OCBC Nyala Credit Card

Cashback 10% + 10% for online transaction throughout the year

Auto Profit For Online Transaction

Get 10% + 10% cashback for online transactions anywhere throughout the year

Card hasn’t arrived yet can shop online

While waiting for the physical card to arrive,you can keep shopping online, by activating your credit card online via OCBC mobile

Everything is Digital in OCBC mobile

Manage your credit card in OCBC mobile. Physical card activation, Check CVV & increase the transaction limit

Other benefits


Cash Out Remaining Limit

Now you can withdraw the remaining credit card limit directly into your savings account with interest up to 0% via OCBC mobile.
Info: web.ocbc.id/cairlimitcc


Taking the MRT abroad just TAP

With the Contactless feature, valid in countries and transportation companies that accept payments by Credit Card and contactless


Auto Profit For Online Transaction

Get up to 8% cashback all year long for online transaction


Contactless Feature

Equipped with contactless features for convenience, security & faster transaction


Nyala Promo Merchants

Save up to IDR380K at various merchants as: Astro, Grab, Halodoc, Re Juve, ruparupa.com, sociolla, and Tokopedia. Info: Check here


0% Installment

For 3 months without a minimum transaction


First Year Free Annual Fee

For the 2nd year and so forth follow the applicable program


Easy and Flexible Bill Payment

Credit Card minimum payment 5% of the total bill


Bill Payment Facility

Pay monthly bills is more easier and practical


Merchant Partner Around The World

Shopping at more than 29 million merchants and VISA partners


Easy transaction via Alipay/Weixin Pay with OCBC Credit Card

Now traveling abroad is easier because you can transact on Alipay & Weixin Pay with OCBC Credit Card. Info: web.ocbc.id/trxchina



    Requirements & How To Apply

    Auto Profit


    Interest and Fees

    Credit Card PIN

    Product Information Summary




Requirements & How To Apply

Auto Profit


Interest and Fees

Credit Card PIN

Product Information Summary

Information in the Biling Statement
Information in the Biling Statement

Information in the Biling Statement

Your Credit Card Information
Your Credit Card Information

Your Credit Card Information

OCBC Platinum Nyala Credit Card
OCBC Platinum Nyala Credit Card

OCBC Platinum Nyala Credit Card

General Terms and Conditions
General Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions

Syarat & ketentuan yang perlu diketahui

  • Isi formulir pembukaan rekening OCBC NISP
  • Membawa KTP dan kartu NPWP
  • Pilih 1 base currency yang akan menjadi mata uang utama
  • Mata uang lainnya akan terbentuk secara otomatis
  • Setoran awal menyesuaikan base currency yang dipilih

Syarat & ketentuan yang perlu diketahui

  • Isi formulir pembukaan rekening OCBC NISP
  • Membawa KTP dan kartu NPWP
  • Pilih 1 base currency yang akan menjadi mata uang utama
  • Mata uang lainnya akan terbentuk secara otomatis
  • Setoran awal menyesuaikan base currency yang dipilih

Conditions for Submitting OCBC Nyala Platinum Credit Cards

  • Have a Nyala savings Account (If you don't have an OCBC account yet, the Nyala OCBC Platinum credit card can be submitted at the same time as the opening of the NYALA service on OCBC mobile)
  • Minimum 21 years for major cardholders
  • Minimum 17 years for additional card holders
  • Minimum IDR 3 million per month or annual income of IDR 36 million
  • Citizen or foreigner

OCBC berhak menentukan besarnya pagu kredit dan jenis Kartu yang akan diberikan oleh OCBC kepada Pemegang Kartu


Cashback 10% + 10% for online transactions anywhere throughout the year up to IDR200,000 per billing statement*

*Effective billing December 2024

Terms and Conditions Program:

  • The amount of cashback given is according to the tiering below:
  • Retail Minimum Transaction Online Transaction Additional Cashback for Subscription Transactions Maximal Cashback per Billing Statement
    Cashback Maximum Cashback Cashback Maximum Cashback
    IDR2,5 – 5 million 3% IDR50,000 3% IDR50,000 IDR100,000
    >IDR5 million 10% IDR100,000 10% IDR100,000 IDR200,000
  • Make any retail transaction (either online and/or offline) with a minimum transaction accumulation of IDR 2.5 million in one billing period.
  • Get cashback up to 10% with a maximum of IDR100,000 for online transactions per billing period.
  • Get additional cashback up to 10% (maximum IDR100,000 per billing period) by making subscription transactions on Netflix, Spotify, Amazon Prime Video, HBO Go, Vidio, Disney Hotstar, and  iQiyi. Subscription transactions for these applications through other platforms such as Google Play or Apple AppStore are not counted as subscription transactions that will get additional cashback.
  • Additional cashback is only given to cardholders who make a minimum retail transaction of IDR2,5 million in 1 (one) billing period.
  • Transactions that will not be counted either to get cashback or retail transaction accumulation are as follows:
    • Payment of Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN)
    • Payment of Perusahaan Air Minum (PAM)
    • Online Tax
    • Bea Cukai
    • Payment of BPJS, and
    • Payment of other government agencies through e-commerce platforms
  • Cashback will be credited to the credit card in the next billing period.
  • The Bank in accordance with the bank's policy and/or analysis may refuse to provide or withdraw Cashback if there is an indication of fraud committed in the use of this program.

Note: PT Bank OCBC NISP Tbk. (“OCBC”) has the right and authority to change, add and/or reduce the provisions in these Terms and Conditions by written notification at the Bank OCBC office or other media determined by Bank OCBC taking into account the provisions and laws and regulations. valid invitation. These Terms and Conditions are an integral and inseparable part of the General Credit Card Terms and Conditions.


The second year and so on are free annual fees if the total main card and additional cards minimum transactions of IDR 40 million in the previous 1 year or Main Card to become a Pro Nyala Customer (AUM >= IDR 25 Million)


All transaction can be changed to 0% installment 3 months without transaction or 0,5% up to 36 months via OCBC mobile

Semua transaksi bisa di ubah menjadi cicilan 0% selama 3 bulan tanpa minimum transaksi atau 0,5% hingga 36 bulan melalui OCBC mobile.

  • Login into OCBC mobile Application
  • On the ‘Loan’ tab, choose your Credit Card type
  • Click ‘Convert to installment’ on the respective transaction
  • Choose the Instalment and tenure that you want, then click ‘Continue’
  • Input ‘Transaction PIN’
  • Your Installment request has been successfully submitted. Confirmation will be sent through Email.

Low Rate Installment

All transactions can be converted into 0% installments for 3 months without a minimum transaction or 0.5% up to 36 months via OCBC mobile.

  • Login OCBC mobile
  • Click 'Financial' and select 'loan'
  • Select 'Credit Card' and click the transaction that will be convert into installments
  • Enter the Transaction PIN
  • Finished

Contactless Feature

Easier payments with contactless features and accepted Worldwide. OCBC Nyala Platinum Credit Card is equipped with contactless features for convenience, security and faster transaction.

Accepted Worldwide

OCBC Nyala Platinum is accepted worldwide with more than 29 Millions merchants and service partners that collaborate with Mastercard international.

Worldwide Access to your fund

Apart from being able to do fund withdrawal in all OCBC Branches, OCBC Nyala Platinum Credit Card can also be used for fund withdrawal in more than 1 Million ATMs worldwide, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. You can withdraw up to 70% of your OCBC NISP Platinum credit card limit.

Bill Payment Facility

Your OCBC Credit Card can be used to pay recurring utilities payment such as TELKOM, PLN, PAM, TV Subscription, IPL (building maintenance fee), and Insurance by:

  1. OCBC Bill
    Register your recurring bill for service providers in agreement with OCBC by contacting Tanya OCBC 1500999 or your Relationship Manager. More information, click here
    Visit the nearest OCBC ATM and choose “Payment / Purchase / Cash Advance” menu using your credit card PIN. If you do not have your PIN yet, please create your PIN immediately. More info visit www.ocbc.id/pin

Bill payment flexibility

Your OCBC credit card payment can be done by paying the minimum 5% of the total bill or IDR 50,000 (whichever is higher).

Payment methods

You can pay your bill by various methods:

  • Via OCBC ATMs all over Indonesia
  • Internet Banking and Mobile Banking OCBC Bank
  • Cash deposit in all OCBC branches
  • Direct Debit by signing standing instruction in all OCBC Bank branches
  • Lalu Lintas Giro (LLG)/Clearing
  • Over booking from OCBC NISP savings account/Giro in all OCBC branches
  • Transfer via ATM Bersama or ATM Prima


We are ready to serve you 24 hours a day 7 days a week to get information about Nyala Credit Card OCBC Platinum at 1500-999.

Interest and Fees

Annual fee (free of the first year fee) Main Card IDR 600,000 per year, Supplementary Card IDR 300,000 per year
Retail Interest 1.75% per month, 21% per year
Cash Advance Interest 1.75% per month, 21% per year
Minimum Payment 5% of the bill or a minimum of IDR50,000 (Until 30 June 2025 or always binding with Bank Indonesia regulations)
Cash Advance Fee 6% or a minimum of IDR 100,000 (whichever is greater)
Late Payment Fee (Late Charge) 1% of the total bill, minimum IDR 50,000 and maximum IDR 100,000 (Until 30 June 2025 or always binding with Bank Indonesia regulations)
Over-limit Fee 6% of the excess limit, a minimum of IDR 100,000 and a maximum of IDR 250,000
Lost/Damage Card Replacement Fee IDR 100,000
Billing Statement Delivery Charge IDR 12,500 per billing
Transaction Copy Request Fee Transaction Note IDR 50,000 , Monthly Bill IDR 30,000, and Declined Check / Giro Fee IDR 25,000
Duty Stamp Charged for Payments with Certain Amount Payment amounted above IDR 5,000,000 will be charge Duty Stamp IDR 10,000
Credit Card Payment Costs through Teller at OCBC Branch IDR 10,000
Installment Request Fee

Through OCBC mobile Application or other channels IDR 15,000 per transaction

Through Contact Center – Tanya OCBC IDR 20,000 per transaction

Installment Payment Cancellation/Acceleration Fee IDR 200,000 per transaction
Transfer fee IDR 10,000 to OCBC account
IDR 25 thousand to another bank account

E-Statement via Email Fee

Request Increase Limit Fee

Notification Charges

IDR 5,000 per bill per month

IDR 50,000 per request

IDR10,000 per bill per month

Important Information
  • In accordance with Bank Indonesia Regulation, Customers are not permitted to use Credit Cards for cash withdrawal transactions at merchants.
  • Beware of fraud in the name of Bank OCBC. We never ask for your confidential data, such as PIN, Password, Passcode / OTP and User ID.

Interest Calculation for Shopping Transactions (Retail):
Interest will be charged if the Cardholder pays less than the total new bill, or pays after the Due Date. Interest for Shopping Transactions is calculated based on the Posting Date (Posting Date) of the transactions made. The interest rates that apply to purchase transactions are listed on the Billing Sheet. Unpaid costs, penalties, or interest are not included in the interest calculation component. Interest will be charged on the next billing sheet. For a complete interest calculation can be seen in the illustration of credit card interest calculations.

Interest Calculation for Cash Advance Transactions:
Interest for Cash Advance is charged and calculated from the Date of Cash Advance until the date of full payment of the Cash Advance transaction. The interest rates that apply to Cash Withdrawal transactions are listed on the Billing Sheet. Unpaid costs, penalties, or interest are not included in the interest calculation component. For a complete interest calculation can be seen in the illustration of the Credit Card Interest Calculation.

Illustration of Interest Calculation for Purchase Transactions (Retail)*

* This illustration uses the Platinum Credit Card due date

Illustration of interest calculation can give different results caused by:

  1. Rounding of calculations.
  2. The sequence of bill payment. For further information of bill payment sequence, reffering to the General Terms and Conditions of OCBC Credit Cards.

Illustration of Cash Advance Transaction Interest Calculation**

The example of calculation of interest on Cash Advance transactions:
The Cash Advance transaction of IDR 1,000,000 is made and recorded on March 8, 2020. The Billing Statement print date is March 10, 2020. The Due Date is April 2, 2020.

The Cash Advance transaction interest that printed on the Billing Statement sheet for April 2020 is IDR 2,215 (*** see calculation method below).

Image of interest day calculation for Cash Advance transactions

** This illustration uses the calculation of the Titanium Credit Card due date
*** The interest calculation for the Cash Advance transaction was billed in April 2020 as follows:

Difference of days = (10 - 8) + 1 = 3, Interest = IDR 1,000,000 x 3 x (2,245% x 12 months) / 365 = IDR 2,215

Personal Identification Number(PIN)

PIN is a secret code given to OCBC credit card holders, functioning for offline shopping transactions, cash withdrawals or bill payments at OCBC ATMs.

Get your 6 digit OCBC Credit Card PIN by following:

  1. OCBC mobile Application Download the latest version of OCBC mobile OCBC and follow the steps below:
    • Log in with your User ID and Password
    • Click "What You Owe"
    • Choose Card
    • Click "Create/Change PIN"
    • Set your PIN and reconfirm
    • PIN successfully set
  2. SMS Sending SMS to 86477* with SMS Format: OCBC[space]SETPINCC[space]Last 4 Digit Credit Card#Date of Birth DDMMYYYY#Your 6 Digit PIN
    For Example: OCBC SETPINCC 1234#14121990#180825


  1. Create PIN through OCBC mobile only for Basic Card Holder
  2. Create PIN through SMS for Basic and Supplement Card Holder using the registered telephone number on the Bank


The OCBC Credit Card is equipped with the 3D Secure feature for the convenience and security of your online transactions. Make sure the cellphone number that you are using matches the number that is registered in the Bank's system.

Be careful of fraud in the name of OCBC. OCBC has never authorized any party (including OCBC staff) to:

  1. Take back your Credit Card for any reason.
  2. Request confidential data such as User ID, PIN, Password, Passcode/OTP and CVV for any reason.

Promo for You

90°N Credit Card, OCBC Nyala Platinum, Platinum Credit Card, Titanium Credit Card, Voyage Credit Card

0% Installment up to 18 Months - Hannah Jewelry

17 Jan 2025 - 31 Jan 2027

90°N Credit Card, OCBC Nyala Platinum, Platinum Credit Card, Titanium Credit Card, Voyage Credit Card

0% Installment up to 12 months - Hegel Solar

3 Feb 2025 - 31 Dec 2026

90°N Credit Card, OCBC Nyala Platinum, Platinum Credit Card, Titanium Credit Card, Voyage Credit Card

0% installments up to 12 months - Rifyo

7 Mar 2025 - 31 Dec 2026

Story for your Inspiration


Education, Nyala


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Tanya OCBC

How to see my Credit Card CVV number?

How to see my Credit Card CVV number?

If customer already has Nyala saving account, how to apply Nyala Platinum Credit Card?

What if a customer doesn't have Nyala account but wants to apply Nyala Platinum Credit Card?

What if a Premier Banking customer wants to have Nyala Platinum Credit Card?

What if a customer who already has Nyala Platinum Credit Card becomes a Premier/Private Banking customer in the future?

If the customer has received 8% cashback, can the customer claim the NUP program?

How to join reward points program from Nyala Platinum Credit Card?

Why is there no signature panel on the Nyala Platinum Credit Card?

The CCV number is no longer visible on the back of the Nyala Platinum credit card. The CVV number can be seen on the OCBC mobile Application. With the following steps:

  1. Open the OCBC mobile app
  2. Click the Financial tab
  3. Continue to Loan
  4. Select type Nyala Platinum Credit Card
  5. Click Card Details
  6. Next input the ONe Mobile transaction PIN
  7. Then the CVV and Exp Date of the Credit Card can be seen

Customers can open credit card by applying Nyala Platinum Credit Card via OCBC mobile, Branch (through Service Advisor or Relationship Manager), MSA, TANYA 1500 – 999 and the OCBC Indonesia Website

Customers are required to have Nyala account first. Customers can open Nyala account through all bank channels like OCBC mobile, nboarding.ocbc.id, Branch and MSA

Nyala Platinum Credit Card can only be owned by customers who are members of the Nyala service or when applying for Nyala Platinum Credit Card, customers must also join the Nyala service

Customers who previously have Nyala Platinum Credit Card can still have it and there will be no card closing even though the customer is already a Premier/Private Banking customer

Yes, as long as it follows the provisions of the NUP program

Nyala Platinum Credit Card doesn’t have reward points feature

Since 1 July 2020 for every Credit Card transaction in Indonesia it is mandatory to use a PIN and overseas transactions also use a PIN or contactless so that the signature column can be removed

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Credit Card that gives Reward Points for each transaction

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