OCBC in collaboration with RAFFLES HOSPITAL SINGAPORE for Medical Check Up at Raffles Hospital Singapore
0% installments up to 18 months
- Use an OCBC Credit Card
- Minimum transaction of Rp30,000,000, for 18 months installment
- Program period until December 31, 2024
- Valid tenors are 3 months, 6 months, 12 months and 18 months with the following tenor details:
- Transactions outside of the minimum transaction amount will be subject to interest charges in accordance with applicable regulations
- Installment transactions do not earn reward points
- The installment process will incur an administration fee of IDR 15,000 which will be included in the billing statement of the Credit Card holder
- Cannot be combined with other promotions
- Early payment of the total installment (speed payment) will not be subject to interest, but will be subject to a penalty fee of IDR 200,000 (two hundred thousand Rupiah) and will be charged to the billing statement of the Credit Card holder
- The promo is only valid for 1 transaction / card / day
- Customers must convert the transaction bill to the 0% installment program through One Mobile, or
- Convert through Tanya OCBC by calling the Tanya OCBC contact center at 1500-999 or +62-21-26506300 (from abroad) to change your transaction to an installments, or
- Convert through SMS banking to 86477 with the format: OCBC(space)CICIL(space)16-DIGIT CARD NUMBER#TRANSACTION AMOUNT YOU WANT TO INSTALL#TENOR IN MONTHS
2.7% Discount
To all OCBC Credit Cards and Debit Card Holders,
- Receive up to 7% discount for the following services provided by Raffles Hospital Singapore:
- Outpatient GP,
- Specialist consultation only at Raffles Specialist Centres,
- Published room rate,
- Enhanced Raffles Health Screening packages
- To receive value-added services, e.g. meet- and- greet services, wellness goodie bag in Raffles Hospital Singapore for OCBC Credit Card and Debit Card Holders who take OCBC Special Medical Check Up & Enhanced Health Screening Package booked through Raffles Medika Indonesia.
OCBC in collaboration with RAFFLES HOSPITAL SINGAPORE for Tanda Hadiah Program: Medical Check Up at Raffles Hospital Singapore
Delight in your Beyond Banking Benefit:
- Pick Up Service and Airport Service Assistance for your conveniency.
- Medical Check Up on Call for your routine health examination.
Beyond Banking Benefit Info: ttps://web.ocbc.id/beyondbankingpb
- The program is organized by OCBC and third parties in collaboration between OCBC and Raffles Medika Indonesia which represents Raffles Medical Group (Singapore).
- Customers are required to open an account and/or product at OCBC.
- Customers are required to place new funds (fresh funds) in accordance with the Program scheme options as follows:
- For funds placed in the program, the funds will be blocked during the hold period according to the selected scheme.
- Program scheme may be changed periodically.
- If the customer has successfully placed their funds and wants to break/cash out of the program before the maturity date, then the customer will be charged with a penalty fee according to the program provisions and the request submission can only be done in collection branches.
- Reward Requirements:
- The reward will be processed after new funds are placed no later than 5 (five) working days after the declaration document is signed (whichever occurs first).
- The amount of interest given is in accordance with the applicable provisions at OCBC which are informed to the Customer through OCBC or other media determined by OCBC taking into account the applicable laws and regulations.
- The Customer fully understands and agrees that this Program is a conditional Program, where the Customer will only receive Medical Check Up services with the Hospital if they have completed all the required documents and cannot be given to other parties once they have provided the required documents to the Hospital.
- The Customer acknowledges and agrees that if the Customer breaks the program even though the MCU has not been done, the Customer will be willing to be subject to penalties in accordance with applicable regulations.
- The customer acknowledges and agrees that if the reward has passed its active period, OCBC is not required to replace it with another reward of equal value.
- The Customer acknowledges and agrees that if the Program is not available due to certain circumstances, OCBC has the right to replace it with another prize of equivalent value.
- Customers are required to prepare and ensure the completeness of the documents required for program continuity requirements. These documents include but are not limited to:
- Passport with an active period accepted by the Organizing Vendor.
- As well as other documents required by the Organizing Vendor and the Singapore government.
- Personal data to the Hospital as a condition for registering for Medical Check Up in Singapore. Such as Mobile phone number, Email address, Medical Check Up Date, Active Passport Data, etc
- Customers are willing to be contacted directly by the Hospital for program needs.
- The customer understands and agrees that if the Medical Check Up at the Hospital has problems or is not available due to certain reasons. This is something that is outside the responsibility of OCBC.
- The program cannot be combined with other programs at the Bank.
Valid OCBC Credit Cards for discounts & special experience:

Valid OCBC Debit Cards for discounts & special experience:

- Syarat dan Ketentuan Promo ini merupakan satu kesatuan dan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari Syarat dan Ketentuan Umum Kartu Kredit dan Debit yang berlaku pada OCBC serta prosedur yang berlaku pada OCBC, termasuk segala ketentuan regulasi dan peraturan perundangan yang berlaku di Republik Indonesia.
- Bank atas kebijakan dan pertimbangannya, berhak menangguhkan atau membatalkan pemberian reward apabila terdapat indikasi kecurangan, ketidakwajaran atau pelanggaran terhadap Syarat dan Ketentuan ini.
- OCBC memiliki kewenangan untuk mengubah, mengurangi, dan/atau menambah Syarat dan Ketentuan Promo ini dengan pemberitahuan melalui media yang ditentukan oleh OCBC dengan memperhatikan ketentuan dan peraturan perundangan-undangan hukum yang berlaku.
- Syarat dan Ketentuan Promo ini telah disesuaikan dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan termasuk ketentuan peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan.
- Informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi call center OCBC di 1500999
Partner Outlet Address:
Raffles Hospital Singapore
585 North Bridge Road
Singapore 188770
Tel: (+65) 6311 1222
Fax: (+65) 6311 2136