Custodial Services

Layanan penitipan dan pengadministrasian surat berharga.

Custody Services

Layanan kustodian umum untuk penitipan portofolio surat berharga milik nasabah.

Fund Services

Layanan pengadministrasian produk investasi seperti Reksa Dana & produk kelolaan lainnya.

    Ringkasan Informasi Produk


FX Today, Tomorrow and Spot
FX Today, Tomorrow and Spot

FX Today, Tomorrow and Spot

Call Spread Option
Call Spread Option

Call Spread Option

FX Forward
FX Forward

FX Forward

FX Option
FX Option

FX Option

FX Swap
FX Swap

FX Swap

Domestic Non-Deliverable Forward
Domestic Non-Deliverable Forward

Domestic Non-Deliverable Forward

Menabung dengan Tanda 360 Plus