Safer investment with principal placement protection at maturity date
Returns are higher than time deposits
The period starts from 1 week
Extensive Network
Wide range access to ATM in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore
Easy Transaction
Transactions can be done at any time
Product Information Summary
Product Information Summary
Principal Protected Deposit – Double NO Touch
What is PPD – DNT product?
What is PPD – DNT product?
What are the differences between PPD OT and PPD DNT?
Principal Protected Deposit - Double NO Touch (PPD - DNT) is an investment instrument (Structured Product) in the form of a combination of time deposits in foreign currency and FX option in which the principal of the PPD DNT placement will be protected 100% if it holds until maturity
In PPD - OT, customers will earn bonus if the currency touches the agreed price between customers and Bank, while in PPD - DNT, customers will earn bonus if the currency moves in range of agreed price
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