PRUCapital Protection

Insurance and investment solutions with a single premium

Premi Tunggal

Untuk masa asuransi selama 10 tahun

Uang Pertanggungan 125%

Manfaat meninggal dunia dari premi tunggal

Manfaat Premi Tunggal 105%

Manfaat nilai tunai menguntungan pada akhir pertanggungan

Other Advantages


Bebas Tarik Dana

Tarik dana kapan saja sesuai kebutuhan


Pengalihan Dana

Pengalihan dana setiap saat dan bebas biaya

    Interest Fee

    Product Information Summary

Item Tariff (Valas/Rupiah)
Issuance fee 0.25% p.q. from document value, min. eq. USD 50/IDR 700,000
Drafting without issuance IDR 500,000
Amendment fee (increase amount/extension of validity) 0.25% p.q. from increased value/time, min. eq. USD 50/IDR 700,000
Other amendment fee USD 50/IDR 700,000
Acceptance fee for usance 0.50 % p.q. min. eq. USD 50/IDR 700,000
Discrepancy fee USD 75/IDR 1,000,000
Reimbursement fee USD 75/IDR 1,000,000
SWIFT for issuance USD 30/IDR 420,000
SWIFT for others USD 20/IDR 280,000
AWB endorsement IDR 250,000
LC/ SKBDN Advising Fee
Keep with us USD 25 / IDR 350,000
Taken by Beneficiary USD 100/ IDR 1,250,000
Advised Through USD 100/ IDR 1,250,000


Letter of Credit
Letter of Credit

Letter of Credit




Asuransi dengan PRUCapital Protection