.
    2. Q: What is the benefits of Travel Notice?
      A: The main purpose is ensuring the credit card transactions is monitored properly by the OCBC monitoring team and to prevent fraud transactions in cardholders credit card during traveling.
    3. Q: Is there a time limit to make a Travel Notice?
      A: Travel Notices can be submitted D-60 to D-2 before cardholders go abroad.
    4. Q: Is this Travel Notice charged?
      A: Travel Notice does not incur any fees.
    FAQ Life Goals
    A: What are Life Goals?

    B: Life Goals is OCBC mobile’s feature which helps you to manage way of saving become easier. You can create Life Goals according to your needs and connect your investment products to meet your target funds.

    A: Why should I use Life Goals?

    B: With Life Goals, you can be more disciplined in investing thus your investment goals or long-term goals in your life will be more focused and can be realized through Life Goals feature which monitored and customized.

    A: How to create Life Goals?

    B: Step to Create Life Goals:

    1. Choose Life Goals menu in OCBC mobile’s dashboard
    2. Choose ‘Plan Life Goals’ and select Life Goals category
    3. Complete Life Goals data (name of Life Goals, funds owned, funds target plan & time plan)
    4. Select ‘Continue’ to see summary & calculation of Life Goals and click ‘Save.’
    A: What kind of Life Goals that I can create?

    B: You can choose these categories: Pension Fund, Education, Travel, Marriage, Religious Tourism & many more.

    A: What if I want to create Life Goals that don’t fit the available categories?

    B: You can choose ‘Others’ category and filled the Life Goals data accordance to your needs such as business capital, medical expenses, and more.

    A: When inputting ‘Funds That I Have Prepared’ does the amount that inputted must match the value of the assets that I have in OCBC mobile?

    B: No, I am free to input any nominal here according to the funds that I have been prepared—not necessarily according to the value of the assets owned in OCBC mobile.

    The example of filling funds that I Have Prepared’:

    FAQ Life Goals Q6

    A: When create Life Goals, will the value of assets be directly counted in the achievement of those Life Goals?

    B: No, achievement in Life Goals shown on the goal tracker, will only updated according to the nominal entered in the ‘Funds you have prepared’ and according to the value of the investment product that has been linked to Life Goals.

    Display goal tracker in Life Goals details:

    FAQ Life Goals Q7

    A: What is meant by a ‘goal tracker’ in the Life Goals detail?

    B: Goal tracker is an indicator of the achievement of your Life Goals that shows:

    • Funds raised now (a),
    • Funds target nominal (b), and
    • Percentage (%) the achievement of the target of the fund (c)

    FAQ Life Goals Q8

    A: What investment product can be linked to?

    B: Currently, Life Goals can only be linked to products Reguler Saving Plans, Deposit, Mutual Funds and Bond.

    A: Can 1 (one) investment product be linked to more than 1 (one) Life Goals?

    B: No, 1 (one) product can only be linked to 1 (one) Life Goals.

    A: Can I change the investment product linked to Life Goals?

    B: You can link or unlink investment product in Life Goals. You can set the investment product that you want to link your Life Goals, via the product page on OCBC mobile, via banner or slider on the Life Goals detail page.

    Link product via OCBC mobile:

    FAQ Life Goals Q11A

    Link product on Life Goals detail banner:

    FAQ Life Goals Q11B

    or on Life Goals detail slider:

    FAQ Life Goals Q11C
    A: If I have a deposit that has been linked to my Life Goals, then I withdraw it before the due date, will the goal tacker decrease?

    B: Yes, if there is a deposit product that is due date or withdraw before the date, the goal tracker will be reduced according to the amount returned to savings.

    A: Will I get a reminder notification if my Life Goals haven’t been linked to the product or haven’t reached the target funds?

    B: Currently there is a banner under the goal tracker in the Life Goals detail that inform you:

    1. Buy a product if you don’t have an investment product, and
    2. Linking product if you already have investment product

    Banner A:

    FAQ Life Goals Q13A

    Banner B:

    FAQ Life Goals Q13B
    A: What are the Life Goals reminder notification that I will receive?

    B: Your will get notification if there is a product Reguler Saving Plans or Deposit linked to your Life Goals but is due date, so the product will automatically be disconnected from your Life Goals while reducing the calculation in the goal tracker.

    Notification display for Reguler Saving Plans when due date:

    FAQ Life Goals Q14

    A: Can 1 (one) Life Goal be shared and linked to my product investment and my friend’s product investment?

    B: Currently, Life Goals cannot be shared with others. You can only link your own investment product to the Life Goals you have created.

    A: Is the goal tracker chart be updated in real time?

    B: The goal tracker data on the chart will be updated every time you open the Life Goals detail.

    A: Why is the inputted fund target different in nominal from the one shown in Life Goals?

    B: The target fund is adjusted to the inflation assumption from data of the latest 10 years, and the estimated performance of investment products.

    A: How do Life Goals determine the amount that must be saved every month to get my target funds?

    B: Factor for calculating Life Goals:

    • The funds I have now
    • The Investment of value linked to Life Goals
    • Investment products performance recommendations
    • Inflation assumption from data of the latest 10 years
    • Benefit from 50% monthly bank interest rate + 50% IHSG based on the data of the latest 10 years
    1. What is BI-FAST transfer?

    BI-FAST is retail payment methods that customers can choose either at OCBC mobile, branch or Velocity.


    1. What are benefits transfer with BI-FAST?
    • Fast: Online transfer can be received in real time
    • Secure: Officially payment system from Bank Indonesia
    • Simple: available with account number, mobile number or email address
    • Save: Transaction fees are only IDR 2.500 with transfer limit of up to IDR 250 million for each transaction.


    1. Can I do BI-FAST transfer at branch?

    Yes, you can transfer BI-FAST at branch by adjusting branch operational time.


    1. How much transfer limit for BI-FAST?
    • ONe Mobile, transaction limit with BI-FAST is IDR 250 million for each transaction or IDR 1 billion per day.
    • Branch, transaction limit with BI-FAST is IDR 250 million for each transaction and unlimited per day.


    1. Are BI-FAST transfer received by transfer recipients in real time?

    Yes, recipients can receive transfer funds in real time.


    1. How transfer method with BI-FAST?

    BI-FAST makes transfer feature easier, not only with account number, but also with input mobile number and email address of the transfer recipient which has been previously registered in proxy address.


    1. How to register email or mobile number as proxy?

    Currently, proxy registration can be through OCBC branches and will be coming soon in OCBC e-channel.


    1. Can 1 mobile number or email use for multiple account number or proxy address?

    No, 1 mobile number or 1 email can only use for 1 account.


    1. If I no longer use my old mobile number as proxy address, how to delete the mobile number?

    The proxy address maintenance process can do at OCBC branch and will be available on e-channels.


    1. Can BI-FAST transactions other than Rupiah currency?

    Currently, BI-FAST can only transfer Rupiah to Rupiah.


    1. Is there a time limit for transfer when using BI-FAST?

    BI-FAST transfer is available 24/7


    1. Why can’t manage scheduled or recurring transactions using proxy?

    Because account connected to proxy BI-FAST can change according to the account owner, so it can change the destination that has been set.


    1. Is BI-FAST transfer able to do multiple transfer?

    Yes, currently BI-FAST transfers using account number or proxy able to do multiple transfer as long as the source of funds used is in Rupiah.


    1. I made transfer with proxy address (email or mobile number) to transfer destination, but transfer failed or could not be done, why did this happen?

    This may happen because the destination account number had not been registered in any bank’s proxy address. Make sure your transfer destination has registered an account with a proxy address. Or problems with BI-FAST network, problem with beneficiary bank, or registered account is no longer active,


    1. I have selected a bank and input the account number, but BI-FAST transfer method not available, why is this happening?

    This can happen because the transfer destination bank doesn’t yet have a BI-FAST transfer method. As of February 2022, only 40 destination banks can accept transfer with BI-FAST, such as Allo Bank Indonesia, Bank Bali, BCA, BCA Syariah, Bank BTN, Bank BTN UUS, Bank CIMB Niaga, Bank CIMB Niaga UUS, BRI, Bank Sinarmas, Bank Sinarmas Syariah, Bank Citibank NA, Bank Danamon Indonesia, Bank Danamon Indonesia UUS, Bank DBS Indonesia, Bank Digital BCA, Bank Ganesha, Bank HSBC, Bank Jawa Barat & Banten, Bank Sahabat Sampoerna, Bank Jawa Tengah, Bank Jawa Tengah Syariah, Bank Jawa Timur, Bank Jawa Timur UUS, Bank KEB Hana Indonesia, Bank Mandiri, Bank mandiri Taspen, Bank Maspion, Bank UOB Indonesia, Bank Woori Saudara Indonesia, Bank Mestika Dharma, Bank Multi Arta Sentosa, Bank Nasional Nobu, Bank Negara Indonesia, Bank Nusa Tenggara Timur, Bank Papua, Bank Permata, Bank Permata UUS, dan PAN Indonesia Bank.


    1. Who can get this BI-FAST free transfer program?

    BI-FAST free transfer program for Nyala and Premier Banking customer. Free transfer program for OCBC Business will follow soon.


    1. What are the terms and conditions of the free program with BI-FAST?

    For Nyala and Premier Banking customers with a combined balance above the program terms and conditions, transfer fee will be removed from customer’s account. For Nyala and Premier Banking below the term and conditions, transfer fee will be drawn and will be returned in cashback on the 4th week of the following month. For Premier Banking who transact with BI-FAST through branches (don’t see combined balance), transfer fee will be given in cashback in the 4th of the following month.


    1. How to calculate the combined balance?

    Calculation of the combined balance of the Nyala and Premier Banking customers following the terms and conditions of each service Nyala or Premier Banking.


    1. Is there a nominal limit and transaction frequency with BI-FAST?
    • In OCBC mobile, customers can make transactions of IDR 250 million per transactions or IDR 1 billion per day

    In branch, customers can make transactions of IDR 250 million per transaction with unlimited limits every day.  

    1. How to register a mobile number or email as a proxy address in OCBC mobile?

    The Steps are easy:

    1. Login OCBC mobile, click the Settings menu, then select BI-FAST Proxy Settings
    2. Select a mobile number or email
    3. Select your OCBC account as the transfer destination
    4. Agree to terms and conditions, enter PIN
    5. email or mobile phone can be used as a transfer recipient


    1. How do I change mobile number or email as a proxy address from another bank to my OCBC account?

    The Steps are easy:

    1. Login OCBC mobile, click the Settings menu, then select BI-FAST Proxy Settings
    2. Select a mobile number or email
    3. Click porting to change the previous account, select the OCBC account
    4. Agree to terms and conditions, enter PIN
    5. email or mobile phone can be used as a transfer recipient


    1. What to do if my mobile number or email is different from that registered in BI-FAST proxy setting?

    If the information is not correct, you can immediately contact TANYA 1500-999 or go to the branch to update customer data.


    1. What the reason I failed to create a proxy address at OCBC mobile or branch?

    1 account can only register on 1 mobile number or email, so maybe your mobile number or email has been used in another account or other bank. Or the connected mobile number already blocked, so you have to unblock it at the other bank.


    1. I have used my mobile number or email as a proxy address at another bank, if I want to change it to an OCBC account, what should I do?

    You can directly porting in OCBC mobile App. But, if there is an error, please remove mobile number or email address from previous bank.


    1. What is difference between block and delete features on BI-FAST proxy address?

    Block feature is a temporary closure feature, while delete proxy feature aims to disconnect the account number and proxy data. The difference is if your mobile number or email is blocked by one of the banks. You can’t use mobile number or email for porting to your OCBC account because the status still connected.


    1. What has caused my proxy address to be blocked by OCBC?

    This can happen because of the report to blocked or a fraud anomaly is detected.


    1. What should I do if my proxy address has been blocked by the bank?

    You can come to the branch to unblock it.

    FAQ Verification Video KYC
    FAQ Verification Video KYC
    1. Q : Why do I have to verify my data by video call (Video KYC)?

      A : Face-to-face verification between a customer and an officer of Bank OCBC is required to ensure the authenticity of the customer and their data. This process is mandatory so that customers can do banking transactions and enjoy all services available on OCBC mobile.


    2. Q : What should I prepare before starting the data verification process by video call (Video KYC)?

      A : Customers must prepare e-KTP and other additional IDs such as SIM, passport, diploma, Buku Nikah or Kartu Keluarga (KK).


    3. Q : How can I do the data verification process by video call (Video KYC)?

      A : You can do the Video KYC process by following these steps:

      • Login to OCBC mobile
      • On your OCBC mobile dashboard, click on “Video Verification
      • Click on “Call Now” to call our agents
      • You will be connected to our agents who will guide you in verifying your personal data


    4. Q : How can I set a schedule for my data verification process by video call (Video KYC)?

      A : You can set a schedule for the Video KYC process by following these steps:

      • Login to OCBC mobile
      • On your OCBC mobile dashboard, click on “Video Verification
      • Click on “Set a Schedule
      • Select a Day, Date and Time that is most convenient to you
      • You will receive a notification reminder 15 minutes before your scheduled time
      • You will receive an “Incoming Call” notification from Bank OCBC according to your scheduled time 
      • Click on the notification to connect to our agents


    5. Q : How can I change the Video KYC schedule that I have set?

      A : If you want to change your Video KYC schedule, you can follow these steps:

      • Login to OCBC mobile
      • On your OCBC mobile dashboard, click on “Video Verification
      • Click on “Set a Schedule” to change your schedule
      • Note: Customers can only change their Video KYC schedule at least 1 day after the initial schedule set.


    6. Q : Can I still do the verification process by video call (Video KYC) before the schedule that I initially set?

      A : You can still do the Video KYC process before the schedule you set by following these steps:

      • Login to OCBC mobile
      • On your OCBC mobile dashboard, click on “Video Verification
      • Click on “Call Now” to call our agents
      • You will be connected to our agents who will guide you in verifying your personal data


    7. Q : What should I do if the Video KYC schedule is fully booked/unavailable?

      A : If the Video KYC schedule is fully booked/unavailable, you can try calling our agents directly by following these steps:

      • Login to OCBC mobile
      • On your OCBC mobile dashboard, click on “Video Verification
      • Click on “Call Now” to call our agents
      • You will be connected to our agents who will guide you in verifying your personal data


    8. Q : When is the latest time I can do the Video KYC process?

    A : If you have not made an initial deposit, you must finish the Video KYC process before the 30 days since you registered your account. If you have made an initial deposit, you must do the Video KYC process before the 60 days since you registered your account, after 60 days your account status will become ‘dormant’.

    FAQ Token Internet Banking
    What is an IB Token PIN?
    IB Token PIN is the PIN used for authorization process of every transaction via Internet Banking and obtained through mobile banking or the OCBC mobile application.
    What are the requirements to get an IB Token PIN?
    Customers must have a mobile device or device and log in for the first time on OCBC mobile.
    Where is the position of the IB Token PIN menu on the OCBC mobile?
    It's on the first page when the customer opens the OCBC mobile application. There is a PIN Token IB button.
    How to register for the first time on OCBC mobile?
    1. Download OCBC mobile Indonesia in App Store/Play Store
    2. Open the OCBC mobile app
    3. Click “Login” on OCBC mobile home page
    4. Enter User ID and Password Alphanumeric
    5. Enter the code verification (sent via SMS to the mobile number registered with OCBC)
    6. Create and confirmation the transaction PIN
    7. OCBC mobile ready to be used for transactions
    How to use the OCBC mobile IB Token PIN for transaction on Internet Banking?
    1. Make sure you have done first login on OCBC mobile
    2. Login to Internet Banking
    3. Do transfer/payment/purchase transaction to the verification page
    4. Open OCBC mobile App
    5. Select IB Token PIN on the homepage
    6. There are 2 options for verification
      1. If you choose a QR Code on Internet Banking, then select Scan the QR Code also in on OCBC mobile. Enter the transaction PIN and point the camera at the QR Code found on the Internet Banking.
      2. If you choose Appli 2 on Internet Banking, then select Appli 2 also on OCBC mobile. Enter the transaction PIN and input the code challenge listed on the Internet Banking.
    7. Input response code on Internet Banking tha appears on OCBC mobile
    8. Click “Oke”
    9. Successful transaction
    Why should I switch from token to IB Token PIN?
    Customers don’t need to carry tokens everywhere for Internet Banking transactions. Customers only need to bring a mobile phone or device the has already registered OCBC mobile.
    What should I do if during a transaction on Internet Banking, the token that I have has a battery that runs out?
    Customers are no longer able to exchange Internet Banking tokens with new ones. But customers can still transactions using the IB Token PIN in the OCBC mobile application.
    Can I request a token for customer who has just registered for Internet Banking?
    Can’t, Customers can use the IB token PIN available on the OCBC mobile application to make transaction.
    What should I do if when I select the QR code for the verification process in Internet Banking, the QR code does not appear?
    The Customer needs to open the OCBC mobile app first, choose IB Token PIN, select the QR Code scan, and input the transaction PIN. Then the QR Code will appear on Internet Banking Screen.
    Can I login to Internet Banking and OCBC mobile a the same time?
    Can’t, customers can only choose one application login
    OCBC mobile Services
    FAQ ONe Mobile Services
    1. Q: Why is the OCBC mobile app coming with a new look?
      A: OCBC NISP wants to provide a better banking transactional experience and meet customers’ needs in one application.
    2. Q: What are the advantages of the new OCBC mobile?
      A: The advantages of the new OCBC mobile include lighter application size, better & faster application performance, fresher & cleaner application display, and also other features that are easier for use.
    3. Q: Can I still use the previous OCBC mobile?
      A: No, the app that is available on Google Play or Play Store is the latest ONe Mobile version. You will automatically be directed to the App Store or Play Store to update to the latest version of the app and to log back in.
    4. Q: What Mobile Banking services does OCBC offer?
      A: OCBC mobile allows you to:
      • Manage Your finance
      • Invest easily
      • Make transaction fast and easily
      • Log in and make transactions securely with the Alphanumeric Password / Fingeprint / Face ID & PIN on every transaction
    Login to OCBC mobile
    FAQ Login to OCBC mobile
    1. Q: Will my user ID & Password change in the new OCBC mobile?
      A: No, you will still use the same user ID & password used on the previous OCBC mobile to login to the new OCBC mobile.
    2. Q: When I have updated to the new OCBC mobile on Google Play or Play Store, am I able to use OCBC mobile directly for transactions?
      A: If you have used our Internet Banking or Mobile Banking, you can login again by:
      • Click on "Enter" / "Login" on the main page of OCBC mobile
      • Input your user ID
      • Input your alphanumeric password
      • Input the verification code sent via SMS to the registered phone number to OCBC
      • Create a Transaction PIN, and agree to the applied terms and conditions
      • Click on "Continue" and you will successfully enter to OCBC mobile dashboard.
      However, if you have never registered or used our Internet Banking or Mobile Banking, you will have to register by:
      • Click on "Register to OCBC mobile", "Don’t have OCBC mobile account"
      • Input your debit card number and your personal information (email, phone number and date of birth)
      • Input your debit card PIN
      • Create your user ID
      • Input the temporary password sent via SMS
      • Create a new alphanumeric password
      • Your registration is complete, click on "Login" to enter to OCBC mobile.
    Get User Id, Password, and OTP to Login
    FAQ Get User Id, Password, and OTP to Login
    1. Q: What if I forgot my user ID?
      A: If you forgot your user ID, you can get it back through the following ways:
      • Independently checking via OCBC mobile app
        1. Click on "Login to OCBC mobile"
        2. Click on "Forgot user ID?"
        3. Input the requested information
        4. Input your OCBC debit card PIN
        5. Your user ID will be sent to your phone via SMS
      • Internet Banking
        1. Open OCBC Internet banking ( via a web browser. Click on Forgot User ID.
        2. Fill in your personal data that is registered to OCBC
        3. Process is done. User ID &amp; password will be sent to your phone number.
      • Via Tanya OCBC
        1. Call Tanya OCBC at 1500-999.
        2. Prepare either your account number, debit card number or credit card number for verification process.
        3. After you’ve been verified, our Tanya staff will send your user ID within 1x24 hours via SMS to the registered phone number to OCBC.
      • Via OCBC ATM
        1. Select "Other" menu on the ATM screen, then select "ADM/Register e-Banking" menu.
        2. Select "Online Banking" menu and select "Check User ID".
        3. Your user ID will be shown on the ATM screen and printed on the ATM receipt print out.
      • Via OCBC Branch
        1. Visit the closest OCBC branch.
        2. Fill in our form to send your OCBC mobile banking user ID
        3. Our staff will send your user ID via SMS to the registered phone number in OCBC.
    2. Q: What if I forgot my password?
      A: If you forgot your password, you can get it back through the following ways:
      • Independently resetting via OCBC mobile app
        1. Click on "Login to OCBC mobile"
        2. Input your user ID
        3. Click on "Forgot Password"
        4. Input the requested information
        5. Input your OCBC debit card PIN
        6. The temporary password will be sent via SMS
        7. Create alphanumeric password for security
        8. Do a final confirmation by entering the temporary password sent via SMS
        9. The new password has been saved successfully. Click on "Login OCBC mobile" to continue.
      • Internet Banking
        1. Open OCBC Internet banking ( via a web browser. Click on Forgot Password.
        2. Fill in your personal data that is registered to OCBC
        3. Process is done. User ID &amp; password will be sent to your phone number.
      • Via our Contact Center Tanya OCBC
        1. Call Tanya OCBC at 1500-999.
        2. Prepare either your account number, debit card number or credit card number for verification process.
        3. After you’ve been verified, our Tanya staff will send your password within 1x24 hours via your e-mail registered to OCBC.
      • Via OCBC ATM
        1. Select "Other" menu on the ATM screen, then select "ADM/Register e-Banking" menu.
        2. Select "Online Banking" menu and select "Reset Password".
        3. Your user ID and password will be printed on the ATM receipt print out.
      • Via OCBC Branch
        1. Visit the closest OCBC branch.
        2. Fill in our blocked/reset password-PIN form.
        3. Your password will be sent to your e-mail address registered to OCBC.
    3. Q: What if I want to reset my user ID and password, but I don’t have a debit card?
      A: You can get in contact with Tanya OCBC at 1500-999 to receive your user ID and temporary password. For security reasons, your user ID and password will be sent separately: user ID via SMS to the registered phone number to OCBC and password to your personal e-mail address.
    4. Q: What should I do if I don’t receive the verification code via SMS for logging back in the first time?
      A: If you don’t receive the verification code for first time login, we suggest for you to check several things:
      • Make sure your phone number is in accordance with phone number registered to OCBC
      • Make sure you have a good phone provider network signal
      • Make sure your phone number SIM Card is active and not in grace period
      • Make sure your phone number isn’t receiving any other SMS
      • We recommend that your phone number SIM Card has minimum active balance of IDR 1.000,-
      • If you use a dual SIM Card, it is recommended that the SIM card that will receive the SMS verification code is installed on SIM 1
      • If you still don’t receive the SMS, we suggest you to get in contact with TANYA OCBC at 1500-999
    5. Q: What should I do if my phone number is different from the one registered to OCBC?
      A: If the registered phone number is still active, you can change your phone number through Tanya OCBC1500-999. However, if the registered phone number is inactive, you will have to visit our nearest OCBCbranch to update your phone number.
    Setting Fingerprints/Face Id
    FAQ Setting Fingerprints/Face Id
    1. Q: If I have activated the fingerprint/face ID feature on the previous OCBC mobile, do I need to reactivate it?
      A: Yes, you will have to reactivate the fingerprint/face ID on the new OCBC mobile.
    2. Q: How do I activate the fingerprint/face ID on the new OCBC mobile?
      A: You can activate via the "Settings" menu, then click on "Security" and selecting "Biometric"
    3. Q: Why can I not activate the fingerprint/face ID?
      A: Ensure that you have activated your fingerprint/face ID on your local phone settings.
    FAQ Finance
    1. Q: Am I able to download my e-statement from the accounts I own?
      A: You can download your e-statement via the "Finance" menu:
      • For savings account (Tanda, Giro):
        • Select your Tanda or Giro account
        • Select the currency (for multicurrency account)
        • Select the menu on the right corner then click on "Download e-statement"
        • Choose the period (year and month) for the e-statement that you’d like to download
        • Your e-statement is successfully downloaded onto your phone
      • For loan (credit card):
        • Select your credit card
        • Select the menu on the right corner then click on "Download e-statement"
        • Choose the period (year and month) for the e-statement that you’d like to download
        • Your e-statement is successfully downloaded onto your phone
    2. Q: What exactly is Active Balance?
      A: Active Balance is the total balance that is liquid – can be used to carry out transactions, such as:
      • Transfers
      • Payments
      • Purchases
    3. Q: What accounts are not included in the Active Balance?
      A: The following accounts are not counted for in the Active Balance:
      • Time Deposit
      • Mutual funds
      • Online retail SBN
      • Bonds
      • TAKA (regular savings plan)
      • Tanda Hold
      • All accounts that holds a nominal for a certain period of time
    4. Q: Is Active Balance a combined balance of all currencies?
      A: No, the balance will be split according to each currency, and not the combined balance of all currencies.
    5. Q: Where can I see my accounts/assets and liabilities?
      A: You are able to see your assets and liabilities under the menu "Finance". This menu consists of three parts:
      • Savings, with these types of account:
        • Savings account
        • Giro
        • TAKA (regular savings plan)
        • Time deposit
      • Investments, including:
        • Mutual funds
        • Bonds
        • Online retail SBN
        • Bancassurance
      • Loans, including:
        • House ownership loan
        • Car ownership loan
        • Multi-use loan
        • Credit card
    6. Q: What type of loan can I view?
      A: You can view all types of loan (including credit card, house ownership loan, car ownership loan and multi-use loan).
    7. Q: What constitutes an outstanding loan amount?
      A: An outstanding loan amount consist of principal and interest (the interest rate occurred the days, including Saturday and Sunday) and also the late interest if the debtor pay for the installment over due date.
    8. Q: Which date should I refer to on the Transaction History screen – the Transaction Date or the Value Date?
      A: The Transaction Date refers to the date when the charge(s) was incurred. To verify that your charges are correct, please refer to the Transaction Date.
    Time Deposit
    FAQ Time Deposit
    1. Q: Can I change the maturity date for my Time Deposit (conventional and Syariah)?
      A: You can change the maturity date for your Time Deposit via the "Finance" menu:
      • Select your Time Deposit account on the "Savings" account
      • On the product detail page, select the desired "Maturity Instruction"*
      • Input your Transaction PIN and the change in instruction is successful
      * you cannot change the maturity date instruction to "Auto Rollover with Compound Interest". Specifically for Syariah Time Deposit, Non Auto Rollover is not possible.
    2. Q: How do I open a Syariah Time Deposit on OCBC mobile?
      A: Currently the opening of this product is not available on ONe Mobile. You can open Syariah Time Deposit via the nearest OCBC branch.
    Investment: Mutual Funds, Bonds, and Bancassurance
    FAQ Investment: Mutual Funds, Bonds, and Bancassurance
    1. Q: How can I buy, sell or switch my investments products, such as mutual funds and/or bonds?
      A: You can do investment product transactions via "Finance" menu:
      • In the "Investment" menu, select the mutual funds or bonds
      • On the product detail page, select the desired transaction (buy, sell or switch)
      • Input the desired nominal
      • Agree to the applied terms and condition
      • Input your Transaction PIN and your investment transaction is successful
    2. Q: The insurance/bancassurance menu is not available on OCBC mobile. How do I purchase this product?
      A: For the meantime, the purchase of this product is not possible via OCBC mobile. You can purchase the product via the nearest OCBC branch.
    Credit Card
    FAQ Credit Card
    1. Q: Can I change my credit card transaction into instalment?
      A: You can change your credit transactions into instalment via "Finance" menu:
      • In the "Loan" menu, select the credit card
      • On the product detail page, select the transaction you’d like to change into instalment (it will be specified)
      • Select the desired tenor
      • Input your Transaction PIN and your instalment is successful
    2. Q: What transaction details can I view on Credit Card Summary and Unbilled Transactions?
      A: You can view transactions incurred with the active credit card(s) you currently hold.
    3. Q: Can I view my latest Credit Card unbilled transactions online?
      A: Yes, you may view your Credit Card unbilled transactions by accessing the "Credit Card" information page under the "Finance" section
    4. Q:When will I be able to start viewing my latest statement online?
      A: Your latest statement will be available for viewing after the end of your "Billing Cycle" for the corresponding month.
    5. Q: Can I still view my credit card account online after it is terminated?
      A: Your credit card account cannot be accessed nor viewed online after termination.
    6. Q : How do I request to increase my Credit Card limit?
      A : On the Settings tab click on ‘Card Management’, then select the Credit Card which the limit wants to be increased, then click on ‘Increase Limit’.
    7. Q : Can I request for a temporary increase of my Credit Card limit?
      A : Request to increase Credit Card limit can be submitted for both temporary and permanent increase, based on your needs.
    8. Q : What is the minimum and maximum amount of increase limit that I can request?
      A : The minimum and maximum amount of increase limit are as follows:
      • For temporary limit increase: amount of increase is 10% - 100% from the existing limit on your Credit Card.
      • For permanent limit increase: amount of increase is 20% - 30% from the existing on your Credit Card.
    9. Q: How long should I wait until my request is approved or rejected?
      A: Your request will be processed up to 5 working days.
    10. Q: How can I know my request status is approved or rejected?
      A: You will get an SMS Notification regarding your increase limit request whether approved or rejected.
    11. Q: Will the approved limit be the same as the limit I applied for?
      A: No, the approved limit can be smaller than the proposed limit, depending on the assessment by Bank
    12. Q: Can I apply for another limit increase after my application is approved?
      A: Yes, You can apply for a limit increase again after 6 months from the previous limit increase.
    FAQ Transfer
    1. Q: What types of transfer can be done in OCBC mobile?
      A: In the new OCBC mobile, transfer is divided into three menus:
      • Rupiah: Transfer to or from IDR account to:
        • Other OCBC account
        • Other banks (online, LLG, RTGS)
      • Foreign currency: Transfer to or from foreign currency account to:
        • Other OCBC account
        • Other banks (Telegraphic Trasnfer)
      • Own account: Transfer in Rupiah or foreign currency to your own OCBC account.
    2. Q: What is the limit and fee for transactions via OCBC mobile?
      A: Transaction limit via OCBC mobile can be seen on the following link
    3. Q: How do I save the destination account?
      A: Destination account will be automatically saved for each category when you’ve done the transfer.
    4. Q: Can I schedule a transfer?
      A: Yes, you can choose the time to do a transaction in "Rupiah" currency. The schedule can be set to either Now, Scheduled, or Recurring.
    5. Q: How do I download the transfer proof?
      A: The proof of transfer can be downloaded when on the transaction receipt page, by clicking on the download icon.
    6. Q: How do I download the transfer proof when I no longer am on the receipt page?
      A: You can access the proof of transfer by:
      • Access the Settings menu
      • Click on Online Transaction Detail
      • Input the desired filter information, then "Apply"
      • Click on one from the list
      • Click on the download icon
    FAQ Poinseru
    1. Q: How do I view how much Poinseru I have?
      A: The amount of Poinseru you have is located on the top left of the dashboard menu
    Payment & Purchase
    FAQ Payment & Purchase
    1. Q: Where is the Pay & Purchase menu located?
      A: The Pay and Purchase menu is located on the dashboard menu.
    2. Q: How do I save the Pay/Purchase billing code?
      A: The billing code will be automatically saved for each biller after the transaction is done.
    3. Q: What are the categories on Pay menu?
      • Topup e-Money
        • Gopay
        • Ovo
        • ShopeePay
        • Dan
        • LinkAja
        • ONe Wallet
      • Electricity
        • Electricity Bill
        • Non-electricity Bill
      • Telephone/Telkom
        • Telkom/Speedy/Indihome
        • Transvision/Telkomvision Postpaid
      • Ecommerce
        • Tokopedia
        • Bukalapak
      • Credit Card/KTA
        • OCBC
        • Citibank
        • DBS
        • RBS
        • Danamon
        • Permata
        • Other Credit Cards
      • Mobile Phone
        • Telkomsel Kartu Halo
        • Xl/Axis
        • Indosat Ooredoo
        • Tri
        • Smartfren
      • Pay TV
        • Indovision/Top TV
        • Okevision
        • Firstmedia
      • Insurance
        • Sinarmas
        • Prudential – Renewal Premium/SPAJ
        • Prudential – Top Up
        • Prudential – Policy Reprint
        • Prudential – Alteration Policy
        • Prudential – Card Print
        • BPJS Kesehatan – Pay Premium
        • BPJS Kesehatan – Print Advice
      • Loan
        • Citibank
        • DBS/Eks-ANZ
      • Train Ticket
        • Indonesia Railways
      • Water
        • PDAM Aetra Jakarta
        • PDAM Palyja/TPJ
        • PDAM Kota Bogor
        • PDAM Kota Semarang
        • PDAM Kota Surabaya
        • PDAM Kota Denpasar
        • PDAM Kota Banjarmasin
        • PDAM Kota Mataram
        • PDAM Kota Tangerang
        • PT Aetra Air Tangerang
        • PDAM Kab Bandung
        • PDAM Kab Bekasi
      • Rumah Zakat
        • Rumah Zakat – Zakah
        • Rumah Zakat – Zakah Al Fitr
        • Rumah Zakat – Alms
        • Rumah Zakat – Goat Qurban
        • Rumah Zakat – Cow Qurban
        • Rumah Zakat – 1/7 Cow Qurban Sapi
        • Rumah Zakat – Sharing Ifthor
        • Rumah Zakat – Ied Gift
        • Rumah Zakat – Decrepit Gift
        • Rumah Zakat – Qoran Syi’ar
        • Rumah Zakat – SD Scholarship
        • Rumah Zakat – SMP Scholarship
        • Rumah Zakat – SMU Scholarship
        • Rumah Zakat – Free Maternity
      • Virtual Account
      • Housing
        • BSD City
        • Kota Bunga
        • Kota Wisata
        • Legenda Wisata
      • PBB
        • PBB DKI Jakarta
        • PBB Kota Bekasi
        • PBB Kota Bogor
        • PBB Kab Tangerang
        • PBB Kota Tangerang Selatan
        • PBB Kota Depok
        • PBB Kab Bekasi Cikarang
        • PBB Kota Tangerang
        • PBB Kab Bandung Barat
        • PBB Kota Medan
        • PBB Kota Banjarmasin
        • PBB Kab. Cirebon
        • PBB Kab. Purwakarta
        • PBB Kab. Serang
        • PBB Kab. Lebak
        • PBB Kab. Pandeglang
        • PBB Kota Cilegon
        • PBB Kota Tasikmalaya
        • PBB Kab. Sukabumi
        • PBB Kab. Semarang
        • PBB Kab. Pekalongan
        • PBB Kota Serang
        • PBB Kab. Kebumen
        • PBB Kab. Magelang
      • DKI Jakarta Tax
        • Bea Perolehan Hak Atas Tanah dan Bangunan (BPHTB)
        • Pajak Barang dan Jasa Tertentu (BPJT))
        • Pajak Sarang Burung Walet
        • Pajak Air Tanah (PAT)
        • Pajak Mineral Bukan Logam dan Batuan (MBLM)
        • Pajak Reklame
      • Tax Payment
        • Tax Payment
        • Reprint Receipt
      • Other Payment
        • Unpar SPP
        • Toppay
        • Akasa Apt
        • Maranatha
        • 5 Garuda
        • BDE Yogya
        • Unpar Bdg
        • Aks Others
        • Widyatama
        • Unpar Up
        • Plinkpay
        • Plink
        • Elzatta
        • Dauky
        • Noore
        • Wisteria
        • Workfit
        • Theriviera
        • Ot Store
        • Sirclo
        • Spil
        • Chybangsa
        • Biznet Postpaid
        • Biznet Prepaid
        • Laku Gadai
        • Datacomm Prepaid
        • Datacomm Postpaid
        • OBayarTop
        • OBayarPay
        • Raid ID
        • Kloud IFC
        • Wisteria Nup
        • Gelindo
        • Salib Suci
        • Maitreya
        • Home Logistics Indonesia
        • Nemu Kost
        • Prima Basket Ball Academy
        • Kingston School
        • YpiiBandung
        • Ykgperadaban
        • Scobu Education
        • Tarunabakti
    4. Q: What are the categories on Purchase menu?
      • Electricity Token
        • Prepaid Electricity
        • Check Electricity Token
      • Data Package
        • Telkomsel Data Package
        • Indosat Ooredoo Data Package
        • XL Data Package
      • Reload Voucher
        • Telkomsel Small Denom
        • Telkomsel Big Denom
        • XL/Axis
        • Tri
        • Indosat Ooredoo
        • Smartfren
      • Bundling Package
        • Telkomsel Videomax Package
    Pengelolaan Kartu (Kartu Debit, Debit Online dan Kartu Kredit)
    Card Management
    1. Q: Where is the Card Management menu located?
      A: The menu is located in the Settings menu, click “Card Management”.
    2. Q: What type of cards can be managed under the Card Management menu?
      A: You can manage your:
      • Debit card
        • Display a list of your owned cards
        • Block or unblock your card
      • Credit card
        • Display a list of your owned cards
        • Create and change your PIN
      • Online debit card
        • Display a list of your owned cards
        • Add a card
        • Block and unblock your card
        • View your transaction history
        • Change source of funds
    Register Nyala
    FAQ Register Nyala
    1. Q: How do I upgrade to Nyala Bisnis or Nyala Individu?
      A: For the meantime, you are not able to upgrade on OCBC mobile. You can upgrade to Nyala Bisnis or Nyala Individu via the nearest OCBC branch.
    FAQ Security
    1. Q: How can I safeguard my Password?
      A: For Password, do not use number that easily connected to you, such as birthday date no telephone number. Do not tell your Password to others. Change your Password regularly. Do not keep your password in wallet, handphone, etc since it has risk if your belonging is missing. Contact Tanya OCBC immediately at 1500999 or 66999 from mobile phone if you notice any discrepancy in your account as a result of unusual transactions.
    2. Q: What do I do if I suspect unauthorized transactions on my account?
      A: If you notice any discrepancy in your account(s) or if you suspect that someone has been using your User ID to access your account, change your Password and contact TANYA OCBC immediately at 1500999 or 66999 from mobile phone.
    3. Q: What should I do if I lost my OCBC Token phone?
      A: Simply block your SMS Token and your OCBC mobile account at any OCBC branch or Call OCBC.
      • Via OCBC Branches
        • Visit any of our Branches.
        • Fill in the Blocked/Password-PIN reset form.
        • Customer Service will block your OCBC mobile account
      • Via Call OCBC
        • Contact TANYA 1500999 or 66999 from mobile phone or +62-21-26506300 from overseas.
        • Answer the verification question.
        • Call OCBC agent will block your OCBC mobile account
    4. Q: What should I do if there’s any discrepancy in my account?
      A: Please contact our Tanya OCBC at 1500999 or 66999 from mobile phone or +62-21-26506300 from overseas immediately if you notice any discrepancy in your account. Any claims submitted to us more than 3 months since execution will not be entertained.
    Service Charge
    FAQ Service Charge
    1. Q: What does it cost to use OCBC mobile?
      A: ONe Mobile, like any of our other electronic banking services, is free of charge.However, standard transactional fees for some services such as "PLN Bill Payment", "Credit Card Installment Conversion Fee" and "Fund Transfer to Other Bank using LLG/RTGS/Online" will apply.
      Transaction fees are as follow (Fees can change at any time):
      • PLN Bill Payment : IDR 2,000 per transaction.
      • Telkom/Speedy/Flexi/Indihome Bill Payment : IDR 2,500 per transaction.
      • Other Credit Card Payment (via LLG) : IDR 2,500 per transaction.
      • PDAM Payment : IDR 2,500 per transaction.
      • PDAM Kota Tangerang Payment : IDR 3,000 per transaction.
      • Rumah Zakat Bill Payment : IDR 3,000 per transaction.
      • Purchase PrePaid Electricity : IDR 2,000 per transaction.
      • Purchase Voucher Telkomsel : IDR 1,500 per transaction.
      • Purchase Voucher XL : IDR 1,500 per transaction.
      • Purchase Voucher Indosat : IDR 1,500 per transaction.
      • Gopay Top Up : IDR 2,000 per transaction
      • Funds Transfer to Other Bank via LLG : IDR 2,000 per transaction.
      • Funds Transfer to Other Bank via RTGS : IDR 25,000 per transaction.
      • Funds Transfer to Other Bank via Online ATM Network : IDR 6,500 per transaction.
      • Credit Card Installment Conversion Fee : IDR 15,000 per transaction.
    Next Development
    FAQ Next Development
    1. Q: What features are currently under development?
      A: Currently there are several features, such as cardless cash withdrawal, limit setting on online debit card, Bancassurance purchases, Syariah deposit opening, application for Nyala Individu and Nyala Business are still under development until the next update. OCBC will notify you if the feature is available again on OCBC mobile.
    Device Compatibility
    FAQ Device Compatibility
    1. Q: Which devices and operating systems (OS versions) are compatible with OCBC mobile?
      A: For your security and convenience, make sure your device and operating system are following the recommended standards by Android and Apple (minimum version 6.0 for Android and iOS 13 for iPhone)
    Enhancement Device Binding - FAQ
    Enhancement Device Binding
    1. What is Device Binding?
      Device Binding is the activity or process of adding one additional device to access OCBC mobile more securely.

    2. What is the maximum number of devices that can connect to one OCBC mobile User ID?
      In order to maintain Customer security, Bank OCBC has set a new provision that only 2 (two) smartphone devices are allowed that can be connected to 1 OCBC mobile User ID

    3. What is the maximum number of devices that can connect to one OCBC mobile User ID at the same time?
      Only one device (of course that has been connected/binded)

    4. What is the advantage of doing device binding (using two different devices)?
      2 (two) advantages that you will get:
      • Transactions become more flexible to be made in 2 (two) different devices, and
      • Becomes more secure because the access must go through the permission of the main device

    5. If the Customer use another device to access the User ID that has been connected to the main device, what are the steps on the other device in making an access request?
      1. On the other device (second device):
        • Login with User ID
        • Enter the password
        • Input the OTP
        • Wait for request access confirmation from the main device. The time given to the main device in granting access is 5 minutes from the time the other device requests an access
        • If main device give access, the other device will be connected and can login again to login OCBC mobile
        • If main device does not give access, the other device cannot log into OCBC mobile and must repeat process the access request again
      2. On Main Device:
        • Receive Push Notification related to access requests from another device.
        • If Customer is currently login on the main device, the session will be expired, and the customer must re-login to perform an access review.
        • If the customers not using/ do transaction on OCBC mobile, the Customer can start the OCBC mobile application on another device or click on the push notification, then login and will be directed to the access review page immediately. Next, Customers can allow or deny access from the other device. The time be given to main device for allow access is 5 minutes since the other device that has requested the access.
        • If customer give access, the main device will log out again.
        • If the Customer does not give access, the main device will login on OCBC mobile Dashboard.

    6. How does the main device review access requests from another device?
      the main device login first and will be immediately directed to the access review page first to choose whether to allow access or to be denied.

    7. What happens when the main device give access to the second device?
      the second device will have access on OCBC mobile for transaction and balance checks

    8. What happens when the main device does not give access to the other device?
      Another device cannot use the User ID and will repeat the request for access to main device

    9. I want to connect my OCBC mobile on another device and I have agrees to the request to add a new device/ other device to main device, But I still can’t login on another device.
      Now to connect OCBC mobile to another device, you have to wait until 24 hours after the access request for another device has been approved by main device

    10. Can the main device able to “switch user” by themselves?
      Yes, main device can swith user through the settings menu – set the device, but only if the main device has given status “Main Device” to another device that has been connected first. Main device can’t do “switch user” on pre login page.

    11. How does the main device give the status of “main device” to other connected device? Enter the setting menu – Set Device, then select another device to be used “Main Device”. This activity requires verification of transaction PIN.

    12. What other device that has been connected can do ‘Switch User” by themselves?
      Yes, other device can switch user via pre login and setting – set device

    13. What other device that has been connected can change status “Main Device” by themselves?
      cannot, only the main device can give that status

    14. What happens if the connected devices has reached the maximum, but another device is requesting access?
      another device can’t request access, except if the already connected device unbinds it first

    15. What happens if the another device (third, fourth, and more) which performs an access request when the second device is under review for access on the main device?
      The other device cannot request access until the second device has timed out its access request, or the second device id denied access request

    16. Can the main device do “Switch User” if only 1 device is connected?
      Please contact TANYA OCBC at 1500 999 for “Swith User” or unbind if only 1 device is connected.

    17. What should the TANYA OCBC do when he gets a call from a customer requesting to unbind based on the customer request?
      TANYA OCBC will accept and forward it to out internal team, that is IT Servicedesk who will unbind based on the customer request.

    18. What if I want to unbind device from the main device?
      For your security, please contact TANYA OCBC 1500-999 for unplug OCBC mobile on main device.

    19. How to do unbind device via main device?
      there are 2 ways you can do :
      1. Enter to setting menu – set device, then select another device for “delete device”
      2. Via TANYA OCBC at 021 – 1500999 for unbind another device.

    20. What if I want replace another device with another new device?
      You can unbind another device first via main device or via TANYA OCBC at 021-1500999. After the unbind process is complete, you can login on another new device.

    21. What if I don’t have access to the main device and want to change the other device to the main device?
      you have to unbind the main device first via TANYA OCBC at 1500999. After unbinding at main device has been done, you can login via your other device.


    About QRIS - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
    What is QRIS?
    QRIS (Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard) is a QR Code-based payment method standardized by Bank Indonesia (BI). With QRIS, all QR Code-based payments can be made through all payment applications either on mobile banking or electronic money by means of interconnection and interoperability. QRIS aims to increase ease, security and convenience of transactions.
    Can QRIS payments be made via OCBC mobile?
    Yes. QRIS payments can be made through your OCBC mobile application via the QR PAY menu.
    Who can use QRIS?
    All Bank OCBC customers who have registered for the OCBC mobile. QRIS payments can be made through your OCBC mobile application via the QR PAY menu.
    How to use QRIS on OCBC mobile?
    You can access and use QRIS payments on OCBC mobile as follows:
    1. Via the OCBC mobile Application Login
      • Open the OCBC mobile application > Select Login
      • Enter your password > Select Next
      • On the Main Page > Select the QR PAY menu
      • On the QR PAY page > Select Start Now
      • Please scan the QR on your favorite Merchant to start the payment process.
      • Make sure the source account and transaction amount are correct > Choose Continue
      • Enter the Transaction PIN to continue the transaction
      • You will receive a successful / failed transaction notification

    2. Via Quick Access
      • Open the OCBC mobile application> Select the QR PAY menu
      • Enter your password > Select Next
      • On the QR PAY page > Select Start Now
      • Please scan the QR on your favorite Merchant to start the payment process.
      • Make sure the source account and transaction amount are correct > Choose Continue
      • Enter the Transaction PIN to continue the transaction
      • You will receive a successful / failed transaction notification
    Can I choose a source account for funds?
    Yes, you can. You can choose a source account in the following ways:
    • Open the OCBC mobile application > Select the QR PAY menu
    • Enter your password > Select Next
    • On the QR PAY page > Select "Change source of funds account"
    • Please select the appropriate source account
    Where can I use QRIS payment at OCBC mobile?
    QRIS payments on OCBC mobile can be used at any existing merchant QR Code that is standardized QRIS / has the QRIS logo.
    Is there a minimum QRIS payment transaction in OCBC mobile?
    • There is no minimum QRIS payment transaction in OCBC mobile.
    • The limit only applies to maximum transactions, both the maximum per single transaction and maximum daily transactions (no. 7)
    What is the transaction limit for QRIS Payment in OCBC mobile?
    There are two limits for QRIS Payment in OCBC mobile, which are Rp10.000.000/ transaction.
    Is there a fee for QRIS payments at OCBC mobile?
    No. You are not charged any fees when using the QR PAYment feature on OCBC mobile. You pay a certain amount of the transaction value at the merchant.
    If I can't scan QRIS at the merchant, what should I do?
    • Make sure your OCBC mobile application is the most updated version
    • Make sure that the QR displayed by merchants has the QRIS standard, because OCBC mobile can only scan standardized QR Code
    • Make sure the condition of QR Code being scanned is not damaged or folded which may cause the QR Code to be unreadable.
    Does ONe Mobile receive notification for every QR payment transaction?
    • Correct. You get transaction notification for every successful and failed transaction. You can immediately get notification as soon as the payment process finished.
    • Make sure You have activated Internal Notification service and External Notification on your OCBC mobile to get notification via email in the following ways:
      1. Select the Customer Service menu > Select Settings
      2. Select Notification > Select Internal Notification and External Notification
      3. Activate the selected services
    How to check the historical transactions of QRIS payment on OCBC mobile?
    You can also check transaction history in the following ways:
    • Select the Customer Service menu > Select Online Transaction Details
    • Select the account which you want to know its transaction history or you can select All Account > Select Continue
    • You can check the historical details of the QR PAYment transactions that have been made
    Can I request refund for inappropriate QR payment transaction in OCBC mobile? How?
    You can request refund to the merchant where you made the transactions. For proof and transaction details required, they can be accessed via Online Transaction Details menu
    What should I do if my QRIS payment transaction on OCBC mobile is debited twice?
    For transactions which are debited twice, you can request refund for excess transactions to merchants where you made transactions. For proof and transaction details required, they can be accessed through the Online Transaction Details menu.
    What should I do if my QRIS payment transaction in OCBC mobile has failed?
    You can also check transaction history in the following ways:
    • Please make sure you have the latest/ most updated version of OCBC mobile
    • Please make sure QR Code displayed at merchant is QRIS standardized, because OCBC mobile is only able to scan QRIS
    • Please also make sure QR Code displayed at merchant in good and proper condition (not folded or broken so it would be difficult to scan)
    For further inquiries:
    Please contact TANYA OCBC at 1500-999
    QRIS Merchant - Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)
    QRIS Merchant
    1. What is QRIS?
      QRIS (Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard) is a QR Code-based payment method standardized by Bank Indonesia (BI). With QRIS, all QR Code-based payments can be made through all payment applications either on mobile banking or electronic money by means of interconnection and interoperability. QRIS aims to increase ease, security and convenience of transactions.
    2. Can I Accept QRIS payments from e-wallet or mobile banking other than OCBC?
      Yes, QRIS can accept payments from e-wallet or mobile banking other than OCBC without charge to customers.
    3. How much is the minimum QRIS payment transaction?
      There is no minimum QRIS payment transaction. Limit only applies to the maximum nominal of each transaction.
    4. How much is the maximum limit for payment transactions using QRIS?
      • QRIS with OCBC can accept QRIS payment transactions up to a maximum of IDR 20,000,000 per transaction.
      • However, the maximum limit for QRIS payment transactions will follow the terms of the payment application used by the customer.
    5. Is there a fee for QRIS payment for customers?
      No, customers are not charged any fees when using QRIS payments at merchants.
    6. How to check QRIS payment transaction history?
      • Merchants will receive transaction reports in excel form sent to the email registered on D+1 (calendar day).
      • Merchants can also register email to get real-time transaction reporting services on dashboard reports (website business portal).
    7. How and when can the proceeds from the transaction be received?
      The merchant will receive the transaction on D+1 (working day) from the transaction made. Funds will enter on a net basis from the basic transaction service to the account created for QRIS.

    For further inquiries:
    Please contact TANYA OCBC at 1500-999

    QRIS Tuntas - Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)
    What is QRIS
    1. What is QRIS?

      Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard (QRIS) is a QR Code-based payment method standardized by Bank Indonesia (BI). With QRIS, all QR Code-based payment transactions can be carried out through all payment applications, whether based on mobile banking or electronic money. QRIS aims to increase the ease, security and comfort of transactions.

    2. What is QRIS TUNTAS?

      QRIS Tuntas (Transfer, Cash Withdrawal and Cash Deposit) is a feature initiated by Bank Indonesia to provide cash withdrawals, transfers and cash deposits between QRIS users. Customers only need to provide QRIS (generate) and/or scan QRIS to complete the QRIS transaction.

    3. What are the features of QRIS TUNTAS?
      1. QRIS transfer

        QRIS Transfer is a QRIS TUNTAS feature service in the form of a QR code that can be used to transfer funds between OCBC accounts (intrabank), between banks, and between electronic wallets (e-wallets).

      2. QRIS Cash Withdrawal

        QRIS Tarik Tunai is a QRIS TUNTAS feature service for making cash withdrawals through merchants who have become BI Digital Financial Services (LKD) agents or Financial Services Authority (OJK) Laku Pandai agents and certain ATM machines by scanning the QRIS displayed by the merchant and ATM machine which serves the QRIS Cash Withdrawal feature

      3. QRIS Cash Deposit

        QRIS Setor Tunai is a QRIS TUNTAS feature service for making cash deposits through merchants who have become BI Digital Financial Services (LKD) agents or Laku Pandai agents of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) and certain ATM machines by scanning QRIS at merchants and ATM machines that serve QRIS Cash Deposit feature

    4. Who can use QRIS TUNTAS?

      All OCBC Bank customers who have registered for the OCBC mobile application can use QRIS Tuntas feature. The QRIS Tuntas feature can be done via your OCBC mobile application via the menu:

      • Scan QRIS, to transfer funds and withdraw cash
      • Request Funds, to receive fund transfers
      • Cash deposit
    5. How do I use QRIS TUNTAS?
      1. QRIS Transfer

        You can access and use the QRIS Tuntas feature to make and receive fund transfers on OCBC mobile in the following ways:

        Making a Fund Transfer:

        • Open the OCBC mobile application > Select Login
        • Enter your password > Select Continue
        • On the main page > Select Scan QRIS
        • Please Scan QRIS Transfer from the recipient to transfer funds
        • Enter the transfer nominal amount
        • Make sure the fund source account and transaction amount are correct > Select Continue
        • Enter the Transaction PIN to continue the transaction
        • You will get a successful/failed transaction notification

        Receiving Fund Transfers:

        • Open the OCBC mobile application > Select Login
        • Enter your password > Select Continue
        • On the main page > Select the Request Funds option
        • The application will generate QR for transfer
        • In the nominal option, you can enter the specific value of the desired transfer amount (optional)
        • Share your QR Transfer via the share menu or capture your layer as an image
        • You will get an incoming transfer notification if the transaction is successful
      2. QRIS Setor Tunai
        • Open the OCBC mobile application > Select Login
        • Enter your password > Select Continue
        • On the main page > Select the Cash Deposit Menu
        • Select Cash Deposit at a Merchant or ATM that serves the QRIS Cash Deposit feature
        • Select Destination Account > Select Destination for Cash Deposit
        • Input Amount for the Cash Deposit
        • Make sure the destination account and transaction amount are correct > Select Continue
        • Input transaction PIN
        • OCBC Mobile will generate QR for Cash Deposit
        • Scan the Cash Deposit QR at the merchant along with the cash according to the cash deposit amount
        • Make sure the funds are received by checking the balance on the OCBC mobile application and notification of Cash Deposit transactions
      3. QRIS Tarik Tunai
        • Open the OCBC mobile application > Select Login
        • Enter your password > Select Continue
        • On the main page > Select Scan QRIS
        • Scan the Cash Withdrawal QR at the Merchant/ATM that serves the Cash Withdrawal QRIS feature
        • Make sure the fund source account and nominal amount are correct > Select Continue
        • Input Transaction PIN
        • Transaction Success

    6. Are QRIS TUNTAS transactions subject to fees?
      QRIS Transfer Tarik Tunai Setor Tunai
      Transcation Fee Transfer Out:
      1. Rp. 2,500,- per transaction (for transactions > Rp. 100,000,-)
      2. Rp.2.000,- per transaction (for transactions ≤Rp.100.000,-)
      Transfer In: No Fee
      Rp. 6,500,- per transaction. This fee applies to both on US (intra PJP) and off us (inter PJP) transactions. Rp. 5,000,- per transaction. This fee is for on us and off us transactions via QRIS/ATM agents/merchants
    7. What is the maximum limit for payment transactions using QRIS TUNTAS?
      QRIS Transfer Tarik Tunai Setor Tunai
      Transaction Limit Referring to the QRIS provisions Rp. 10,000,000,- per transaction Referring to the QRIS provisions Rp. 10,000,000,- per transaction Referring to the QRIS provisions Rp. 10,000,000,- per transaction
    8. Are the QRIS TUNTAS transaction fees for transferring funds included in the free transfer benefit on Nyala, Nyala Payroll, Premier or Private services?

      No, Complete QRIS transaction fees for transferring funds are not included in the free transfer benefit on Nyala, Nyala Payroll, Premier or Private services.

    9. What is the minimum QRIS TUNTAS transaction?

      The minimum nominal amount for carrying out Complete QRIS to make and receive fund transfers, cash withdrawals and cash deposits starts from IDR 1,- and a maximum of IDR 10,000,000,- per transaction.

    10. What things should you pay attention to before making a QRIS transaction?
      • Ensure that the Merchant uses the correct QRIS Logo
      • Maintain the confidentiality of personal data
      • Before making a payment, first ensure that the nominal value listed on the application screen is correct and matches the transaction value.
    11. If I cannot scan the QR to make a QRIS TUNTAS transaction, what can I do?
      • Make sure your OCBC mobile application is the latest version
      • Make sure the QR of the screenshot is not cut off and the image is not blocked by other objects or images
      • Make sure the QR installed by the merchant is of QRIS standard and can accept the Full QRIS Cash Withdrawal feature, because OCBC Mobile can only scan standardized QR Codes
    12. Will you receive a notification for every fund transfer transaction using the QRIS Tuntas feature on OCBC mobile?

      You get transaction notifications for every successful and failed transaction. You can immediately get notifications as soon as processing is complete. Make sure you have activated the push-notification feature for your OCBC mobile to get notifications.

    13. Can I submit a claim for a Cash Deposit transaction using QRIS TUNTAS on OCBC mobile that is not appropriate? How to do it?

      You can submit a claim to the merchant where you made the Cash Deposit transaction. The required proof and transaction details can be accessed via the Online Transaction Details menu.

      Cash Withdrawal Transactions: If the merchant's QR cannot be scanned so that cash withdrawals cannot be made, the customer can submit a complaint to the OCBC complaint service

      Transfer Out Transaction: If the customer cannot scan the QR of the destination bank, the customer can submit a complaint to the OCBC complaint service

      Transfer In Transaction: If the QR that is generated cannot be scanned or if it has been scanned but the funds are not credited, the customer can submit a complaint to the OCBC complaint service

    14. What are the risks of using the QRIS TUNTAS feature?

      QRIS TUNTAS transactions can be used to carry out Transfer, Cash Withdrawal and Cash Deposit transactions, make sure that when scanning the QRIS code, the information displayed is appropriate.

      If the transfer, cash withdrawal and cash deposit status is pending (in progress), the customer can check the account mutation, if it is declared unsuccessful or not recorded, the customer can carry out the transaction again.

      f the transfer status, cash withdrawal is unsuccessful (failed) but the balance is deducted, the QR cannot be scanned and the cash deposit status is unsuccessful but the funds do not increase, the customer can check the account mutation for an automatic refund or can submit a complaint via:

      • ASK OCBC: 1500-999 or +6221 26506300 (from overseas) - Monday-Sunday: 24 (Twenty four ) Hours
      • Email: - Monday-Sunday: 08.00-21.00 WIB
      • WhatsApp Ask OCBC: +62-812-1500999 - Monday-Sunday: 08.00-17.00 WIB
      • Live Chat OCBC Mobile: access via OCBC Mobile - Monday-Sunday: 24 Hours
    15. What should customers do if they experience problems when carrying out payment transactions using QRIS TUNTAS?

      You can submit questions and complaints via:

      • ASK OCBC: 1500-999 or +6221 26506300 (from overseas) - Monday-Sunday: 24 (Twenty four ) Hours
      • Email: - Monday-Sunday: 08.00-21.00 WIB
      • WhatsApp Ask OCBC: +62-812-1500999 - Monday-Sunday: 08.00-17.00 WIB
      • Live Chat OCBC Mobile: access via OCBC Mobile - Monday-Sunday: 24 Hours
    QRIS Crossborder - Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)
    What is QRIS?
    QRIS (Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard) is a standardized QR Code-based payment method by Bank Indonesia (BI). With QRIS, all QR Code-based payment transactions can be made through all payment applications, both mobile banking and electronic money. QRIS aims to improve the convenience, security, and comfort of transactions.
    What is QRIS Cross Border?
    QRIS Cross Border is a payment system for QRIS services by scanning QR Codes at overseas QRIS merchants that can be used for cross-border payment transactions.

    This feature is the expansion of the development of QR Pay on OCBC mobile so that it can be used by OCBC Customers for payment transactions at QRIS merchants abroad such as Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and development plans in other countries.
    What are the benefits of QRIS Cross Border?
    Customers can make payment transactions abroad through the QRIS feature on OCBC mobile by converting into local currency in real-time.
    Who can use QRIS Cross Border?
    All OCBC Bank customers who have downloaded and activated the OCBC mobile application.
    In which countries can customers make payment transactions using QRIS Cross Border?
    Currently, QRIS transactions between countries can be carried out in Thailand, Singapore, and Malaysia. The Bank will continue to develop so that Customers can make QRIS transactions between countries in other destination countries.
    What is the QR that can be scanned in Thailand, Singapore, and Malaysia for QR Cross Border?
    To make QRIS transactions between countries in Thailand, make sure to meet a merchant that says THAI QR Payment by several partner banks in Thailand that are integrated with the QRIS network such as Bank CIMB Thai, BBL (Bangkok Bank), BAY (Bank of Ayudhya), Krungthai Bank (KTB), CIMB Thai, Kasikorn Bank (KBANK) and Siam Commercial Bank (SCB) and have the PromptPay logo which is a payment service from Thailand for QR transactions.

    For QRIS transactions between countries in Singapore and Malaysia, scan the QR with the NETS QR and DuitNow QR logos.
    How to use QRIS Cross Border?
    1. QRIS application on OCBC mobile and select 'Scan QRIS'
    2. Enter the nominal amount of payment in the applicable currency (Thai Baht/Singapore Dollar/Malaysia Ringgit) for QRIS Static merchants. If the merchant already has dynamic QRIS, the payment amount will automatically appear on the screen
    3. Check and confirm the suitability of the destination and the nominal amount that has been converted in Rupiah.
    4. Enter your PIN and there will be a notification that the payment has been successfully made
    5. Payment with QRIS Cross Border has been completed and a receipt of transaction status appears on the OCBC mobile application
    Are QRIS Cross Border transactions charged and how are the fees calculated?
    Transactions at QRIS stores/outlets/merchants in countries that have collaborated with Indonesia are not subject to transaction fees. Customers will be charged a foreign exchange rate following the foreign exchange rate in real-time when making QRIS transactions.

    For Thailand, customers will be charged an additional fee of THB 0.7 for transactions above THB 250 in accordance with the Decree of the Deputy Governor of BI No. 24/2/KEP. DpG/2022 concerning the Determination of the Price Scheme for Processing Payment Transactions Between Indonesia and Thailand using the Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard (QRIS) Between Countries.

    For transactions in Singapore and Malaysia, customers are not charged transaction fees in accordance with the BI Deputy Governor's Decree No. 25/6/KEP. DpG/2023 concerning the Determination of the Price Scheme for Processing Payment Transactions Between Indonesia and Singapore using the Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard (QRIS) Between Countries and the Decree of the Deputy Governor of BI No. 25/1/KEP. DpG/2023 concerning the Determination of the Price Scheme for Processing Payment Transactions Between Indonesia and Malaysia using the Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard (QRIS) Between Countries.
    What is the maximum limit for payment transactions using QRIS Cross Border?
    The QRIS transactions that occur will be converted from foreign currencies (Thai Baht, Singapore Dollar and Malaysian Ringgit) to Rupiah (IDR) with a maximum limit of IDR 10,000,000 per transaction. Currently, QRIS Crossborder can only be used in Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia.
    What currency is debited from the Customer's account if the Customer has a Foreign Currency Savings Account (the country visited) & makes payment transactions using QRIS Cross Border?
    Every QRIS Crossborder transaction will debit the source of funds in Rupiah.
    What is the minimum QRIS Crossborder transaction?
    The minimum nominal for conducting QRIS Crossborder starts from the equivalent in Rupiah, which is IDR 1,- and a maximum of IDR 10,000,000 per transaction.
    If I can't scan the QR to make a QRIS Crossborder transaction, what can I do?
    • Make sure OCBC mobile application is the latest version.
    • Make sure you have an active quota (roaming data)
    • Make sure the QR from the screenshot is not cropped and the image is not obstructed by other objects or images.
    • Make sure the QR is a valid payment QR. If the QR is invalid, an error message "QR code not recognized/QR invalid" will appear on OCBC mobile.
    What are the risks of using the QRIS Crossborder feature?
    QRIS Crossborder transactions can be used to make shopping transactions at merchants offline in the destination country, make sure when scanning the QRIS code, the information displayed is in accordance with the merchant to make a payment.

    If you get a pending payment status (in progress), then ask the merchant for proof of the status of the last payment, if it is declared unsuccessful or not recorded on the merchant's side, the Customer can make a repayment.

    If the payment status is not successful (failed) but the balance is deducted, the Customer can check the account mutation for automatic refund or can submit a complaint via:
    • TANYA OCBC : 1500-999 or +6221 26506300 (from overseas)
    • Email: and attach some documents such as:
      1. Screen capture of Transaction Receipt on OCBC mobile
      2. Screen capture of Account Mutation at OCBC mobile
      3. Failed Transaction Notification (Push Notification or Email) screen capture
    • Live Chat on OCBC mobile.

    Internet Banking

    Register for Internet Banking
    How Do I Register for OCBC Internet Banking?
    You can register for OCBC Internet Banking from one of these channels:

    OCBC mobile Application
    1. Click “Register” on the main page
    2. Enter your OCBC Debit Card number
    3. Enter your email address registered with Bank OCBC
    4. Enter your mobile phone number registered with Bank OCBC
    5. Enter your date of birth
    7. Enter your OCBC Debit Card PIN number
    8. User ID will be displayed on your computer screen while the password will be sent directly via SMS to your mobile number

    OCBC Internet Banking
    1. Click “Login” on the main page, then click “Register Now”
    2. Enter your OCBC Debit Card number
    3. Enter your email address registered with Bank OCBC
    4. Enter your mobile phone number registered with Bank OCBC
    5. Enter your date of birth
    6. Enter the Captcha code
    7. Enter your OCBC Debit Card PIN number
    8. User ID will be displayed on your mobile screen while the password will be sent directly via SMS to your mobile number

    1. Choose “Other Transactions” on the ATM screen, then choose the “ADM/e-Banking Registration”
    2. Click “Online Banking” and choose “Registration” menu
    3. Enter your mobile number that will be used to receive One Time Password (OTP)
    4. Your User ID and password will be printed on the ATM receipt

    Bank OCBC Branches
    1. Visit the nearest branch of Bank OCBC
    2. Complete Internet Banking OCBC registration form
    3. Service Assistant will send User ID via SMS to your mobile number registered with Bank OCBC, while password will be sent directly to your email address

    User ID of OCBC Internet Banking also can be used on OCBC mobile application
    How to Use Internet Banking
    What should I do if I forget my OCBC Internet Banking User ID?
    OCBC mobile
    1. Click "Enter" on the main page, then click "Forget User ID"
    2. Enter your OCBC Debit Card number
    3. Enter your email address registered with Bank OCBC
    4. Enter your date of birth
    5. Enter your OCBC Debit Card PIN number
    6. User ID will be sent via SMS to your mobile number

    OCBC Internet Banking
    1. Click "Forget User ID" on the main page
    2. Enter your OCBC Debit Card number
    3. Enter your email address registered with Bank OCBC
    4. Enter your date of birth
    5. Enter the Captcha code
    6. Enter your OCBC Debit Card PIN number
    7. User ID will be sent via SMS to your mobile number

    1. Choose “Other Transactions” on the ATM screen, then choose the “ADM/e-Banking Registration”
    2. Click “Online Banking” then click “Check User ID”
    3. Your User ID will be displayed on the ATM screen and password will be printed on the ATM receipt
    What should I do if I forget my OCBC Internet Banking Password?
    You can reset your OCBC Internet Banking Password via:

    OCBC mobile
    1. Click "Enter" on the main page, then click "Forget Password"
    2. Enter your OCBC Debit Card number
    3. Enter your mobile number registered with Bank OCBC
    4. Enter your date of birth
    5. Enter your OCBC Debit Card PIN number
    6. Your new Password will be sent via SMS to your mobile number

    OCBC Internet Banking
    1. Click "Forget User ID" on the main page
    2. Enter your OCBC Debit Card number
    3. Enter your mobile number registered with Bank OCBC
    4. Enter your date of birth
    5. Enter the Captcha code
    6. Enter your OCBC Debit Card PIN number
    7. Your new Password will be sent via SMS to your mobile number

    1. Choose “Other Transactions” on the ATM screen, then choose the “ADM/e-Banking Registration”
    2. Click “Online Banking” then click “Reset Password”
    3. Your User ID and password will be printed on the ATM receipt

    Bank OCBC Branches
    1. Visit the nearest branch of Bank OCBC
    2. Complete Blocking/Reset Password-PIN form
    3. Your new password will be sent directly to your email address

    What should I do if I think that my User ID and Password have been stolen?
    Block your password immediately via:

    1. Choose “Other Transactions” on the ATM screen, then click “ADM/e-Banking”
    2. Click “Online Banking” then click “Block”
    3. Your password has been blocked

    Bank OCBC Branches
    1. Visit the nearest branch of Bank OCBC
    2. Complete Blocking/Reset Password-PIN form
    3. Your password has been blocked

    Tanya OCBC
    1. Contact Tanya OCBC at 1500-999 or +62-21-26506300 (from overseas)
    2. Bank OCBC officers will ask you questions for the data verification process
    3. Your password has been blocked
    How much is the transaction fee on Internet Banking?

    Transaction  Fee
    Fund Transfer

    Interbank Transfer (Online) IDR 6,500
    Interbank Transfer (LLG / SKN) – IB / MB only IDR 2,000
    Interbank Transfer (RTGS) – IB / MB only IDR 25,000
    Telegraphic Transfer    
    > Telex fee IDR 75,000
    > Provisi fee   Tidak dikenakan biaya
    > Full Amount fee    
        - USD USD 25
        - EUR EUR 20
        - AUD AUD 30
        - GBP GBP 15
        - HKD HKD 300
        - SGD SGD 25
        - CNY CNY 200
        - CAD CAD 25
        - CHF CHF 15
        - NZD NZD 45
        - JPY JPY 4,500
    Bill Payment    
    PLN Postpaid IDR 2,000
    Telkom / Indihome IDR 2,500
    Rumah Zakat IDR 2,500
    Credit Card (excluding DBS ex-ANZ, Citibank, Danamon, Permata) IDR 2,500
    DKI Tax IDR 5,000
    PDAM IDR 2,500
    PDAM Kota Tangerang IDR 3,000
    Top Up Go-Pay IDR 2,000
    OVO IDR 1,500
    Credit Top Up Purchase    
    PLN Prabayar (Token) IDR 2,000
    Telkomsel IDR 1,500
    XL IDR 1,500
    Indosat IDR 1,500
    *if not stated in the Table of Fees above, other payments & purchases are free of charge
    What is the transaction limit on Internet Banking?
    IDR Foreign Currency
    OCBC Intrabank Transfer
    To own account IDR 2,000,000,000 USD 25,000 (equivalent)*
    To other OCBC account IDR 1,000,000,000 USD 25,000 (equivalent)*
    Interbank Transfer
    Online IDR 200,000,000/day
    LLG IDR 1,000,000,000 N/A
    RTGS IDR 10,000,000,000
    Telegraphic Transfer USD 25,000 (equivalent)*
    Payment IDR 500.000.000 N/A
    IDR 5.000.000 N/A

    * Monthly transaction limit

    Types of Funds Transfer to Other Banks :

    • Online is an inter-bank transfer in real time, so it goes directly to the recipient's account
    • LLG (Lalu Lintas Giro) is an inter-bank transfer mechanism by using clearing facility
    • RTGS or Real Time Gross Settlement is a real time inter-bank transfer mechanism, so it goes directly into the recipient's account
    • TT or Telegraphic Transfer is transfer activity mechanism for overseas
    Peralihan SMS Token ke PIN Token IB untuk Transaksi Melalui Internet Banking
    Apa yang dimaksud dengan PIN Token IB?
    1. Apa yang dimaksud dengan PIN Token IB?
      PIN Token IB adalah PIN yang digunakan untuk proses otorisasi dari setiap transaksi melalui Internet Banking dan didapatkan melalui mobile banking atau aplikasi OCBC mobile.
    2. Bagaimana cara menggunakan PIN Token IB?
      Nasabah harus memiliki perangkat ponsel atau device dan sudah binding dengan OCBC mobile.
    3. Dimana posisi menu PIN Token IB pada OCBC mobile?
      Jika sudah login, maka ketika masuk aplikasi akan ada tulisan PIN Token IB di halaman pertama.
    4. Mengapa saya harus beralih dari SMS Token ke PIN Token IB?
      Peralihan dari SMS Token menjadi PIN Token IB adalah salah satu langkah pencegahan dari Bank untuk memberikan keamanan dan kenyamanan Nasabah dalam bertransaksi dan juga sebagai upaya terhindar dari berbagai upaya kejahatan siber yang marak terjadi saat ini.
      Dari segi keamanan, transaksi dengan menggunakan PIN Token IB diharapkan lebih memberikan kenyamanan Nasabah dalam bertransaksi tanpa khawatir adanya gangguan jaringan telekomunikasi dari provider selular yang Bapak/Ibu gunakan.
    5. Bagaimana cara menggunakan PIN Token IB?
      Terdapat dua cara penggunaan PIN Token IB:
      Cara 1 dengan Scan QR
      • Lakukan transaksi di Internet Banking
      • Pilih Scan QR
      • Pada aplikasi OCBC mobile, klik PIN Token IB lalu pilih Kode QR, kemudian masukkan PIN Transaksi OCBC mobile Anda
      • Scan QR dengan aplikasi OCBC mobile
      • Masukan kode respon pada aplikasi ke Internet Banking

      Cara 2 dengan Klik Appli 2
      • Lakukan transaksi di Internet Banking
      • Pilih “Appli 2”
      • Pada aplikasi OCBC mobile klik PIN Token IB, pilih “Appli 2”, masukkan PIN Transaksi OCBC mobile Anda
      • Masukan kode challenge dari Internet Banking ke aplikasi OCBC mobile
      • Masukan kode respon dari aplikasi OCBC mobile ke Internet Banking
    6. Saya tidak memiliki aplikasi OCBC mobile dan perangkat/device saya tidak bisa download/install aplikasi OCBC mobile, apa yang harus saya lakukan?
      Apabila Bapak/Ibu tidak memiliki aplikasi OCBC mobile dan tetap ingin menggunakan SMS Token pada transaksi Internet Banking, Bapak/Ibu dapat mengajukan permintaan ke Kantor Cabang dengan mengisi “Formulir Pengajuan Penggunaan Fasilitas SMS Token”. Dengan mengisi Formulir ini, maka Bapak/Ibu sebagai Nasabah bertanggung jawab penuh terhadap risiko akan adanya kejahatan siber/pencurian data seluler yang dapat menyebabkan terjadinya transaksi yang tidak diinginkan.
    7. Apabila saya telah mengisi Formulir Pengajuan Penggunaan Fasilitas SMS Token, apakah saya bisa menggunakan SMS Token untuk seterusnya?
      Penggunaan SMS Token pada Internet Banking hanya dapat digunakan selama tahun 2022 untuk memberikan waktu bagi Nasabah dalam melakukan penyesuaian. Demi keamanan seluruh Nasabah Bank OCBC yang bertransaksi melalui Internet Banking, maka otorisasi yang berlaku pada tahun 2023 dan selanjutnya hanyalah dengan PIN Token IB.
    Hardware Token
    What is an IB Token PIN?
    IB Token PIN is the PIN used for authorization process of every transaction via Internet Banking and obtained through mobile banking or the OCBC mobile application.
    What are the requirements to get an IB Token PIN?
    Customers must have a cell phone or device and do first login for OCBC mobile.
    Where is the position of the IB Token PIN menu on the OCBC mobile?
    It's on the first page when the customer opens the OCBC mobile application. There is a PIN Token IB button.
    How to register on OCBC mobile?
    1. Download OCBC mobile in App Store/Play Store
    2. Open the OCBC mobile App
    3. Click “Login” on OCBC mobile home page
    4. Enter User ID and Password Alphanumeric
    5. Enter the code verification (sent via SMS to the mobile number registered with OCBC)
    6. Create and confirmation the transaction PIN
    7. OCBC mobile ready to be used for transactions
    How to use the OCBC mobile IB Token PIN for transaction on Internet Banking?
    1. Make sure you have done first login on OCBC mobile
    2. Login to Internet Banking
    3. Do transfer/payment/purchase transaction to the verification page
    4. Open OCBC mobile App
    5. Select IB Token PIN on the homepage
    6. There are 2 options for verification
      1. If you choose a QR Code on Internet Banking, then select Scan the QR Code also in on OCBC mobile. Enter the transaction PIN and point the camera at the QR Code found on the Internet Banking.
      2. If you choose Appli 2 on Internet Banking, then select Appli 2 also on OCBC mobile. Enter the transaction PIN and input the code challenge listed on the Internet Banking.
    7. Input response code on Internet Banking tha appears on OCBC mobile
    8. Click “Oke”
    9. Successful transaction
    Why should I switch from token to IB Token PIN?
    Customers don’t need to carry tokens everywhere for Internet Banking transactions. Customers only need to bring a mobile phone or device the has already registered OCBC mobile.
    What should I do if during a transaction on Internet Banking, the token that I have run out of battery?
    Customers are no longer able to exchange Internet Banking tokens with new ones. But customers can still do transactions using the IB Token PIN in the OCBC mobile application.
    Can i request a token if I register Internet Banking?
    Can’t, Customers can use the IB token PIN available on the OCBC mobile application to make transaction.
    What should I do if when I select the QR code for the verification process in Internet Banking, the QR code does not appear?
    The Customer needs to open the OCBC mobile app first, choose IB Token PIN, select the QR Code scan, and input the transaction PIN. Then the QR Code will appear on Internet Banking Screen.
    Can I login to Internet Banking and OCBC mobile a the same time?
    Can’t, customers can only choose one application login

    OCBC Wallet

    What is OCBC Wallet?
    What is OCBC Wallet?

    OCBC Wallet is server based electronic money that can be accessed directly through smartphone and allows its user to make banking transactions such as purchase phone credit, transfer between OCBC Wallet, transfer to OCBC, interbank transfer and cash withdrawal in OCBC ATM Machine.

    How to download OCBC Wallet App?

    You can download OCBC Wallet app in Google Play Store (for Android) and Appstore (for iPhone). Insert keyword “OCBC Wallet” on search coloumn to make it easier. Click “Install” to start downloading the app. For your safety and convenience in making transaction with OCBC Wallet, make sure that your phone’s operational system has bee updated (iOS min. V. 11 or Android min. V. 5).

    What are the benefits of OCBC Wallet by OCBC?

    Several benefits that users can get as stated below:

    1. As a subtitute for cash
    2. Can be used through IOS and Android smartphone
    3. Easy registration without having to go to OCBC Branches.
    4. Easy transfer to phone number without having to remember bank account number.
    5. No minimum balance on OCBC Wallet account and free account administration fee.
    What are the features of OCBC Wallet by OCBC?

    Features of OCBC Wallet by OCBC that users can enjoy as stated below:
    For unregistered OCBC Wallet user:

    1. Balance information and transaction history.
    2. Top up balance from OCBC ATM Machine and other bank
    3. QRIS based payment

    For registered OCBC Wallet user:

    1. Balance information and transaction history
    2. Top up balance from OCBC ATM Machine and other bank
    3. Prepaid credit purchases
    4. Transfer to other OCBC Wallet account.
    5. Transfer to OCBC saving account.
    6. Transfer to other bank account.
    7. QRIS based payment
    How to register OCBC Wallet?

    You can register OCBC Wallet by following below steps:

    1. Choose “Start Using OCBC Wallet” Menu
    2. OCBC Wallet will send message for verification process. Message Fee will be charged according to operator rates.
    3. If Verification has successfully made, input personal data on About Me
    4. Create New PIN and do the PIN Confirmation
    5. After PIN has successfully made, the choose Secret Question and insert the right answer This secret question will be used for verfication process if you forget the PIN.
    6. Click Agree on OCBC Wallet Terms and Conditions.
    7. Registration has done.

    User that has made the registration will be registered as Unregistered User. To be able to become Registered user, user have to upgrade OCBC Wallet by OCBC service.

    How to Upgrade OCBC Wallet Service to become Registered user?

    If you want to upgrade the service, make sure that you are customer of OCBC. Upgrade OCBC Wallet service can be done by following steps below:

    1. Insert OCBC Debit Card in OCBC ATM Machine
    2. Choose Language and input PIN
    3. Choose Other Menu
    5. Choose OCBC Wallet
    6. Input Phone Number
    7. Confirm the registration
    8. OTP will be sent to your phone, input OTP that received
    9. Upgrade service has done
    How to Top Up Balance of OCBC Wallet?

    Top Up Balance OCBC Wallet can be done in several ways:

    1. Transfer from OCBC account via ATM, Internet Banking, Mobile Banking on Purchase menu, and Top Up OCBC Wallet.
    2. Transfer from OCBC account via Other Bank ATM through ATM Bersama or ATM Prima on Transfer menu by using bank code of “028” and OCBC Wallet code of “90299” and OCBC Wallet account number (registered phone number). Example: If your OCBC Wallet number is 081123456789, then it will be 028 90299 081123456789.
    3. Transfer from other bank account, in Interbank Transfer transaction, by using bank code of “028” and OCBC Wallet code of “90299” and OCBC Wallet account number (registered phone number). Example: If your OCBC Wallet number is 081123456789, then it will be 028 90299 081123456789.
    How to make cash withdrawal on OCBC ATM Machine with OCBC Wallet?

    Make sure that you have upgraded OCBC Wallet to Registered user and using OCBC ATM Facility. On OCBC Wallet app in your device, choose Cash Withdrawal. Fill amount that wanted, then insert your PIN. OTP code will be sent via message to your device.
    On OCBC ATM Machine, choose CARDLESS WITHDRAWAL, choose OCBC WALLET VIA OTP. When there are requested to fill in your phone number, input your OCBC Wallet phone number, choose CORRECT. Insert OTP code from message in your device.

    Can same phone number be registered for several times?

    One phone number can only be registered once.

    Can I have more than one account of OCBC Wallet?

    Can, but it must be from different phone number.

    Can I access OCBC Wallet service from overseas?

    User can access OCBC Wallet service from overseas as long as user has internet connection (for smartphone user).

    Is there a minimum balance on OCBC Wallet account?

    There is no minimum balance on OCBC Wallet account

    Is there administration fee for OCBC Wallet and rates as regular saving account ?

    According to Bank Indonesia’s Terms and Conditions, there are no adminsitration fee and rates for OCBC Wallet account.

    If I want to transfer some money, how long it will take to be received by recipient?

    Transfer transaction use online dan real-time method. After transfer process, then sender will receive transfer receipt and can see account mutation has been debited. Recipient can directly check the successful transaction by checking account mutation, according with the applicable process at the recipient institution.

    How to transfer to OCBC Wallet user?

    Make sure that you have upgraded OCBC Wallet to Registered user. Click OCBC Wallet Transfer on Menu. Insert destination phone number of OCBC Wallet according to procedure, click Continue. Insert transaction’s amount, click Continue. Wait until transaction confirmation appear, click Continue and OTP Code will be sent. Input OTP and OCBC Wallet PIN, click Continue, wait until you get Transaction Receipt.

    How to transfer to OCBC account?

    Make sure that you have upgraded OCBC Wallet to Registered user. Choose Bank Transfer on Menu. Choose Bank OCBC, then input destination account number, click Continue. Insert transaction’s amount, click Continur. Wait until transaction confirmation appear, click Continue and OTP Code will be sent. Input OTP and OCBC Wallet PIN, click Continue, wait until you get Transaction Receipt.

    How much is the transfer fee to Bank account (OCBC/ Other Bank )?

    Transfer is one of the OCBC Wallet feature that allows you to transfer from OCBC Wallet account yo other OCBC Wallet account and also transfer to bank account. This transfer feature is free from charge for transfer to other OCBC Wallet user, for transfer to other bank account will be charged according to terms and conditions that applied.

    Customer Complaints
    Customer Complaints
    Information regarding the closure of ONe Wallet

    You can find out more about information regarding the closure of ONe Wallet here

    If I experience problems or have questions regarding OCBC Wallet, where can I get information?

    You can ask questions or tell your problem that you experienced by sending email to, or contact Tanya OCBC 1500-999/66-999(phone), or visit nearest OCBC Branches.

    How can I know the location of OCBC ATM or nearest OCBC Branches?

    You can visit OCBC website on or contact Tanya OCBC 1500-999/66-999

    What can I do if my SIM Card and/or my phone is lost or stolen?

    User can block and reposrt the loss to phone provider and contact Tanya OCBC 1500-999 to continue the process. If user want ask reqeust to unblocking, then user can contact Tanya OCBC 1500-999/66-999(Phone)

    Will I lose my money in my OCBC Wallet account if my SIM Card and/or my phone is lost or stolen?

    No, Your money is safe in OCBC Wallet account, as long as there are no other parties that know your PIN and Secret Question.

    What should I do to get my balance back on my OCBC Wallet account, if my SIM Card and/or my phone is lost or stolen?

    Balance on your OCBC Wallet account will be safe as long as nobody know about your PIN and Secret Question. You can contact your phone provider.

    You can’t access your account by using other phone number. Other alternative to get your balance back by making cash withdrawal transaction. So, you need to close your account and withdraw all your balance on your OCBC Wallet account, by visiting your nearest OCBC Branches. For unregistered user, you need to bring statement letter from your phone provider stated that you are phone number user that used for OCBC Wallet account. For further information, contact Tanya OCBC at 1500-999/66-999(Phone).

    How can I avoid fraud in transactions?

    You can anticipate by avoiding some action such as accept stranger invitation to the ATM, br careful for every phone conversation from stranger and asking about your personal data including your latest balance information, give information about OTP code that you received from message. You have to re-check regarding your transaction when there is transfer report from other parties.

    How to close OCBC Wallet account?

    For registered and unregistered user can close the account from nearest branches by filling in OCBC Wallet closing account form.

    What is QRIS?

    QRIS (Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard) is a QR Code-based payment method standardized by Bank Indonesia (BI). With QRIS, all QR Code-based payments can be made through all payment applications either on mobile banking or electronic money by means of interconnection and interoperability. QRIS aims to increase ease, security and convenience of transactions.

    Who can use QRIS?

    Everyone who already has OCBC Wallet, whether as an Unregistered or Registered user.

    How to activate QRIS in OCBC Wallet?

    OCBC Wallet users do not need to re-register to be able to use QRIS. OCBC Wallet users can directly use the QRIS payment method through the OCBC Wallet application.

    How to use QRIS on OCBC Wallet?

    You can access and use QRIS payments on OCBC Wallet as follows:

    • Login to OCBC Wallet Apps
    • On the Main Page, click Pembayaran QR
    • Scan the QR on your favourite merchant to start the payment
    • Input transaction amount or make sure the transaction amount is correct, then click Lanjutkan
    • Input nominal tip then click OK (optional)
    • The payment details confirmation page appears, make sure the nominal is correct, then click OK
    • Input OTP and PIN OCBC Wallet to continue payment process
    • You will receive a successful / failed transaction notification
    How about the transaction limit for QRIS Payment in OCBC Wallet?

    Unregistered Registered
    Maximum Limit per Transaction Rp2.000.000 Rp10.000.000
    Maximum Limit per Day Rp10.000.000 Rp10.000.000
    Is there any fee for QRIS Payment in OCBC Wallet?

    OCBC Wallet users will not be charged any fee when using QRIS. OCBC Wallet users only need to pay the total value of the transactions that have been made at the merchant/outlet/store.

    Where can I use QRIS? i mana sajakah saya bisa menggunakan QRIS?

    OCBC Wallet users can transact at any merchant that has a QRIS logo that looks like the following:

    What should I do if my QRIS payment transaction in ONe Wallet has failed?
    • Please make sure you have the latest/ most updated version of ONe Wallet
    • Please make sure QR Code displayed at merchant is QRIS standardized, because ONe Wallet is only able to scan QRIS
    • Please also make sure QR Code displayed at merchant in good and proper condition (not folded or broken so it would be difficult to scan)
    I have made a payment using QRIS, then the cashier asked for my payment transaction number. Where can I find the payment transaction number?

    After making a payment, the system will display a proof of payment with information in the form of Ref No, Transaction Time and Date, Merchant Name, Paid Amount and Status of the transaction.

    What should I do if my QRIS payment transaction on OCBC Wallet is debited twice?

    For transactions which are debited twice, you can request refund for excess transactions to merchants where you made transactions. For proof and transaction details required, they can be accessed through Main Page in OCBC Wallet.

    I cannot continue the payment transaction because the Transaction PIN does not match. What should I do?

    Please make sure you have the latest/ most updated version of OCBC Wallet

    Biaya Transaksi
    Biaya Transaksi OCBC Wallet
    Transaksi Biaya
    Transfer Dana
    Transfer anter Pengguna OCBC Wallet Gratis / Tidak dikenakan biaya
    Transfer ke Bank Lain (Online) Rp6.500
    QRIS Gratis / Tidak dikenakan biaya
    Pembelian Pulsa Isi Ulang
    Gratis / Tidak dikenakan biaya


    ATM Banking Transaction Fees
    How much is the transaction fee at OCBC ATM Banking?
    1. Transaction fees at OCBC ATM using OCBC ATM card
    2. Via another ATM Network

    ATM network Cash Withdrawal Fee (Rp)
    Bersama/Prima IDR 8.000
    OCBC Bank Singapura IDR 10.000
    Bank Card Malaysia IDR 15.000
    How much do other bank credit card payments cost?
    Fees charged for other bank credit card payments using OCBC ATMs:

    For Citibank, Permata, ABN AMRO, DBS Credit Cards - ex ANZ, Danamon: free
    For other VISA and MasterCard Credit Cards: IDR 2,500 / transaction
    What is the cost of spending using an OCBC Debit Card?
    - For purchases with a Debit Visa, there will be no additional costs
    - For purchases with Debit BCA there will be no additional costs

    OCBC Business mobile


    1. Apa yang dimaksud transfer dengan BI FAST?

    BI FAST adalah sistem layanan yang dikembangkan Bank Indonesia untuk menciptakan infrastruktur sistem pembayaran ritel nasional yang lebih efisien dalam mengakomodir transfer dana secara real time, tersedia dalam 24/7..


    2. Apa keuntungan transfer dengan BI FAST?

    - Cepat : Transfer online dan dapat diterima secara real time

    - Aman : Sistem pembayaran resmi dari Bank Indonesia

    - Simpel : Bisa dengan nomor Rekening, nomor Ponsel dan alamat email

    - Hemat : Biaya transaksi hanya Rp2500,- dengan limit transfer hingga Rp250 Juta per transaksi


    3. Apakah saya bisa melakukan transfer BI FAST di Cabang?

    Ya, Anda bisa melakukan transfer dengan BI FAST di Cabang dengan menyesuaikan waktu operasional Cabang (saat ini mulai pukul 08:00 – 14:30 waktu setempat).


    4. Berapa limit transfer BI FAST?

    Limit transaksi dengan BI FAST adalah Rp 250.000.000 per transaksi


    5. Apakah transfer BI FAST diterima oleh penerima transfer secara real time?

    Ya, penerima bisa menerima dana transfer secara real time.


    6. Apa yang dimaksud dengan metode transfer dengan proxy address pada BI FAST?

    Untuk memudahkan transaksi, nasabah bisa mendaftarkan alamat email atau nomor ponsel sebagai pengganti nomor rekening, sehingga dengan proxy address nasabah tidak perlu menginput nomor rekening ataupun bank tujuan.


    7. Bagaimana cara mendaftarkan email dan nomor handphone sebagai proxy?

    Saat ini pendaftaran proxy dapat dilakukan melalui Cabang OCBC dan akan segera hadir di e-channel OCBC


    8. Apakah 1 nomor ponsel/ alamat email bisa digunakan untuk beberapa nomor rekening/ proxy address?

    Tidak bisa. 1 nomor ponsel/ 1 alamat email hanya bisa mewakili 1 rekening saja secara nasional di seluruh Bank di Indonesia.


    9. Jika nomor ponsel lama saya sebagai proxy address sudah tidak saya gunakan, bagaimana cara saya menghapus nomor ponsel tersebut?

    Proses maintenance proxy address dapat dilakukan melalui Cabang OCBC.


    Ideation Competition
    Bolehkah peserta mendaftarkan solusi yang sudah pernah di lombakan sebelumnya?
    Tidak, solusi yang sudah pernah di lombakan di kompetisi lainnya tidak diperkenankan untuk mengikuti Ideation 2020.
    Apakah Road to Ideation bersifat wajib untuk diikuti?

    Acara Road to Ideation 2020 tidak bersifat wajib, namun kami sangat menganjurkan peserta untuk dapat mengikuti rangkaian kegiatan tersebut. Selain mendapatkan pembekalan yang lebih komprehensif, peserta juga dapat mengumpulkan poin untuk mendapatkan hadiah hiburan.
    Kriteria solusi seperti apakah yang dicari?
    Solusi yang dicari merupakan solusi yang orisinil, tepat guna, dan dapat diterapkan.

    Ketentuan serta informasi selengkapnya mengenai Ideation 2020 dapat dilihat di Handbook Ideation 2020.


    Frequently asked Question
    What whistleblowing channels can be used?

    The whistleblowing channels that can be used are as follows:

    • Website:
    • Email:
    • Appointed Bank Officers, namely:
      • Fraud Risk Management Head
      • Internal Audit Division Head
      • Head of Human Resources
    • The whistleblower may also report the whistleblowing verbally to their supervisor/Head of Work Unit (PUK). Supervisors/PUK who receive verbal reports are required to document them in writing for verification and confirmation with the whistleblower. These reports must then be escalated to the whistleblowing channel at the first available opportunity.
    • If the whistleblower feels uncomfortable reporting through the above channels, they can submit their report directly to the President Director ( or the President Commissioner (
    Can whistleblowers file an anonymous report?
    Whistleblowers can file reports with or without revealing their identity (anonymous).
    Can whistleblowers receive the Protection Program if they file anonymous report?
    If the report is made anonymously, the Bank will not be able to know or contact the whistleblower, Therefore bank cannot provide the Whistleblower Protection Program.
    How will the whistleblower know if the whistleblowing report submitted through the website has been received by the Bank?
    The whistleblower will receive case ID and Password information that appears on the screen. In addition, the whistleblower will also receive a notification via email (if they provide an email address) containing the case ID.
    What is the function of the case ID and Password that appear on the screen when making a report through the whistleblowing website?
    The User ID and Password can be used to check the status of the report submitted through the whistleblowing website.
    Can the whistleblower change the User ID and Password?
    The User ID and Password cannot be changed. Please ensure that the case ID and Password are kept secure.
    Who will follow up on the report submitted?
    The report submitted will be followed up by independent unit - Fraud Risk Management.
    Is the confidentiality of the report guaranteed by the Bank?
    The Bank guarantees the confidentiality of the reports submitted through the whistleblowing channels.

    OCBC Profile

    OCBC Profile
    How much is the transaction fee at OCBC ATM
    Berapa biaya transaksi di ATM Banking OCBC?
    1. Melalui ATM OCBC
    2. Biaya transaksi di ATM OCBC menggunakan kartu ATM OCBC dapat dilihat di sini
    3. Melalui jaringan ATM lain
    Jaringan ATM Biaya Tarik Tunai (Rp)
    Bersama/Prima 8.000
    OCBC Bank Singapura 10.000
    Bank Card Malaysia 15.000

    Investor Relations

    Investor Relations
    How much is the transaction fee at OCBC ATM
    Berapa biaya transaksi di ATM Banking OCBC?
    1. Melalui ATM OCBC
    2. Biaya transaksi di ATM OCBC menggunakan kartu ATM OCBC dapat dilihat di sini
    3. Melalui jaringan ATM lain
    Jaringan ATM Biaya Tarik Tunai (Rp)
    Bersama/Prima 8.000
    OCBC Bank Singapura 10.000
    Bank Card Malaysia 15.000

    Corporate governance

    Corporate governance
    How much is the transaction fee at OCBC NISP ATM
    Berapa biaya transaksi di ATM Banking OCBC?
    1. Melalui ATM OCBC
    2. Biaya transaksi di ATM OCBC menggunakan kartu ATM OCBC dapat dilihat di sini
    3. Melalui jaringan ATM lain
    Jaringan ATM Biaya Tarik Tunai (Rp)
    Bersama/Prima 8.000
    OCBC Bank Singapura 10.000
    Bank Card Malaysia 15.000

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