GREAT Prestige Protector

Assurance of Asset Growth and Optimal Protection for Peace of Mind

Fixed crediting rate for the first 10 years

Provide fix crediting rate for the first 10 years since the policy active, guaranteed by the Insurance Company

Total Protection

Provide certainty Sum Insured value in the first 10 years even though there has been a withdrawal

Convenience of premium payment

Single premium payment for protection up to 99 years


Partner insurance company

PT Great Eastern Life Indonesia

    Terms & Conditions

    Interest & Fees


    Other Conditions

    Product Information Summary

TAKA Angsuran Tetap Account Opening Requirements

  • KTP and NPWP card for Indonesian citizens
  • KIMS/KITAS/KITAP for Foreigners
  • Have an account with Bank OCBC
  • Make the first deposit equal to the monthly deposit
Reguler Saving Plan
Reguler Saving Plan

Reguler Saving Plan

Taka Interest Rate
Effective November 14th, 2022

Produk Suku Bunga (p.a) s/d 13 Nov 2022 Suku Bunga (p.a) eff. 14 Nov 2022
Pembukaan TAKA Melalui Cabang
TAKA Angsuran Tetap 2.50% 3.75%
Pembukaan TAKA Melalui OCBC mobile / Internet Banking
TAKA Angsuran Tetap 2.50% 3.75%

Tarif dan Biaya
Cabang Online
Tutup rekening sebelum jatuh tempo : Rp100 ribu Tutup rekening sebelum jatuh tempo : Rp100 ribu
Customer Terms Individual
Currency IDR
Monthly Installment Deposit Min IDR100,000
Installment Multiples IDR100,000
Period Minimum 1 year and maximum 10 years (multiple of 6 months)
Target Funds #N/A (target funds are assumptions depending on term, monthly deposit and interest)
Rates Review Fixed 1 year (review rate per year)
Admin Fee No Admin Fee
Closing Costs IDR100,000
Monthly Deposit Late Fee 0.025% x monthly deposit arrears x number of days in arrears (grace period = 0 days)
Auto Close If there is a monthly deposit arrears for 6 consecutive months
Account Closing Before Maturity Through Branch Office (valid for branch opening / in OCBC mobile)
  1. Deposit conditions are autodebit accounts from Relasi Accounts.
  2. The currency of the TAKA account must be the same as the currency in the Relasi Account.
  3. The name of the TAKA account owner must be the same as the relasi account (debit source).

Taka Fix Installment

Taka Fix Installment (Cabang)
Taka Fix Installment (Cabang)

Taka Fix Installment (Cabang)

Taka Fix Installment (Online)
Taka Fix Installment (Online)

Taka Fix Installment (Online)

Frequently asked question about Great Prestige Protector

Medical check up is required under certain conditions refer to underwriting terms & conditions.

Partial withdrawal can be made after since the policy active for minimum 2 years and (terms and conditions applied)

The beneficiary will receive the total cash value or sum insured (which one is higher)

Policyholder may choose from several options for paying insurance premium by autodebit from saving account

Beneficiaries should:

  • complete the documents as stated in the policy
  • submit the complete documents to dedicated Relationship Manager or OCBC branch office to be forwarded to the Insurance Company, or send directly to Insurance Company

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