Tanda Valas SGD

Savings in Singapore Dollar (SGD) for easy transactions in Singapore

Direct Transactions

Transaction directly with SGD currency

Access to OCBC Bank ATM

No need to foreign exchange while in Singapore

No Administration Fees

Foreign currency savings without admin fee

Other benefits


Low Initial Deposit

Start from 500 SGD for need of business, medical treatment, & vacation


ATM Tanda Valas SGD Card

Forex transactions via ATM are easier

    Terms & Conditions

    Interest & Fees


    Other Conditions

    Product Information Summary

TAKA Angsuran Tetap Account Opening Requirements

  • KTP and NPWP card for Indonesian citizens
  • KIMS/KITAS/KITAP for Foreigners
  • Have an account with Bank OCBC
  • Make the first deposit equal to the monthly deposit
Reguler Saving Plan
Reguler Saving Plan

Reguler Saving Plan

Taka Interest Rate
Effective November 14th, 2022

Produk Suku Bunga (p.a) s/d 13 Nov 2022 Suku Bunga (p.a) eff. 14 Nov 2022
Pembukaan TAKA Melalui Cabang
TAKA Angsuran Tetap 2.50% 3.75%
Pembukaan TAKA Melalui OCBC mobile / Internet Banking
TAKA Angsuran Tetap 2.50% 3.75%

Tarif dan Biaya
Cabang Online
Tutup rekening sebelum jatuh tempo : Rp100 ribu Tutup rekening sebelum jatuh tempo : Rp100 ribu
Customer Terms Individual
Currency IDR
Monthly Installment Deposit Min IDR100,000
Installment Multiples IDR100,000
Period Minimum 1 year and maximum 10 years (multiple of 6 months)
Target Funds #N/A (target funds are assumptions depending on term, monthly deposit and interest)
Rates Review Fixed 1 year (review rate per year)
Admin Fee No Admin Fee
Closing Costs IDR100,000
Monthly Deposit Late Fee 0.025% x monthly deposit arrears x number of days in arrears (grace period = 0 days)
Auto Close If there is a monthly deposit arrears for 6 consecutive months
Account Closing Before Maturity Through Branch Office (valid for branch opening / in OCBC mobile)
  1. Deposit conditions are autodebit accounts from Relasi Accounts.
  2. The currency of the TAKA account must be the same as the currency in the Relasi Account.
  3. The name of the TAKA account owner must be the same as the relasi account (debit source).

Taka Fix Installment

Taka Fix Installment (Cabang)
Taka Fix Installment (Cabang)

Taka Fix Installment (Cabang)

Taka Fix Installment (Online)
Taka Fix Installment (Online)

Taka Fix Installment (Online)

Promo for You

90°N Credit Card, OCBC Nyala Platinum, Platinum Credit Card, Titanium Credit Card, Voyage Credit Card

0% Installment up to 24 months - Advance

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Debit Card, GPN Debit Card, Online Debit Card, Premier Debit Card, 90°N Credit Card, Platinum Credit Card, Titanium Credit Card, Voyage Credit Card

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1 Jun 2022 - 1 Apr 2026

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Popular Questions About the Tanda Valas SGD

Banks will no longer issuing Debit/ATM Cards for customers who have SGD Currency Sign accounts. This applies to new requests and/or any other reasons (such as expired/lost card/damaged card/others).

This request will be accommodated only until 14 August 2024.

We will no longer issuing the Debit Card starting 15 August 2024.

Features & Benefits Tanda Valas SGD Tanda 360 Plus
Withdrawal at ATM OCBC Indonesia and OCBC Singapore Yes Yes
Withdrawal or transfer (including Telegraphic Transfer) via branch and OCBC mobile Yes Yes
Withdrawal at ATM with Mastercard logo all over the world No Yes
Shop online and offline via Mastercard EDCs by tap or dip-in your Global Debit like locals No Yes
Shop and withdraw cash directly debit Tanda 360 Plus Account without conversion and with no fee No Yes
Promotions for online transaction with Global Debit such as Grab, Tokopedia and Shopee (https://www.ocbc.id/id/promo) No Yes

Debit cards linked to Tanda Valas SGD can still be used to do cash withdrawal at ATM OCBC (Indonesia and Singapore) until the expiration date stated in the card.

Get your account by going to the nearest branch or via OCBC mobile by following these steps:

  1. Open and login to your OCBC mobile
  2. Pick Apply
  3. Pick Conventional Savings
  4. Choose Tanda 360 Plus with your preferred your base currency
  5. Fill-in personal information and pick “Yes” under field Create an ATM Card
  6. Review and accept “Product & Service Summary” and “Terms & Conditions”
  7. Input your transaction PIN
  8. Successfully finish on account opening and debit card request

Transfer your SGD balance from Tanda Valas SGD to Tanda 360 Plus by going to the nearest branch or via OCBC mobile by following these steps:

  1. Open and login to your OCBC mobile
  2. Pick Transfer
  3. Pick My Account
  4. Pick your new Tanda 360 Plus account on SGD currency
  5. Input the nominal amount to transfer
  6. Review your Transfer Summary and confirm
  7. Review and accept “Terms & Conditions”
  8. Input your transaction PIN
  9. Your balance has been successfully transferred

Debit card will be processed after 10 working days on request submitted to the system.

Customers can activate the new debit card by going to the nearest branch or via OCBC mobile:

  1. Open and login your OCBC mobile account
  2. Get into Settings and pick Card Management
  3. If debit card is shown at the Card Management list, click “Click to Activate” and input CVV and expiry date
  4. If debit card is not shown at the Card Management list, pick “Request or Activate New Card”, pick Instant and input your debit card number, expiry date and source of fund account
  5. Review and accept “Terms & Conditions”
  6. Input your transaction PIN
  7. Your card has been successfully activated

Customers are still be able to use their Tanda Valas SGD account, but no new debit card will be provided by 15 August 2024 with any reason.

There will be closing fee charges, detail information please refer to: https://www.ocbc.id/en/tarif-dan-biaya/bunga-dan-biaya-individu

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